D&D 5E (IC) The Village


Dusty Dragon
(Lal Qalander, hermit-barbarian, human)

Lal walked along, enjoying the fresh air. A lull in the conversation had occurred, and everything was quiet... too quiet. He wondered when this simple trek would turn into... something else. Aaaaah... right about now.

"My friends, be ready" he stated in a low voice. He stopped, spread his feet wide, and grasped his tabar in a two handed grip, suitable for close work. He inhaled deeply, and through heavy-lidded eyes, *looked*.

Perception check while in the woods, moaning heard. : 1D20+3 = [8]+3 = 11

OOC: not that well apparently.

[sblock=Minisheet]View attachment 82743 Lal Qalandar, of the Purple Lands
Human Barbarian (hermit)

AC: 13 (+1 dex, +2 Con due to unarmored defence)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 30
HP: 14/14
Hit Dice: 1/1
Passive Perception: 13

SAVES: Strength +5, Dexterity: +1, Constitution: +4, Intelligence: -1, Wisdom: +1 Charisma: -1

Skills: Athletics +5, Medecine +3, Perception + 3, Religion +1
Tools: herbalist's kit (hermit)
Language: Common, Yellow City Trade Tongue, Parbati, a bit of Lamarakhi[/sblock]
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Leaning casually back on the bench of the cart Dandin generally steered by tying a random crunchy snack from a long pole and dangling it in front of Oscar, moving it from side to side as needed to urge his companion to move that way. In this case, it was a carrot which so far had been about halfway eaten.

He'd been talking for a while, mainly telling anyone who would listen that he'd be more than happy to sellbwhatever loot was found for a good price, for a small broker's fee of course, but had quieted recently without even realizing it.

At the first sound, he sat up straight and pulled the stick down to let Oscar finish his treat. Not sure whether fight or flee, he sat stock still and listened to the sounds in the woods.

_: 1D20+2 = [16]+2 = 18

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River Song

Vintar noticed everyone else on edge, eyes seemed to be peering into the gloom. Uncertain as to what was going on he joined the general searching of the dark.



the magical equivalent to the number zero
Niimyr, drow warlock

Walking in the forest, Niimyr tried to move in the shade so the bright sun in the endless sky above would bother his eyes less. The dark elf was fascinated by the trees and little animals he saw, reminding him of some creatures he had encountered during his stay in the realm of the Fey, but instinctively he knew most of these were less dangerous.

When the moaning erupts, Niimyr stops in his tracks, trying to discern the location of the potential danger, using his ears as much as his eyes.

OOC: Perception: [roll0]
Disadvantage for Light Sensitivity: [roll1]


Harb Half-Elf Paladin of Pelor

OOC: Roll doesn't seem to have worked rolled it in the OC thread, if I did it right this is a permalink to the post with the roll http://www.enworld.org/forum/showth...llage/page22&p=7070112&viewfull=1#post7070112

Harb has been walking next to the cart eyeing the woods, as they pass through. At the sound of the moaning his hand instinctively goes to his sword and his other hand grips his shield tightly. He looks around the cart to be sure everyone is awake and alert, then squints, his back to the cart as he tries to make out any movement in the trees.
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