• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Charles Dunwoody

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Charles Dunwoody

Charles Dunwoody

Survive This!! Zombies! blends old school rules with new innovations and mixes it with a cornucopia of zombies to distill a well-balanced cocktail of gaming enjoyment. The rules, while a bit incomplete, should not hinder an experienced gamemaster.
In Ryuutama, the GM plays the Ryuujin, an NPC spirit guardian dragon, who records and sometimes interacts with a group of travelers played by the players. Together, the Ryuujin and PCs build towns and the world itself through journeys and adventures.
Adventurers walking from one location to another with gear on their backs face several challenges. Whether backpacking in Traveller or Call of Cthulhu or journeying in Dungeons & Dragons or Ryuutama, here are d30 mishaps an explorer might encounter on the trail.
Shadow of the Demon Lord (SotDL) inflicts world shattering changes on the setting as a campaign advances. These changes impact the player characters whether they act on them or not. Use a similar technique to drive roleplaying and increase conflict in your RPG campaign.
The Hole in the Oak arrived as a free adventure PDF from Exalted Funeral during the corona virus lockdown. Based on Old-School Essentials (combination of 1981’s Basic Dungeons & Dragons and Expert D&D), it is the perfect blend of modern adventure design and an old school dungeon crawl.
Talisman is a game of wandering adventurers who encounter goblins and dragons, drink from magic streams and in taverns, and quest while facing ever more difficult challenges. The cards from Talisman can generate idea outlines for D&D and other fantasy RPGs.
It is April in the USA. It has been snowing for a couple of days. I’m in lockdown due to a deadly global pandemic. I’m tired, still working full time from home and fighting to overcome worry. With all this going on, why do I GM at all? Why do you GM?
If you need to while away some hours, here are five free (during spring 2020), plus two more under $10, solitaire RPG adventures to try. Rules used include Call of Cthulhu, The Dark Eye, and Tunnels & Trolls. Hopefully these solo RPG adventures get you through any slow days you may have.
YouTube is not infinite like the planes, but it is so vast that no one GM can traverse it all. Here are d6 more YouTube channels to inform and enrich your RPG gaming. Or combine the list with the previous list of channels into a d12 roll and expand your gaming horizons.
YouTube stretches like the infinite planes for any gamemaster willing to sift through 31 million channels looking for RPG gems. To save some time, here are d6 RPG channels to inspire and entertain both you and your games.
Rangers are warriors who roam the wilds defending civilization against monsters. Determining why your ranger lives such a rough life may open up new roleplaying opportunities for you to explore and offer new ideas for your GM to incorporate into her world.
Paleomythic is a stone and sorcery roleplaying game in which hunters, healers, and warriors struggle to overcome harsh winters, savage predators, and hostile tribes. PCs can experience a grim tale of hardship and survival or experience grand adventure and magic.
All will blacken and burn just as the Two-Headed Basilisks predicated. The world is dying; time is short. How will you face the final days? Robbing graves for corpse buried wealth? Or fighting the apocalypse convinced you can win? Find out in Mörk Borg.
Old-School Essentials Classic Fantasy: Rules Tome is a complete in one rulebook combination of 1981’s Basic Dungeons & Dragons and Expert D&D by Tom Moldvay and David Cook. The rules have not changed but are combined using well rendered modern layout and amazing art. The possibilities for fantasy adventure are endless.
Monks are not just warriors trained to fight with their fists. They command mystic powers over the body and mind as well. These spiritual disciplines are honed through diligent practice which in turn develop from a martial code. Examining the code your monk follows can enrich your roleplaying. And a unique code makes for a unique monk.
The Call of Cthulhu Starter Set suggests learning the game by playing a solo adventure, then playing with just one player, and then playing with a full group. If you want to give Call of Cthulhu (CoC) a try but don’t want to spend a lot of money to start, consider trying the starter set.

This Week in TTRPG


For its first book of D&D's 50th anniversary year, Wizards is going big with a multiverse spanning, multiverse threatening adventure where players will face off against one of the game’s most legendary villains.
A great monster book on its own but also useful as a supplemental guide to pre-existing fantasy worlds.
Play a vampire and kill nazis in WW2!
You won't survive this tragedy of doomed heroes!

Dungeons & Dragons

Figments of imagination that make for deadly encounters or very, very cool familiars.
For its first book of D&D's 50th anniversary year, Wizards is going big with a multiverse spanning, multiverse threatening adventure where players will face off against one of the game’s most legendary villains.
360+ page hardcover which delves into Dungeons & Dragons' various worlds and settings.
Alternate Player's Handbook cover art by Wylie Beckert.
Get in, nerds—we’re going to Curdello.
Here are a few more tidbits from Game Informer's magazine coverage of the new edition's rulebooks.

Industry News

D&D-powered cartoon fun from Cryptozoic Entertainment.
Developer tool released under Open RPG Creator (ORC) License.
SRD 5.2 will be released under Creative Commons next year.
One of only two TTRPG creators with four separate million dollar Kickstarters!
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