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Dark Days in Sion - Act 3: Scene 2


Aletia: Reacting to Rodentia

[Aletia: What do you do? You have freed yourself from the cord around your ankles, but you are still Prone. Any attempt to attack or flee will provoke attacks from both the Rhats.]

This was becoming extremely annoying, and scary! Three on one. No honor! It wasn't curtains yet though, the elven lass had survived the last few minutes through quick thinking and trickery... something that would need to continue. At least Crez was out of harms way for now.

In slumboy form, she gasped as her poison-victim's form shifted to something akin to a rat.

~Eww! Horrible!~

That wasn't the only shift however, though Aletia's wasn't of the visible kind. With eyes to the sky beyond her foes, with pale face regarding the heavens above where her dearest Moon lived, she felt a rush of understanding, purpose and resolve. She had been deemed worthy of progress in her God's eyes, and handed a a gift...

Could it help her now? As with all new things, Aletia's youth and exuberance led to quite a temptation. But facts were facts. She was in an awkward position. Her attackers stood ready with blades, just waiting for an opportunity to draw blood.

It was time for a bargain.

"As you wish," the urchin said, dropping his blade onto the rain-ravaged streetside.

He moved to stand, slowly, with hands raised...

"You got me eh?"

[Aletia is using a move action to recover from a prone position. Will hold her standard action, dependent on Rhat's reaction. Should they take an AOO and hit her for substantial damage, I'd like the opportunity to burn fate points to force a re-roll (although this doesn't seem to be on the list of options anymore at the Obsidian Portal Site?)]

[sblock=Aletia Stats]

ALETIA - Shining in the darkness

5 Sorceress Init 3, HP Max: 28 Current: 28, Speed 30ft
AC 14, Touch 13, Flat-footed 11, Fort 3, Ref 4, Will 4, Base Attack Bonus 2
Longbow +5 to hit / D8 damage (+1 point blank +1 with magic arrows)
Longsword +2 to hit / D8 damage

Familiar Crez (Tiny silver viper) Init 3, HP Max: 14 Current: 14, Speed 15ft
AC 19, Fort 2, Ref 2, Will 4, Base Attack Bonus 2
Poisonous Bite +2 to hit / D1 damage (+poison)
Abilities: Deliver touch spells, Alertness, Improved evasion, Spare spells, Empathic link

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[Aletia is using a move action to recover from a prone position. Will hold her standard action, dependent on Rhat's reaction. Should they take an AOO and hit her for substantial damage, I'd like the opportunity to burn fate points to force a re-roll (although this doesn't seem to be on the list of options anymore at the Obsidian Portal site?

You can still force a re-roll, so long as you declare it beforehand.

I will reply to this after work and then Burrai and Ersun can post.

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Rats In the Streets of Cabarda

But facts were facts. She was in an awkward position. Her attackers stood ready with blades, just waiting for an opportunity to draw blood.

It was time for a bargain.

"As you wish," the urchin said, dropping his blade onto the rain-ravaged streetside.

He moved to stand, slowly, with hands raised...

"You got me eh?"

[Aletia is using a move action to recover from a prone position. Will hold her standard action, dependent on Rhat's reaction. Should they take an AOO and hit her for substantial damage, I'd like the opportunity to burn fate points to force a re-roll.]

As you rise from the muddy street, now soaking wet, you can hardly imagine a more uncomfortable situation for yourself. Standing within a storm, in the dark, with a wererat and two rhats threatening you with drawn daggers has to be a first.

Stranger: "That was a clever trick with the serpent. Did that old fox Rasul teach you that?" He says with a much squeakier voice. "Clearly you know things, it would be a shame to die so young serving a dead-end like Rasul. His reign will soon be over. Why not change sides and come with us? We can warm ourselves by a fire and talk. If what you say is worthwhile, my boss will ensure your future is secure and reward you greatly. What say you?"

[Ersun & Burrai: It is your turn, what do you do? As you approach you can make Listen Checks, DC 20 to overhear what the Stranger just said to Aletia, but only if you are approaching cautiously. If you are already in the midst of a charge, your hearing won't be that good.]

Ersun decides not to sneak

As Ersun spots the situation unfold up ahead he pauses for a moment, it seems things are escalating quickly. Within a few blinks he makes a hard choice between sneaking closer or making a stand against them, hoping to get their attention off the poor girl. He decides to take action right now instead of skulking, gods know that is not his forte. He draws his Wand of Hold Person with his left hand and his greatsword, from the tiny magical scabbard it was in, onto his shoulder with his right, as he moves closer towards the group [10 feet move action]. The the shrilling metalic sound of the large blade drawn softly echoes in the dark.

“Strong against little boys ehh?!” he calls at them at the same time he uses the wand on the wererat, hoping the spell will stick [standard action]. He figures capturing the bully alive would be better than going melee, not because the later would be dangerous, but rather that would make escaping easier for the rat.

