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Recent content by Aeric

  1. Aeric

    Wizards: Already Too Strong?

    I played last night--as the wizard, in fact--and I honestly didn't feel too overpowered. I used Burning Hands on the room filled with rats, which only served to make them flee out of the room, but it did, at least, end the combat. I used Sleep on a room filled with Kobolds, which was _very_...
  2. Aeric

    Iconic D&D Clerics (Blog)

    In my experience, clerics (healers) are the one core class that is essential to every party. You can run a game without a fighter; just throw weaker monsters at the party. You can run a game without a rogue; just minimize the number of locked doors and traps between the party and their goals...
  3. Aeric

    Costa Mesa / OC CA

    Do you DM? If so, I may have just what you're looking for. My group disbanded when we ran out of people willing to run games; two of them (husband and wife) live in Costa Mesa, and they would usually host, so the rest of us are used to the commute. There were/are five of us; two are veteran...
  4. Aeric

    D&D 4E Mecha in 4E

    Fissionessence: I am going to give the pilot an armor check penalty that also affects attack rolls, initiative, and reflex defense. -5, perhaps? The mecha are Huge, and they have their own AC and hit point total independent of the person piloting it. Once the pilot becomes attuned to the...
  5. Aeric

    D&D 4E Mecha in 4E

    I'm gearing up for my first 4E campaign and I need help coming up with stats for what are essentially mecha. Here's what I've come up with so far: The mecha are magical constructs that require a pilot to perform any actions. They have their own physical attributes and defenses, but use the...
  6. Aeric

    Power Swap Feats - Multiple Times?

    Nah, he still exists. Only now, he's just "good."
  7. Aeric

    A seven-year-old plays KotS

    When I was getting geared up to run SW a few years back, my group and I got all excited to use SW Legos instead of miniatures. Unfortunately, when we went to the store, we couldn't find anything that would work for our needs.
  8. Aeric

    New OotS #561 [merged]

    Now we know where "Orc and Pie" really came from....
  9. Aeric

    What have you done to Drow in your world?

    IMC, there are no drow. Then again, my elves are the cruel and arrogant masters of a crumbling, decadent empire (think Melnibone), so there's no need for an evil race of elves. The regular elves have pretty much got it covered.
  10. Aeric

    Are we allowed to be excited for the system, but not D&D?

    Ditto on the D&Disms. My homebrew lacks so many things that are "core" D&D (beholders, mind flayers, drow, talking, magic-using dragons, shiny happy woodsy elves) that I started referring to it as "D20 Fantasy" instead of D&D. :)
  11. Aeric

    Worst role-playing experience?

    I once played in a Ravenloft game which was dungeon crawl after dungeon crawl...nothing scary about it. The DM used those 3-D dungeon tiles for each level of the towers we were exploring, and it took longer to set up a level than it did to explore it. Oh, there was one thing scary about that...
  12. Aeric

    Post your homebrew sites.

    The Shards is a world that was originally created by my friend and fellow EN Worlder Vrylakos, but we collaborated on it a bit. I did some illustrations for it, mainly.
  13. Aeric

    Challenge based on Party Creativity, or Give Me My Genitals Back!

    My last group of players turned everything into a Creativity Challenge. I don't know if they had been screwed over one too many times by RBDMs or if they were just naturally paranoid, but in their minds, nothing could ever be handled in a cut-and-dry, frontal-assault fashion. A night's worth...
  14. Aeric

    [Eberron] Is there information about...

    There's a bit of info about the Ghaash'kala (the Demon Wastes' "holy warriors") here. Not published per se, but from the horse's (or in this case, the cow's) mouth. You can also find more information on the old Ask Keith Baker thread, but you'll have to do a bit of hunting to find it. A word...
  15. Aeric

    Dragon 363 - Epic Binders

    When I saw the thread title, the first thing I thought of was a Trapper Keeper. :)