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  1. Remathilis

    D&D (2024) Greyhawk Confirmed. Tell Me Why.

    You certainly can play that aspect up, just like Eberron can play up the pulp or the noir aspects, but its not necessary to do so to enjoy the setting.
  2. Remathilis

    D&D 5E Which classes have the least identity?

    Why bother. Just make them point buy whatever features they want at that point.
  3. Remathilis

    D&D (2024) Greyhawk Confirmed. Tell Me Why.

    To a degree. TSR did try to play up the "return to the dungeon" vibe with GH at the end of 2e. And they had a bit of that whole vibe in early 3e as well. It was a reaction to the heavy metaplots and railroads 2e had become notorious for and wanted to get a little of the classic edge back...
  4. Remathilis

    D&D (2024) Greyhawk Confirmed. Tell Me Why.

    I feel Faerun has gotten a bad rap about that from the various novels and RSEs, but these days it's settled into a much easier place to develop your own way. The joy of losing the meta plot is the DM has far more freedom.
  5. Remathilis

    D&D (2024) Greyhawk Confirmed. Tell Me Why.

    Because people want to separate Greyhawk from Forgotten Realms, often because they find Faerun is the popular sellout setting that has everything. So to make Greyhawk something other than the older forgotten child, they have taken two small elements of the setting (Gary's love of S&S and the...
  6. Remathilis

    D&D 5E Which classes have the least identity?

    The implication I was responding to was that uniqueness is a weakness, which is patently absurd. If uniqueness was not highly favored, 4e would have been far more appreciated for making all classes run on the same power schedule.
  7. Remathilis

    D&D 5E Which classes have the least identity?

    Yeah but people would complain vanilla and French vanilla both have similar stories and players should just eat regular vanilla with a French accent.
  8. Remathilis

    D&D (2024) Greyhawk Confirmed. Tell Me Why.

    It is, but people are trying to convince you it's not.
  9. Remathilis

    D&D (2024) Greyhawk Confirmed. Tell Me Why.

    Because people are trying to pull a "I'm not like the other girls..." with Greyhawk. It's not that different from core D&D in any edition. And the few tonal changes are good to show how to flavor the core rules without mass banning player options or writing a million dollar Kickstarter.
  10. Remathilis

    D&D 5E Which classes have the least identity?

    If I have 31 different types of ice cream and they all taste like vanilla, I don't have 31 unique flavors, I have 1 flavor trying to be 31.
  11. Remathilis

    D&D (2024) Greyhawk Confirmed. Tell Me Why.

    That might be a good mix with the Bastion rules, also in the DMG.
  12. Remathilis

    D&D 5E Which classes have the least identity?

    Tautology is equally fun. D&D class exists because this is D&D is equally absurd. But that was my point: we accept the existence of certain classes (fighter, ranger, barbarian, sorcerer) and not others (assassin, illusionist, warlord, psion) and there is no logical reason to do that, except...
  13. Remathilis

    Wizards Goes Big with Vecna: Eve of Ruin

    Ebert was paid to give his opinion regardless of what it was. I worry about when critcs are paid based on which opinion the give.
  14. Remathilis

    D&D 5E Which classes have the least identity?

    And then the reduction goes further. What is a cleric but a magic user with a holy symbol and healing magic. What is a rogue but a lightly armed fighter with better skills? Why not just have a tank/healer/DPS or a warrior/caster/expert Trinity? Why not just warrior or caster? Why not just one...
  15. Remathilis

    D&D 5E Which classes have the least identity?

    Because most people view flavor as uniqueness, not adaptability. By your standard, the food most with the most identity is white bread. Think of all the stuff you can make with it! Sandwiches, toast, stuffing! You know what doesn't have identity? Mac and cheese. Oh sure, you can toss bacon or...
  16. Remathilis

    Wizards Goes Big with Vecna: Eve of Ruin

    Maybe that was a poor choice of words. I meant to say voices with no ulterior motives behind them. That is to say they aren't giving an opinion they are getting paid (directly or indirectly) for. That is as true for influencers who are on WotC's payroll to shill products (while hiding that...
  17. Remathilis

    D&D 5E Which classes have the least identity?

    No problem. Internet discussion is turn-based combat. See that's what I don't want. Right now, if I want to play an arcane caster, I have five possible classes (artificer, bard, sorcerer, warlock, and wizard) and dozens of sub themes (alchemist, archfey pact, diviner, shadow sorcery, etc). What...
  18. Remathilis

    D&D 5E Which classes have the least identity?

    It just is weird to have the hyper-specific archetypes like divine knight or spellcasting troubadour next to the generic "uses weapons" and "casts all arcane magic" ones. What ends up happening is people try to take the hyper-specific ones and cram them into the generic ones, often killing the...
  19. Remathilis

    D&D (2024) Greyhawk Confirmed. Tell Me Why.

    I'm sure the Venn diagram overlaps more than it doesn't.
  20. Remathilis

    Wizards Goes Big with Vecna: Eve of Ruin

    I'm sure there are lots of unbiased opinions in the RPG sphere, but I tend not to believe they are unbiased when their first is telling me what is wrong with WotC and in the second selling me the cure with a Kickstarter.