Hopefully he will seem more threatening than the little urchin to make them switch targets, heck his strange appearance might even be an advantage with shocking them.

[Listen check: 8]


In the Lair of Kumbakarna


Dungeon Master said:
Ordechai: (Initiative: = 8)

Elder Tribesman: (Initiative: =14)

As Ordechai struggles and the spell takes effect, the elder tribesman seems to enter a trance with a strange look of altered perception. No harm seems to come to Ordechai however, so whatever purpose the spell serves is apparently not harmful.

Ordechai: (Strength Check: =16)

Elder Tribesman: (Strength Check: =11)

Ordechai: -Speaking common- "RELEASE ME!" He growls as he yanks his hand free.

The elder tribesman abruptly awakens from the trance, blinking and taking deep breaths as he regains his composure.

Ordechai takes a hasty step back, the skull full of turkey meat dropped and discarded at his feet.

[To Be continued...]

[Wrenwil: If you intend to make any aggressive actions you should also roll initiative. I will be NPC'ing Svexyn for the time-being.]
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First Post
Burrai Steelborn

The Night sat heavy in the streets of Cabarda; the clouds that brought the rain gave the air almost palpable weight, making Burrai sweat a little beneath his armour despite the temperature. The quiet susurration of raindrops on roofs and cobbles, the dull clatter on his armour, added a blanket of noise pressing in as he tried to listen through it. Not that he heard much over the scrape and rattle of his armour as he followed Ersun at pace.

They hadn’t gone far, the underfolk a lightened smudge against the darkvision greyscale of the street, rain flickering through it so the air looked filled with tiny fireflies. He turned to see Jabbar following, though he wasn’t sure how either would fare in a fight – Jabbar at least it seemed was accustomed to danger, as was his trade. The Underfolk however – he’d seen boys carry swords as large and die as boys, chopped down by old hands with axes like so many saplings.

As Ersun’s back loomed out of the dark, he watched him shoulder his sword and produce a wand. Burrai’s eyebrows shot up; he wasn’t expecting that from a swordsman. He pulled his axe from his belt and slipped his shield onto his arm with practised fluidity. Four forms loomed out of the murk – The Drow elf in her Urchin disguise was there, as he suspected, hands raised in defense before the points of two small Rhat’s wielding daggers. Behind them hulked something monstrous and familiar, its strange piping voice a whisper, meaning squashed beneath the blanket of background noise. Even if they hadn’t just been talking about wrerats, he could’ve made a reasonable guess as to what it was.

“Strong against little boys ehh?!” Ersun snapped and Burrai watched the ripple of magic, a rare flash of deep purple across his colourless vision, spit towards the wererat. It seemed everything was already in motion – it was now time to wrest control. Simple soldiering was rarely about picking times and places, preparation and plans – that was for assassins and one of the reasons he became a commander where all his studies of history bore fruit. Soldiering though taught you to turn and deal with whatever fight was nearest, and Burrai had spent plenty of time as a Soldier.

“Push them back.” He barked at Ersun as he thundered past. “Don’t let them flank me.” Burrai was at full speed a moment later – his powerful legs might not have been great for traversing fields and plains, forests or valleys, but in the tighter confines of a town or Dwarven Stronghold violent bursts of movement were the difference between life and death.

“I said!” He roared, tucking his head behind his shield at the last moment. “Move back!” And he cannoned into the Rhat, the great face of his shield sweeping in a wide arc trying to clear Aletia space to retreat and interpose himself. Few, if any, could pass straight through Burrai Steelborn when he was set…..

[sblock=Bull-Rush]Attempting a bullrush to push them away from Aletia - that's an opposed STR check, right? so 1d20 +3

....11 (ugh)

add 4 if a Rhat is counted as Small.....?[/sblock]
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Wrenwil: Soiled Meat

Wrenwil's homeland tobacco hadn't been enough. The old cleric's antics with Svexyn failed dismally as a lure or the means of a trade, so he'd stepped back to contemplate. Pentos had surely smiled on them this day, the quick end to a foul demonic beast, the escape from a following horde and all. They were hungry, yet it was time to be thankful for their lives. He whispered a quiet prayer, and in those short moments something clicked. Something in his wrinkled old head connected some dots. It was as though pieces of acquired knowledge finally spoke of greater potential...

Wrenwils grip tensed on his staff as Ordechai was caught in the clutches of the savage shaman, but he would not interfere unless harm had come to his friend. It was hard to tell what had happened actually, as they grappled and the ugly host tapped into what must be some supernatural force. They were trapped, and he wasn't going to be the one to usher in a hail of arrowheads.

Wrenwil moved behind Ordechai as he took some hasty steps back having finally pulling free of the shamans grasp, laying a friendly hand atop the half-dwarf's shoulder.

