Le Redoutable's Catchall Threads

le Redoutable

Ich bin El Glouglou :)
The Official Parallel Rules ( //r ) :

first I would like to define basics :

you end up with 6 paths,
each built on the combo of 5 multiclasses ( that I call pentaclasses ),
with each multiclass being a combo of 3 classes,
and each class being a combo of 2 stats;

as in DnD, I use 6 stats :

so, ( and because Stat names may vary in the future ) I will call stats as stat_1, stat_2 etc, or simply 1,2,3,4,5,6

to build a class we combine two stats :
12,13,14,15,16, (21=12) 23,24,25,26,34,35,36,45,46,56 ===> there is room for 15 classes;

to build a multiclass we combine three classes :
===> there is also room for 15 Multiclasses

and last, to build a Path ( i.e. a Pentaclass ) we combine five compatible multiclasses :
Path #1

here's the Path #2 :
( every Path is in connection with all the other Paths by use of one Multiclass )
12-34-56 ( from Path #1 )

the Path #3 :

now the Path #4 :

... the Path #5 :

and, to finish, the Path #6 :

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le Redoutable

Ich bin El Glouglou :)
So,seven Levels for the Martial Artist ?

0 Clumsy
1 Rogue ( has practised somewhat Fighting Sports )
2 Black Belt ( means Cold Blood )
3 Armymen ( trained in Weapons and Endurance )
4 Champion ( like Jackie Chan uses to be )
5 Typical End-Level Boss ( Solo )
6 Sorceror ( searches for Arcanas of the Martial Arts àla Hokuto Kenshiro )
7 Discovery : a new Fighting Technique with your name apposed to it
8 ?? God Of War ( I can't retrieve the term, so not much ideas here )

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le Redoutable

Ich bin El Glouglou :)
FASERIP à la sauce BASEs :

with a enhancement for beyond Beyond Range : the Saints Levels

BASEs scores are done by multiplying two stats among say six stats, with at least one from the six stats reaching a given BASE

edit : added a BASE 8 for Toons

FASERIP Level ------------- BASEs ---------
---------------- 3 -- 4 -- 5 -- 6 -- 7 -- 8
Shift-0 -------- 1 -- 1 -- 1 -- 1 -- 1 -- 1
Feeble --------- 2 -- 2 -- 2 -- 2 -- 2 -- 2
Poor ----------- 3 -- 3 -- 3 -- 3 -- 3 -- 3
Typical -------- 4 -- 4 -- 4 -- 4 -- 4 -- 4
Good ----------- 6 -- 6 -- 5 -- 5 -- 5 -- 5
Excellent ------ 9 -- 8 -- 6 -- 6 -- 6 -- 6
Remarkable ---------- 9 -- 8 -- 8 -- 7 -- 7
Incredible --------- 12 -- 9 -- 9 -- 8 -- 8
Amazing ------------ 16 - 10 - 10 -- 9 -- 9
Monstrous --------------- 12 - 12 - 10 - 10
Unearthly --------------- 15 - 15 - 12 - 12
Shift_X ----------------- 16 - 16 - 14 - 14
Shift_Y ----------------- 20 - 18 - 15 - 15
Shift_Z ----------------- 25 - 20 - 16 - 16
Class_1000 ------------------- 24 - 18 - 18
Class_3000 ------------------- 25 - 20 - 20
Class_5000 ------------------- 30 - 21 - 21
Beyond Range ----------------- 36 - 24 - 24
Saint Level 1 --------------------- 25 - 25
Saint Level 2 --------------------- 28 - 28
Saint Level 3 --------------------- 30 - 30
Saint Level 4 --------------------- 35 - 32
Saint Level 5 --------------------- 36 - 35
Saint Level 6 --------------------- 42 - 36
Saint Level 7 --------------------- 49 - 40
Toon Level 1 --------------------------- 42
Toon Level 2 --------------------------- 48
Toon Level 3 --------------------------- 49
Toon Level 4 --------------------------- 56
Toon Level 5 --------------------------- 64

