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Recent content by ConflictZ

  1. C

    Gale Force Nine Sign Master License for Dune ‘Games’; Modiphius Designing RPG!

    It's hard to imagine it has taken this long for someone to pick up this awesome IP but I'm glad they did. Also love that Modiphius got the nod for the RPG. They have really been putting out some excellent games and the quality is top notch.
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    When D&D Was a Toy

    Good times Similar experience although our neighbor across the street was running Castle Amber. The mystery of that giant crushing the tower hooked me for life!
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    An Army in the Dungeon

    Seems like only yesterday when I was purchasing that very set of hirelings. Good times.
  4. C

    Starfinder Behold The STARFINDER Core Rulebook Cover!

    While the quality of the image is certainly top notch, I agree with a lot of the folks on here. It's not evocative in the least! If I was the art director they would have gone back to the drawing board. In an era where table-top RPGs are a dime a dozen your product better jump off the shelf...