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  1. Vaalingrade

    D&D General Lore-related: What happens to a fallen Harper?

    The progression there is wild. Was courteous and didn't evangelize to a coworker Worked with someone based on their character Destroyed weapons that could murder the person they were working with and only then do we get to 'did like all the murders'. Which I feel like is not only the larger...
  2. Vaalingrade

    D&D 5E Advanced D&D or "what to minimally fix in 5E?"

    I'm personally taking it to mean they insist it be called '35e'.
  3. Vaalingrade

    D&D 5E Escaping from (rope) bonds... What is your ruling?

    Hand-eye coordination didn't get through the NEXT Playtest? Not that I'm surprised but...
  4. Vaalingrade

    D&D 5E Advanced D&D or "what to minimally fix in 5E?"

    There's supposed to be an asterix between the Hasbro RPGs that aren't 5e and that last part. Because the Power Rangers RPG is.... really really good at understanding Sentai while allowing customization.
  5. Vaalingrade

    D&D General The Problem With Paladin's Medieval Origins (+)

    Did you also see that episode of Tasting History? Because I just learned this too.
  6. Vaalingrade

    D&D 5E Advanced D&D or "what to minimally fix in 5E?"

    Which game would this be? Zoomer favorite Blue Rose? Hasbro's Power Rangers* / Gi Joe / Transformers games? Traveller? FATAL? It's FATAL isn't it? Yeah, pretty sure it's FATAL. Proof that after 5e, Hasbro knows how to fulfill class fantasies and offer lush customization.
  7. Vaalingrade

    D&D 5E Escaping from (rope) bonds... What is your ruling?

    "How are you going to get out of the ropes? Okay then roll that." There's lots of ways to get past rope, so why not all?
  8. Vaalingrade

    D&D 5E Help Me Name This New Cantrip

    Brief Candle
  9. Vaalingrade

    D&D General What do you like to do in playing D&D

    You're asking in the place where mocking that was likely born. Even those who weren't predisposed to not like it are less likely to say so here.
  10. Vaalingrade

    D&D General What is the right amount of Classes for Dungeons and Dragons?

    I don't care. The question is the right amount of classes, not 'what is the number of classes this frought company that isn't going to make any more classes ever will make'.
  11. Vaalingrade

    D&D General What is the right amount of Classes for Dungeons and Dragons?

    You're missing the entire point I've been supporting the whole thread and focusing on a concept I plucked out of the aether at random to make my point that Fighter classes can't just be dumped into barbarian and paladin to grant complexity. So here is is bold as brass and also bold in font...
  12. Vaalingrade

    D&D (2024) What Should D&D 2024 Have Been +

    Ooo, now that's clever.
  13. Vaalingrade

    D&D General What is the right amount of Classes for Dungeons and Dragons?

    I'd also like the Dashing Swordsman to do dashing things, not just have persuasion. The Champion isn't good for anything. Not even being a Champion thanks to Bounded Accuracy and a poor designer understanding of the capabilities of the human meat suit. 'The' 'Ability' singular. Why not have a...
  14. Vaalingrade

    WotC WotC can, and probably should support multiple editions of D&D.

    Not with the albatross of shareholders around their necks.
  15. Vaalingrade

    D&D General What is the right amount of Classes for Dungeons and Dragons?

    These in no way satisfy the class fantasy of the fighter. You're suggesting using The Incredible Hulk and the Magica Knight Templar as analogs for dashing swordsman and that's not just square pegs into round holes, that's putting a Tesseract through the core of a dwarf star.
  16. Vaalingrade

    D&D (2024) New D&D Edition's Player’s Handbook Cover Reveal

    Which Star Trek? Because Ds9 and TNG and Lower Decks and God help us, Discovery are also not the same genre.
  17. Vaalingrade

    D&D General What do you like to do in playing D&D

    Didn't pick dungeons, traps, exploring/travel planar travel and immortality. I also didn't pick fighting monsters but did pick hunting monsters for sport as I really prefer 'fighting' against people who really deserve it just in terms of motivation.
  18. Vaalingrade

    D&D (2024) What Should D&D 2024 Have Been +

    I have no idea how many people will get the reference by, this gives 'I'll grant that the hose will be uncomfortable at first...' energy. But yeah, like I said, I don't play minis games because I don't feel the amount of work is rewarded.
  19. Vaalingrade

    D&D General What is the right amount of Classes for Dungeons and Dragons?

    No, it checks out. The reason the fighter has issues is because it was built to accommodate the Champion, which means it's not robust enough to fully accommodate actual good subclasses. Everything gets shoves up to unreasonably higher levels because it can only be a allowed to be so much better...