"Are you ok? Eat not that tainted turkey. Pentos may provide for us, just as was done with the demon. We need only ask."
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Rats In the Streets of Cabarda! Round 2



<Round 2 Continued>

Bleeding Damage ( * )
Fire Damage ( # )
Cold Damage ( @ )
Spell Damage ( ^ )
Spell Healing ( ^ )
Poison Damage ( ! )

The order of initiative is:

(25) Crez
(22) Stranger (-3! Con)
(21) Rhats
- Rhat 1
- Rhat 2

(14) Aletia
(4) Ersun
(3) Burrai

Ersun said:
As Ersun spots the situation unfold up ahead he pauses for a moment, it seems things are escalating quickly. Within a few blinks he makes a hard choice between sneaking closer or making a stand against them, hoping to get their attention off the poor girl. He decides to take action right now instead of skulking, gods know that is not his forte. He draws his Wand of Hold Person with his left hand and his greatsword, from the tiny magical scabbard it was in, onto his shoulder with his right, as he moves closer towards the group [10 feet move action]. The the shrilling metalic sound of the large blade drawn softly echoes in the dark.

“Strong against little boys ehh?!” he calls at them at the same time he uses the wand on the wererat, hoping the spell will stick [standard action]. He figures capturing the bully alive would be better than going melee, not because the later would be dangerous, but rather that would make escaping easier for the rat.

All three of the rodentia turn their heads at the sound of your voice in alarm and surprise just as the wands magic targets the Wererat.

Stranger: (Saving Throw Vs. Wand, DC 16: = 6, FAIL) The Wererat is immediately paralyzed!

Burrai said:
“Push them back.” He barked at Ersun as he thundered past. “Don’t let them flank me.” Burrai was at full speed a moment later – his powerful legs might not have been great for traversing fields and plains, forests or valleys, but in the tighter confines of a town or Dwarven Stronghold violent bursts of movement were the difference between life and death.

“I said!” He roared, tucking his head behind his shield at the last moment. “Move back!” And he cannoned into the Rhat, the great face of his shield sweeping in a wide arc trying to clear Aletia space to retreat and interpose himself. Few, if any, could pass straight through Burrai Steelborn when he was set…..

[sblock=Burrai Bull-Rush]Attempting a bullrush to push them away from Aletia - that's an opposed STR check, right? so 1d20 +3

....11 (ugh)

add 4 if a Rhat is counted as Small.....?[/sblock]

[sblock=Rules for Bull-Rush]You can make a bull rush as a standard action (an attack) or as part of a charge. When you make a bull rush, you attempt to push an opponent straight back instead of damaging him. You can only bull rush an opponent who is one size category larger than you, the same size, or smaller.

Initiating a Bull Rush
First, you move into the defender’s space. Doing this provokes an attack of opportunity from each opponent that threatens you, including the defender. (If you have the Improved Bull Rush feat, you don’t provoke an attack of opportunity from the defender.) Any attack of opportunity made by anyone other than the defender against you during a bull rush has a 25% chance of accidentally targeting the defender instead, and any attack of opportunity by anyone other than you against the defender likewise has a 25% chance of accidentally targeting you. (When someone makes an attack of opportunity, make the attack roll and then roll to see whether the attack went astray.)

Second, you and the defender make opposed Strength checks. You each add a +4 bonus for each size category you are larger than Medium or a -4 penalty for each size category you are smaller than Medium. You get a +2 bonus if you are charging. The defender gets a +4 bonus if he has more than two legs or is otherwise exceptionally stable.

Bull Rush Results
If you beat the defender’s Strength check result, you push him back 5 feet. If you wish to move with the defender, you can push him back an additional 5 feet for each 5 points by which your check result is greater than the defender’s check result. You can’t, however, exceed your normal movement limit. (Note: The defender provokes attacks of opportunity if he is moved. So do you, if you move with him. The two of you do not provoke attacks of opportunity from each other, however.)

If you fail to beat the defender’s Strength check result, you move 5 feet straight back to where you were before you moved into his space. If that space is occupied, you fall prone in that space.[/sblock]

Your bull rush provokes an attack of opportunity from Rhat 1 (You do not have the Improved Bull Rush feat)

Rhat 1: (Attack of Opportunity: = 21, Hit!)(Location: Right Hand)(Damage: = 1)

The Rhat whirls around and stabs at you with his dagger the instant your shield slams into him. The point of his small dagger manages to cut your right hand (presently holding your axe I presume?)

Rhat 1: (Opposed Strength Check: = 5, FAIL)

Your bull rush is successful, the Rhat is knocked back 5ft with a painful squeak to lay prone beside the paralyzed Wererat.

<End of Round 2>

[Burrai: Please Roll a Saving Throw vs. Poison]

[Everyone: Roll new Initiative for round 3. Please Note, you may speak and/or give orders before any initiative actions take effect as a free action.]

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