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Dark Days in Sion - Act 2: Scene 5


Aletia: A trifecta of emotions

Despite this blasted inconvenience, Aletia maintained a calm demeanor as she was escorted over for the "meeting". A professional and successful lady it seemed, that bode well at least, but what the hell did she want? The young elf did her best to take note of the details during her approach, the fanciful sidearms and rubies... oh yes those lovely earrings! ~Ruby; firey and captivating, a certain sign of prosperity.~

As her visual appraisal of the "Lady of the House" ended, the scolding facial expressions and stern words began. Aletia's paper-thin mask began to slowly tear away. Her optimism, regardless of how "manufactured", fell to the floor in a heap at her feet. This blondie was upset about something, or definitely insecure in the presence of someone both new and young. Aletia was in no fine mood to cop a verbal beating from a local upstart, but before Aletia could develop an exit-strategy, the wound-up wench introduced herself...

Lady of the house: "My name is Rhea Burlock... this is my place. And you are?"

~Burlock? This? No! Wait... yes... I serve in his honor, and will honor him so.~

She bowed deeply with respect, for just moments which felt like far longer, nodding her head low, thinking of what to do, before returning upright with face still hanging low in regret.

"Burlock... Lady Burlock? Please be assured that I meant no disrespect to you by failing to greet you so, and for whatever reason you scold me with those eyes, it is inconsequential to this pit of grief that I carry in my soul. Lady... Burlock..."

Aletia's eyes met with Burlock's again, a lonely tear trickling slowly down her cheek. Her cover was blown, the smile flattened, her heart raced. It was all becoming extremely uncomfortable.

"May... may I have the honor to talk in private with you my lady? I... I... was to accompany a mutual friend here, a dear friend, the kindest soul to ever have lived, the one who taught me who I am and much that I know. If this name means anything to you..."

She leaned in closer a moment, speaking softly with as much grace as she could muster.


"He was seeking you dear Burlock, yet all I can offer you is myself, a pale light compared to my dear friend's shining spirit. I offer you my sorrow. My apologies for bearing dark news. The outright exhaustion with which I entered your Inn, I could not bare to face this truth without rest. I bring also an apology, for assuming that my room had been paid for by a helpful stranger earlier this night. A chance to share words with you is all I seek. I am Aletia Moonborn. With the words said and done, if my coin is all you find of interest, then we shall settle that now. Name the price for one eve on your premises and we will call it done, and I will promise never to set foot in your Inn, or your life, ever again."

A guilt trip.

~I only pretend to fear you. I only share this evening's air with you because it was Vallio's wish. I can only hope you redeem yourself and show that Vallio's faith in you was true.~

[sblock="Aletia Character Details"]

ALETIA - Shining in the darkness

4 Sorceress Init 3, HP Max: 22 Current: 22, Speed 30ft
AC 14, Touch 13, Flat-footed 11, Fort 3, Ref 4, Will 4, Base Attack Bonus 2
Longbow +5 to hit / D8 damage (+1 point blank +1 with magic arrows)
Longsword +2 to hit / D8 damage

Familiar Crez (Tiny silver viper) Init 3, HP Max: 11 Current: 11, Speed 15ft
AC 19, Fort 2, Ref 2, Will 4, Base Attack Bonus 2
Poisonous Bite +2 to hit / D1 damage (+poison)
Abilities: Deliver touch spells, Alertness, Improved evasion, Spare spells, Empathic link
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Alic, Bax, Kryslogious, Ordechai, Wrenwil

Kryslogious said:
When Alic's call struck him into a state of alertness. He emerged from his tent to asses the scene that lay before him.

~Tis recreant attacks at which hour those gents catch but a wink. He dareth mocks us by not attacking us too?~

Kryslogious though as his anger seethed from him almost palpable in the air. He was insulted and appalled by the actions of the assailant. Breathing heavily under his helm, the moon lighting puffs of breath escaping his face vents. He walked forwards towards the figure passing Alic and saying to him.

"Alic... keep any interlopers off me. I'm going to grind this man into the dirt until he explains... this..." he voices in a disgusted tone.

Wrenwil said:
Even though he'd actually only been half asleep, Wrenwil was mightily unimpressed. "Oh for heavens sake, what the Yaldson this time!" As his cussing bellowed within the tent, the old cleric sat up. ~Where are they?!~

His eyes slowly became accustomed to the dark and Wren quickly realised that Alic and the knight must have gone outside, seeking the cause of some kind of "disturbance". He grumbled, returning the open book which lay in his lap, delicately back into his pack. ~Once was a fine maiden indeed, yet even she can't gift a decent nights rest. Right, let's see what foul buggery we need to weevil out of this time.~

Using his trusty staff as a third limb, the aging and sleep deprived sod levered himself upright, snapped up his hand-crossbow, and head out.

