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  1. eyeheartawk

    Table Snacks

    Normally some chips and whatever I've baked in the period immediately preceding the session, which is normally voluminous and unnecessary.
  2. eyeheartawk

    Wizards Goes Big with Vecna: Eve of Ruin

    That's exactly what I thought too. That, or they were central to Abaddon's plan to blow up Cadia.
  3. eyeheartawk

    Wizards Goes Big with Vecna: Eve of Ruin

    Also, I haven't read my copy much, but is it true that they don't mention the obelisks in this at all? Didn't Shattered Obelisk explicitly tie them to Vecna? Seems like somebody's plan changed here to me.
  4. eyeheartawk

    Wizards Goes Big with Vecna: Eve of Ruin

    They're quite a bit different, but Mad Max in hell for D&D seems a pretty niche idea to come to independently without one being inspired by the other I would think.
  5. eyeheartawk

    Wizards Goes Big with Vecna: Eve of Ruin

    I mentioned this before but I'm not convinced the designers conceived this one in a vacuum.
  6. eyeheartawk

    AI in Gaming (a Poll) [+]

    Same. Not all progress is good. In this case, there is a benefit but it is for the very few (surprise, surprise). I absolutely would stand in line to throw wooden shoes into the machine too.
  7. eyeheartawk

    D&D (2024) Greyhawk Confirmed. Tell Me Why.

    This is how it started. It ended up with tables of the population density of future Cleveland in Cyborg Commando.
  8. eyeheartawk

    Black Flag Kobold Press' Black Flag System Reference Document Released

    How is it different though? I recognize the reality of the OGL is that people like Monte and Goodman can lock mechanics behind product identity and nobody will find it worthwhile to legally challenge, so they get away with it. But, that was never the intent. The OGL made the product identity...
  9. eyeheartawk

    WotC Has Wizards Screwed up again

    Same rules apply for this as does with videogames that do "early release" for pre-ordering certain SKUs. It's not early release. It's the release. They didn't get it early, the rest of us just get it late. They didn't bait and switch. It's just a poopy practice that I'd like to stop proliferating.
  10. eyeheartawk

    Black Flag Kobold Press' Black Flag System Reference Document Released

    The opposite. If you iterate on open gaming content, people get to iterate on yours. That's better for everyone. It prevents situations like what Monte Cook does with his stuff. Where he gets to use all OGC from the OGL but he locks everything down as product identity. Which, you know, is...
  11. eyeheartawk

    Edge Studios Announces Details for Arkham Horror RPG

    Yo dawg, I heard you like RPGs based on a board game based on a different Cthulhu RPG.
  12. eyeheartawk

    Arc Dream Announces Black Company RPG

    Black Company rules and Arc Dream rules. Looking forward to this.
  13. eyeheartawk

    This is Free Trader Beowulf: A System History of Traveller - This Friday!

    I'm really looking forward to it. But I'm a little confused. When it comes out tomorrow (Friday) is that a just a phyical pre-order with the PDF releasing right away or is it ready to ship tomorrow?
  14. eyeheartawk

    Anyone played Masks of Nyarlathotep?

    I finished running Shadows of Yog-Sothoth maybe a year or so ago and heavily customized would be the way to go. The connective tissue between the adventures is pretty tenuous and thin and can be easily missed. As classic CoC campaigns go I would rate Shadows pretty much behind all the others.
  15. eyeheartawk

    Anyone played Masks of Nyarlathotep?

    If you're looking for 40K inquisitorial campaigns there's been a few published for Dark Heresy 1 and 2E. You might want to give them a look.
  16. eyeheartawk

    The "I Didn't Comment in Another Thread" Thread

    Speaking of trying new things. I've been talking about how to run a game I like on here. Is this what it's supposed to be like?
  17. eyeheartawk

    Anyone played Masks of Nyarlathotep?

    Yeah, a book like the Grand Grimoire of Cthulhu Mythos Magic, but for mythos tomes would be amazing.
  18. eyeheartawk

    Anyone played Masks of Nyarlathotep?

    Since it was written by a TV writer, absolutely.
  19. eyeheartawk

    Anyone played Masks of Nyarlathotep?

    I'll second the deluxe prop set. If you're going to invest the two years required to play the campaign spending the money for the prop set is definitely worth it. I still haven't really looked into running the new edition of Masks with the Companion. I wonder how that would work out since alot...