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Recent content by Colin_Fredericks

  1. C

    D&D 5E Speak to me of unlicensed supplements

    How about the modern-age, 5th ed. supplements? Who's going with what kind of approach for that?
  2. C

    D&D 5E Speak to me of unlicensed supplements

    Sorry; I should have been more specific. Yes, the OGL is a license, and right, it doesn't license the trademark. The original Kalamar, yes, but not the more recent material. Check out Shannon's discussion of this from back in 2008. Thanks for the info!
  3. C

    D&D 5E Speak to me of unlicensed supplements

    I know there are several companies and individuals creating supplements for "5th edition," by which they of course mean D&D... but they never say D&D because they don't have a license. This happened for original D&D as well - Mayfair's Role Aids - and for Kingdoms of Kalamar. Who's doing it...
  4. C

    D&D 5E Tell me about your Homebrew 5E campaign setting

    I've been running a Planescape game, so it's not quite a homebrew setting, but I've still had a lot of work to do. The Inspiration mechanics plug nicely into the "belief matters" ethos of Planescape, and we're using that to power Faction abilities.
  5. C

    D&D 5E Did The Finished 5th Edition Change Anyone's Mind?

    I wasn't negative during the playtest, but I was on the fence. I've really been won over by the finished product and how it performs in play. I consider 5e to be a "best of" product for D&D, capturing pieces of all the different editions, and I'm very impressed with how they've done it overall.
  6. C

    Immortals Handbook - Ascension Discussion

    Valent Games. It's mostly just me. I haven't written any d20 stuff in a while; my best seller when I did was probably The Other Side, which I edited rather than wrote. My most recent book was Sufficiently Advanced, which is a far-future science fiction game.
  7. C

    Immortals Handbook - Ascension Discussion

    Actually, I know of quite a few smaller companies - mine is one of them. :) I also know that every sentence with poor grammar, every missing apostrophe, and every sentence that ends halfway through costs me a sale. I hope that when you consider the book "complete" you'll send it to an editor...
  8. C

    Immortals Handbook - Ascension Discussion

    I picked up Ascension today, and I really like some of the ideas you have in here. I'm glad I spent the money on it. All of the Resonance ideas, especially, are great plot-drivers for all levels. I would strongly recommend sending the book to a professional editor. It costs about $1 per page...
  9. C

    Surtur Preview

    Very neat overall. The descriptions are good, and the new font is a major improvement. There's one little thing that bugged me: No character of level 154 or higher (i.e. any character who should be in a fight against a CR 160 monster) can possibly fail their DC 139 saving throw against...
  10. C

    Permafrost: 10 new base classes for d20 fantasy

    Valent Games is proud to announce Permafrost, a 42-page PDF introducing ten new 20-level base classes for d20 fantasy games. The book also includes forty plot seeds, a new monster template, the effects of winds, weather, and cold all in one place, and two versions of the PDF for reading...
  11. C

    Valence: Science Fiction Roleplaying (demo available)

    The year is 3029 AD - Galactic Year 592. The Human Empire fell 125 years ago, and it is a time of rebuilding. Sharing the galaxy with the delicate Inuueliting, the massive Caractingessen, the supremely intelligent Valorians and others, Humanity has had to find its place in this time of flux. A...
  12. C

    Mutatis Mutandis Demo

    A short free demo of the game Mutatis Mutandis is available here: http://www.valentgames.com/download/MMDemo.pdf Mutatis Mutandis is a Superlink supplement, designed for use with the Mutants and Masterminds RPG. It described a world where literally everyone has superpowers, but which hasn't...
  13. C

    Mutatis Mutandis

    Valent Games is proud to announce the release of the third issue of Minigame Magazine: Mutatis Mutandis. The question shouldn’t be, “what would you do if you had superpowers,” it should be, “what would you do if EVERYBODY had superpowers?” In the late 1800’s electricity began to revolutionize...
  14. C

    Minigame Magazine Issue #2

    The second issue of Minigame Magazine is out. Entitled "The Book of Guilds," it can be found at <a href="http://www.rpgnow.com/product_info.php?products_id=2743&SRC=EnWorld">RPGNow.com</a>. Guild Island is a place where ordinary people, simply by practicing their professions and improving their...
  15. C

    Price drop on The Other Side

    Since the second issue of Minigame Magazine will be out soon, the price of the first issue has dropped from $6 to $5. Issue #1, The Other Side, includes cultural details, racial stats for many monsterous humanoids, four new prestige classes including the Gatesmasher and Ogre-Rider, adventure...