The EN World kitten
That's the thing. Some players just don't respond correctly to giving them a scenario and letting them do what they want. Letting them do what they want will inevitably degrade into an attempt to take over the city and kill the city guard ending in their own deaths....or it'll end with them not wanting to leave the tavern because no one has offered them enough riches to buy a +5 sword at first level to go on a mission.
Like the group of Rifts players that literally fled the DIMENSION to get away from the plot hook so they could open their own bar and run Gladiatorial matches.
You know, I was going to do a threadjack about how there's no "correct" way to play, and the purpose is just to have fun...but in all honesty, you're right. I've seen this kind of player before, and they never fail to drive me up the wall.
In some cases, it is a legitimate case of a player's expectations being mismatched with those of the GM and/or other players. But I've seen plenty of players for whom irreverence is the goal of game-play. For them, fun is had by making a mockery of any degree of seriousness, and seeing how much they can turn any given action/situation/plotline on its head.
These are the people make a character concept that's outrageous, who takes ridiculous actions, and when you inevitably bring things back around to bite them in the ass tend to get quiet and sulky about how you're punishing them for having fun. They don't seem to understand that, quite a lot of the time, their brand of fun is a deadweight on the GM and the other players.
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