• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by Banesfinger

  1. B

    I Am For The Darkmaster, Actually

    This is how I understand them (RAW): Using a Passions that puts the PC in a 'bad light' or moves the story in an interesting direction, earns a Drive Point. Drive Points are similar to D&D's inspiration points, and can be spent on a one-time bonus to rolls. So far, not connected to XP at...
  2. B

    I Am For The Darkmaster, Actually

    Thank you for such a comprehensive review. Our group is about 10 session in as well, and I mirror many of your opinions: "Niche protection". I agree, the utter freedom to chose any skills (focus, or generalist) has led to some issues (both good and bad): some of my players love they have such...
  3. B

    I Am For The Darkmaster, Actually

    Our group has converted everything to d20 (divide by 5). We've converted all the tables, modifiers, weapon charts, etc. Why? We have both: new players (who would be overwhelmed by the math) and many who are migrating from D&D so that made switching systems a little easier to 'sell' to them...
  4. Skill Ranks.jpg

    Skill Ranks.jpg

  5. B

    Free League announces Dragonbane, the translation of Swedish RPG classic Drakar och Demoner

    Beta rules: Interesting decision to limit combat to 1 action. This means you can either attack or defend (parry/dodge). Most versions of BRP allow you to do both (1 action plus 1 defense reaction). Yes there is a Heroic Ability "defensive" that allows extra defensive reactions, but the majority...
  6. B

    Free League announces Dragonbane, the translation of Swedish RPG classic Drakar och Demoner

    The quickstart looks like a 'lite' version of D&D 5e (right down to the 'death saves' rule), but using roll-under d20. I like some of the interesting differences (pushing rolls seems to be a better version of 5e's inspiration; Armor acts as DR, active defenses like Dodge/Parry). Magic looks...
  7. B

    I Am For The Darkmaster, Actually

    Hi Lurker, Could you go into detail about what you found confusing? Most of it was not bad for our group, but there were a few things that were not referenced very well (for example, Elven Kin describes getting access to Kin spells: it would have been nice to have a page reference to those...
  8. B

    Level Up (A5E) Level Up Screens, Vampires, Combat Maneuvers, & More!

    I'm a fan of A5E, but some of the Maneuvers seem like they'd rarely come into effect: For example: Exploit Footing only happens: if your foe has advantage (rare) AND it misses (even rarer) if your foe has disadvantage (rare) AND both rolls miss (even rarer) AND you must use your reaction AND...
  9. B

    Game Design Masterclass: Ars Magica

    Can you explain the game mechanics? Is this a stat + modifiers and roll to beat target number? How narrative are the rules? How does magic refresh? Is it slot based? (renews each day)
  10. B

    Down We Go | Infinite Edition – An Interview With Tony Vasinda (Plus One Exp)

    I'd love to see a few examples of how this rpg differs from other OSR games? Highlights?
  11. B

    MAZES Fantasy Roleplaying: An Interview With Chris O’Neill (9th Level Games)

    Thanks for the response. What has been your group's thoughts on this: With only 4 dice types (and players limited to a single dice each): -Do they get bored with that? -Do characters all feel 'same-sy' with limited variation? Or does the skills/abilities (advantage on rolls) make each PC...
  12. B

    MAZES Fantasy Roleplaying: An Interview With Chris O’Neill (9th Level Games)

    Question about the dice mechanics: What happens to a person who chooses a d4 for their die, and who later has to make a 'Bones' roll (shield/tank) which only succeeds on a 5,6,7,8,9 (which is impossible on a d4)? Yes, they could roll a '4' (crown) but that could be either a failure or success...
  13. B

    Playtest (A5E) Level Up Playtest Document #17: Journeys

    This looks fantastic. The whole exploration pillar was woefully inadequate in the Core books.
  14. B

    I Am For The Darkmaster, Actually

    I'm not sure I understand: You are not allowed to go full-defense when stunned (pg. 191) "stunned characters can only parry with up to half of their CMB..." You cannot attempt to disengage while stunned (pg. 195: stunned condition) "stunned characters cannot take full actions..." (Disengage is...