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  1. Gradine

    Pineapple Express: Someone Is Wrong on the Internet?

    If there's one I thing I know about Civilization fans, it's that they love new Civilization games :cool:
  2. Gradine

    Don't Lie To Your Attorney, Because You're Paying Them to Lie for You

    I will say that this latter one is less cut-and-dry, despite what the producers of House M.D. might want you think, there are definitely certain circumstances and certain locales where lying to your doctor is good and sometimes necessary to actually get the care you need. You also should never...
  3. Gradine

    Dragon Age 4 - now The Veilguard

    Hello it's me, the one single Dragon Age II fan, looking forward to the new one.
  4. Gradine

    Pineapple Express: Someone Is Wrong on the Internet?

    Ah, that's better, now I don't have to read anymore threads about pineapples ever again.
  5. Gradine

    🏳️‍🌈Pride Month- Celebrating Representation in TTRPGs (2024)

    Not to feed any trolls, but it's worth pointing out that Monsterhearts is deliberately teasing the boundaries of consent in ways that it is very up-front about and that anybody playing should be consenting to before-hand. It's not a bug; it's a feature. Fortunately most queer people (and most...
  6. Gradine

    🏳️‍🌈Pride Month- Celebrating Representation in TTRPGs (2024)

    Absolutely this, and louder for the folks in the back. If you wondering for a contrast, the Disney animated canon was already brought up so I'll bring up another example: Dune, where the Harkonens aren't necessarily villains because they're queer, but are queer because they're villains.
  7. Gradine

    TSR The Full & Glorious History of NuTSR

    Not to delve too deeply into the politics, but I've seen what "being able to call yourself a good person at the end of the day" has done to our country and our world and I gotta say, I'm not a fan. I'm not saying race to the bottom, because that's not a race we'll ever win, just to keep our...
  8. Gradine

    Pineapple Express: Someone Is Wrong on the Internet?

    It's mostly because they're fricking delicious
  9. Gradine

    TSR The Full & Glorious History of NuTSR

    Again, I point to the recent history (at least in the US) of the phrase "They go low, we go high" and how well that attitude worked out. There is a definite appeal to the idea of "If we're not going to do it the right way it's not worth doing at all", which is completely understandable, and...
  10. Gradine

    TSR The Full & Glorious History of NuTSR

    To be fair, there was a lot of hype surrounding it and Jim Ward in particular before he decided to lash his wagon to a cadre of bigots
  11. Gradine

    TSR The Full & Glorious History of NuTSR

    It's worth mentioning that this Lanasa himself would have no problem dragging others through the mud in similar circumstances if he considered them one of his "enemies". He has made it clear time and again that there is nothing that is too sacred, and nothing that is off the table for him. It's...
  12. Gradine

    Pineapple Express: Someone Is Wrong on the Internet?

    I think you know exactly how to take it :cool:
  13. Gradine

    AI Art Removed From Upcoming Terminator RPG Book

    You are comparing apples to oranges. Any tool can be used to create art when it is the human doing the creating. Something like a Photoshop tool or digital art app might be more sophisticated than a paintbrush or a chisel, but it is still being manually manipulated to translate conception into...
  14. Gradine

    Pineapple Express: Someone Is Wrong on the Internet?

    I think only @Snarf Zagyg got that deal
  15. Gradine

    AI Art Removed From Upcoming Terminator RPG Book

    Actually everyone can draw (outside severe physical impairment) and everyone can create art. There are no requirements of quality or skill or talent. The person in question could have just as easily put the craft in themselves, and while it may or may not have been more aesthetically pleasing (I...
  16. Gradine

    🏳️‍🌈Pride Month- Celebrating Representation in TTRPGs (2024)

    There is definitely a huge overlap here, and it's a huge part of the appeal of tabletop role-playing games and queer communities. The internet has simply made it (a) easier to find that found family and (b) experiment with the form in any number of new and interesting ways. It's worth pointing...
  17. Gradine

    🏳️‍🌈Pride Month- Celebrating Representation in TTRPGs (2024)

    I am currently building an inclusive and diverse TTRPG collection for my library, and here are some of the products I've come across so far; I have personal experience with several but not all of them: Thirsty Sword Lesbians - Exactly what it says on the tin. There's a move to tilt your...