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Eternals (Spoilers)


As a counterpoint, that wasn't the character introduction rate.

Yondu was a side character in GG1, It was really just 5 - Starlord, Rocket, Groot, Drax and Gamora. So the second one introduced more.
It's really only Starlord and Gamora that gets any real amount of backstory beyond 2-3 sentences too. They get personality beats ("Nothing goes over my head."), but not much backstory.

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Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
What does it set up, though? It brings in the Celestials, but they seem to be very much something the Eternals would tackle in a sequel, not something that would spill over into other parts of the franchise. Thanos's prettier, more annoying brother? They could've crowbarred him into the mid-credits scene of any of half-a-dozen other movies. Circe's boyfriend and the Sword in the Box? Likewise.
Sorry, asking someone not in the know about what the full plot lines are for Phase 4 does not in any way disprove that it can be tied in. Marvel Studios has an excellent reputation for building movies on top of movies - they have even been accused sometimes of compromising movies in order to set up later ones. To take the position that one of the early movies in Phase 4 will not tie into anything else just because you don't have the knowledge of how it will is short sighted as it's against their establish behaviors - you are mistaking your lack of knowledge for their intent of no knowledge.

Shang-Chi also is likely setting things up for later in Marvel - that doesn't mean we know how it all ties in yet. Not everything is as obvious as No Way Home's use of the multiverse when we know another title as "Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness".


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
It's really only Starlord and Gamora that gets any real amount of backstory beyond 2-3 sentences too. They get personality beats ("Nothing goes over my head."), but not much backstory.
Backstory is just one facet. We had a thorough introduction to Rocket, Groot and Dax in the first movie, such that we had great feel for their personalities and what they will do. They were familiar tgo us, enough so that we could enjoy the character development in GG1 and then later in GG2.


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
I think it was a tie in, but realizing how eternally boring the characters are, how crap their origin story is, how disappointing a CGI celestial is for a villain... they will scrap eternals. Oh and Thanos brother looks like a idiot character, someone from Thors second movie.
Eros/Starfox is an idiot in the comics - that's a faithful translation.

This is a bet I would take as well - that they will write out any plans they have for Eternal because "they realize how eternally boring their characters are and how crap their origin story is".


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
Found a bit about the voice in the post-credits scene.

Eternals takes place around the same time as The Falcon and the Winter Soldier and Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019), six to eight months after Avengers: Endgame in 2024. The mid-credits scene features Harry Styles as Thanos' brother Eros / Starfox and Patton Oswalt as Pip the Troll, while Mahershala Ali has an uncredited cameo as the voice of Blade in the post-credits scene, before starring in the film Blade..

I know this is a spoiler thread, but this is a spoiler for another movie, so I'll be careful with it.

This movie was not very good

the good
Cast- great cast. Some of my favorites didn’t make it

the bad
Tiamat-why did Icarus want to make it more powerful when his endgame was destruction
Sprite-robot and then human? Why
Black knight-if you don’t know then the audience is clueless
The big red guy-he can stop them at any point?

one guy gets pushed into volcano and yet not scratched when his power is mind control

jolies character-makes a sword/shield as her power but she’s unstable the whole time? until she’s not

the director set rules and then breaks them.is Tiamat absorbing powers and memories plus changing its followers . Tiamat reminded me of the no name monsters in the latest Godzilla remake.
Icarus can wipe the floor with the rest but needs to feed Tiamat. Even his friend is like why
Thanos brother cameo-really that his brother.

this was a step below Superman vs zod from a few years ago . That had way more suspense and heart.

this movie has zero emotion. Compared to last spiderman it’s night and day

the best character was the guy filming it


Robb Stark flying his dumb :):):) straight into the sun was hilarious though
Don't even get me started. Ima kill you all cause I'm a good corporate man one second, next second I have feelings like we made out 1000 years ago, and I loves you, me kill myself now (fulfilling a dumb made up story).

I think the end of an era of good movies is over now. The extreme liberal left all clapped for this movie because of the diverse cast and spread rumours that anyone who didn't like it is racist. They didn't even care that the plot, script, was all naughty word. RIP. Hopefully Kevin learned the star wars lesson that the writers need to be familiar with the universe and fans of the genre, you can't just pluck any old director to write it.


Staff member
The extreme liberal left all clapped for this movie because of the diverse cast and spread rumours that anyone who didn't like it is racist.
Mod Note:

To clarify: Keep it up with the political BS , and the moderation staff will escalate from threadbanning you to temporarily banning you from the site. If that doesn’t impact your behavior, you’ll be permanently banned.

Thousands of years where their highest priority was fighting might have had something to do with it. We can add to that how he seems to have been Ajak's right hand for most of that time, such that the assumption would have been that he'd take command. Choosing Sersi was a surprise, and there was no explanation, making it harder to accept.
The flashy jock or the quiet kid who sits at the back of the class - who are people going to follow?

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