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Recent content by Brian Perlis

  1. Brian Perlis

    Horror RPG mechanics

    There is also: The End of the World - Zombie Apocalypse The End of the World - Alien Invasion The End of the World - Wrath of the Gods Witchcraft by CJ Carella available on DriveThruRPG I'm not sure if Dead Reign has been mentioned. AZ - After Zombies Horror Rules I can try and pick out...
  2. Brian Perlis

    Is this the world's best D&D gaming room?

    I'll make it easy for everyone.
  3. Brian Perlis

    Can You Help With Frog God Games' Charles Wright's Medical Expenses?

    Greylord - He is a Gulf War 1 veteran which had its own form of neurological disorders. Im not sure if they (the disorder) is officially recognized by the VA.
  4. Brian Perlis

    Purchasing Gold

    When you purchase Gold how long does it normally take to get into your account? Thanks, Brian
  5. Brian Perlis

    Pathfinder 1E Electronic tools for tracking XP and character creation for Pathfinder

    It tracks initiative and manually tracks spells and other 'in game' items such as crossbow bolts etc. I've only been playing PF for about a year and I love Hero Lab because it knows the rules better then I do.... can't take two feats of a certain kind together... Hero Lab lets you know.
  6. Brian Perlis

    Pathfinder 1E Electronic tools for tracking XP and character creation for Pathfinder

    Hero Lab gets my recommendation. I couldnt imagine playing without it.
  7. Brian Perlis

    Pathfinder 1E Poisoner build challenge

    I built an exact character like that also... called him Nosferus the Poisoner. He is an alchemist. For Feats I chose Brew Potion and Poison Focus. For Traits I chose: Alchemical Adept and Artisan (Craft [alchemy]) Then I took most of my ranks in Craft (Alchemy) There are a few books about...
  8. Brian Perlis

    Who/what are the major intelligent undead monsters?

    oh man! That sure brings up some scary possibilities! I could see them deep underground but manipulating the masses of undead from far below for their own evil purposes. An Illithid Lich A Beholder Lich A Ghost Beholder
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  12. Brian Perlis

    Who/what are the major intelligent undead monsters?

    In the world of the undead... who rules supreme? We have the obvious intelligent and powerful undead which to me are the Lich and its subspecies such as the Draco-Lich. Vampires have always been powerful and intelligent rulers. Voadam has been extremely helpful and recommended Mummy's as well...
  13. Brian Perlis

    How Do Mobile Devices Affect Your Game?

    I think mobile phones at a table are a great thing both as a player and a GM. As a GM I dont require/need the undivided attention of my players. As a player there are times in any game session where there is a lull in the action and my attention goes to my phone from everything to texting with...
  14. Brian Perlis

    GM starting PF, 3.x game in N Chicago, Lake Villa

    Bumping this. Still looking for a group of nice people/players that can play during the week. Every other monday would be ideal but can play other days during the week.