... or, if you prefer the Edge/Hand Size from MSH Adventure Game ( Str/Agi/Int/Wil )
BASE - Hand Size
2 ----- 2 Normal Human
3 ----- 3 Inexperienced
4 ----- 4 Experienced
5 ----- 5 Authority Figure
6 ----- 6 The Best Anywhere
7 ----- 7 Cosmic Force


I personally would prefer

2 Weakling
3 Normal Human
4 Enhanced Human
5 Super Hero
6 God
7 Saint

( with using God Rank as relative to Thor, Odin, Hercules ( as a demi-god ) etc not Eternity ( which is a Cosmic Force )

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le Redoutable

Ich bin El Glouglou :)
Animals have good Constitution :

at least, within Digestive realms ( because they eat raw meat , of course )
while in the realm of Breathing they must count about the number of Stamina they dispend;

( in the Body reigns there is a third realm : Blood Circulation , and I actually have no idea if Blood Circulation is tied to Blood Pressure, that should be a Strength-based data )

( in Classic Ad&d there is also Dexterity, but is it of the same type as Breathing ?? )
( Diaphragm is best to deal with Breathing facilities )
( and Stamina , as in Ad&d 2nd ed Player's Option, Stamina is taken from Strength as well )
ok .

le Redoutable

Ich bin El Glouglou :)
How to make Powerful Contacts :

To my point of view there are lots of skills ( well, Skills or Powers ) , so you can't assume that an inferior doesn't have a skill that might be useful to you;
that is to say that, if there are 10000 different sort of skills, and you own 3000 of them, someone who you think is useless, owning only 50 skills and sharing among them 30 with you, might give you 20 new skills which could "enlighten" you in some concepts that you didn't understand so far.

the idea is not to repel an enemy;
the idea is :
an enemy is someone who doesn't share your skills.
so, to have something in common with this alien, you must give him something (called skill);
once you share a skill with him, he (given time) will eventually ask for more skills to obtain from you;
once he gains skills from you, his attitude will change slightly: he will understand one of your ways of thinking, and will recognize the people who use this kind of way of thinking;
so, if he is very powerful, he will perhaps move you out of your peasant life, giving you a task to accomplish;
this is better than just wanting to hurt you;
so, as a peaceful peasant, you will follow his path, always trying to introduce to him your other talents that he lacks; and, the day he has got all of your mentality, he will be
viewed as a (powerful) friend.
When he is viewed as a friend, you may enhance your confidence.

le Redoutable

Ich bin El Glouglou :)
A ( bloody ) variant for Chess :

1° The king is invulnerable
2° the King moves like the queen ( in classic chess )
3° the queen moves like the King ( in classic chess )
4° you lose the game when you lose your queen
So, God save the queen!!

le Redoutable

Ich bin El Glouglou :)
Spells varying in level, based on Class :

Like with an animate dead being a third level cleric spell, and fifth level wizard spell :)

le Redoutable

Ich bin El Glouglou :)
again from the six Class Types

6 Sorcerous
5 Master
4 Champion / Herald
3 Professional / Fighting / Dangerous
2 Amateur
1 Debutant

with each of the six Class Types come a number of slots :

6 Sorcerous ---- 21
5 Master ------- 15
4 Herald ------- 10
3 Professional -- 6
2 Amateur ------- 3
1 Debutant ------ 1

these slots provide an alternative for Class Types ( euh as shown below )
ex : from the Master Class Type you can do ( allocating the 15 slots )
6 + 5 + 4
( with the Priest Class Type , that gives
in lieu of Ruler ( 5 ) + Diplomat ( 4 ) + Spy ( 3 ) etc ( 5+4+3+2+1 = 15 )
you can obtain
Priest + Ruler + Diplomat ( 6+5+4 = 15 )


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