Meanwhile, Bax-the-goblin ducked into Ordechai's tent where his master was still snoring loudly. ~Must wake master! Trouble-trouble-on-the-double!~

Ordechai was sprawled on his bed of furs, snoring fitfully, completely incapacitated by the Quresh' fabled aqua-vitae. Also known as the 'drink of demons' for its hangovers were often described as a living hell.

Bax: Kneeled beside his master, tugging on his tunic while speaking, "Master! Master!" ...to no avail. Ordechai only groaned with indignation and pulled a fur across his face. ~Forgive me master!~ Bax hoped inwardly as he grasped Ordechai's hand, biting into its flesh with his sharp-goblin-teeth!

Svexyn said:
The smell of burnt hair and flesh brings the searing pain back... The blade, that damnable blade... Svexyn was dying, and there was not else to be done...

One eye opens, barely able to adjust to the heat and pain. It was swollen shut, almost, but something prevents him from passing on. The coldness of death's door mocks the searing flames around him, taunting him of the inevitable...

A roar of pain was heard an instant before Bax was physically thrown out of Ordechai's tent, tumbling and rolling across the sand screeching with consternation. The one-eyed half dwarf stumbled from the tent momentarily thereafter, hammer in hand, blinking with a terrible headache trying to ascertain the emergency.

Wrenwil said:
It wasn't a particularly comforting scene, the flicker of flames, the silhouette of Kryslogious striding out to confront some unknown adversary. Wrenwil did the numbers.


He followed some distance behind his friends, calling out
"Kryslogious, Alic, be careful what you gamble with!"

Alic: ~No names Wrenwil, you old fool!~ Alic cursed inwardly, heart beating like a drum, hands gripped tightly on his axe and shield, ready to spring to the named ones defense if need be.

Kryslogious said:
Kryslogious' pace raised as he marched to the individual, his left arm shield tapping against his armor and his sheathed weapons shifting about. He approached about 15 feet away from the individual....

"You have my attention... Explain...." he spat venomously ready to end him should he tread any further against Kryslogious' nerves.

Svexyn said:
~That voice! The armored turtle! What cruel joke is this? Is he challenging Drasus? He will die alone... unless... let me rest just for a minute... and see what Lady Luck has in store for me...~

Svexyn searches his strength, but it is waning. Realizing that his weapons were gone, his friends dead - yes, though they were hired, they were friends none the less - and his life ebbing away, he holds onto the aura, and lets fate spin the coin. Where it lands, with life or death, was no longer up to him..

Ordechai: Gasped, focusing in on the slaughter of Svexyn's camp. ~Asusk!
Forgive me friend! I should have heeded your warning better about the Quresh!~

Meanwhile, the scene of the honorable chivalan knight striding towards the despicable Barossan duelist, backdropped by flames, was surely the thing of songs... indeed, the villain with the rapier seems to tremble before Kryslogious.

Drasus: ~It must be him!~ The Barossan admitted with a shudder. All artiface stripped from his persona like a shadow retreating from a flame.

Drasus steps towards Kryslogious with reverence instead of malice, reaching up to pull the long dark hair from his head, revealing it was actually a wig all-along! His eyes are suddenly not blue, but gold, as he kneels to one knee and speaks in the unmistakable accent of the Quresh.

"My lord Kryslogious! You have returned exactly as foretold! Everything is going to plan, your brothers from Chival have already landed their fleet! I am Saraesh Hussayn, spy-master of the Aluja Expanse. In the name of the true lord, the demon-king Herod, I welcome you!"


<End of Scene 5>
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Experience Award Time!

Main Group_________________________________________

Kryslogious - 500 xp + 750 bonus roleplaying xp +2 Fate Points
Svexyn - 750 xp + 750 bonus roleplaying xp + 2 Fate Points
Wrenwil - 500 xp + 750 bonus roleplaying xp +1 Fate Point

Alic - 500 xp
Bax - 500 xp
Ordechai - 500 xp


Other Group____________________________________

Billanverthorne 'Bad Bill' Varenneth - 750 xp + 750 bonus roleplaying xp + 2 Fate Points
Burrai Steelborn - 750 xp + 1,000 bonus roleplaying xp + 2 Fate Points
Ersun Durim - 500 xp + 750 bonus roleplaying xp + 1 Fate Point
Aust Thale - 500 xp + 750 bonus roleplaying xp +1 Fate Point
Aletia Moonborn - 250 xp + 500 bonus roleplaying xp

Avar - 500xp
Elloral -500xp
Jabbar -500xp
Thiara - 500 xp
Ren - 250 xp


Part 3: Act 1, Scene 1 can be found here: http://www.enworld.org/forum/showth...on-Part-3-Act-1-Scene-1&p=6843595#post6843595

Please adjust your sheets for xp and fate points and post your next actions in the new thread.

Long Live Sion!
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