• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. Stormonu

    D&D 5E Escaping from (rope) bonds... What is your ruling?

    Could go a little broader with climbing tools (though that wouldn't help sailors who are known for their rope/knot skills).
  2. Stormonu

    D&D 5E Thoughts on Divorcing D&D From [EDIT: Medievalishness], Mechanically Speaking.

    :unsure: Veeeery interesting. Quite the fan of War of the Worlds, especially the Jeff Wayne musical version (Thunderchild!). All Quiet on the Martian Front, although a war game, has some interesting backstory for the 2nd Martian War, and hints of a looming Venusian, Jupiterian and Plutoian...
  3. Stormonu

    D&D 5E Advanced D&D or "what to minimally fix in 5E?"

    That can get a bit fuzzy sometimes though - how far can you stray from the mechanics before it's no longer 5E and its own thing? I guess a quick test would be if Xanathar's or Tasha's would be usable out of the box, without having to rewrite the spells and subclasses (I wouldn't compare it...
  4. Stormonu

    D&D (2024) Check Out The 2025 Monster Manual Alternate Cover!

    After having the 2E PHB on my shelves for years, it's clear the cover doesn't prevent me from getting a book. Though it's nice to have choices.
  5. Stormonu

    D&D 5E Escaping from (rope) bonds... What is your ruling?

    The latter is probably a two or three step, I would probably rule. Athletics (Con) to dislocate, then Acrobatics (Dex) to actually slip out. Maaaaybe a Con save to avoid damage relocating the shoulder afterwards? ...Or, spend a HD to dislocate, then the Acrobatics (Dex) check?
  6. Stormonu

    D&D 5E Escaping from (rope) bonds... What is your ruling?

    I agree on the skip, so long as, say, the player doesn't interject and ask if they can attempt to escape before those 6 weeks pass (which I imagine most would at least try). If they're just willing to roll forward with the time frame, go for it.
  7. Stormonu

    D&D 5E Escaping from (rope) bonds... What is your ruling?

    On the Acrobatics check, the only thing that come to mind is Harry Houdini'ing it out of the bonds. As for the rope bindings, I'm not sure what I'd set the DC - I'm thinking 21, so the average person wouldn't have a chance (you'd need either proficiency or natural talent). Possibly maybe...
  8. Stormonu

    D&D 5E Advanced D&D or "what to minimally fix in 5E?"

    Really, why is it a problem to fix it in the core book rather than spend $30+ on a supplement that you're going to end up ignoring a swath of the PHB anyway? What your asking is akin to using the 1E core books and trying to make Xanathar's work with it. After a certain point, it just doesn't...
  9. Stormonu

    D&D 5E Escaping from (rope) bonds... What is your ruling?

    I can easily see Sleight of Hand, the player would have to give me an example for Acrobatics as off-hand I'm not seeing it. Or the character could try Athletics to break the rope.
  10. Stormonu

    D&D 5E New Monster Manual Cover

    Oh hell yeah. Of course, my old school books used to look pretty snazzy themselves ... (not bad for 10th grade, I think) I do have some old vinyl D&D book covers back from my 2E days that had had transparent pockets so you could put your own artwork into them. May just have to dig them...
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  12. Stormonu

    Wizards Goes Big with Vecna: Eve of Ruin

    Yeah, Shattered Obelisk got me too. I thought I'd like the Far Realm addition, but its such a left turn I wish they hadn't tied it to the Lost Mine and instead done it as its own thing from beginning to end. Similar, I was interested in it until I found out the details. Very misleading title...
  13. Stormonu

    D&D 5E Quests From The Infinite Staircase

    That was true back in 1E/2E, which our party ended up doing (I was a player in that game). Nearly the same thing happened in 5E, though it took that group two more rooms to figure out something was up and it wasn't a standard "kill 'em all" adventure.
  14. Stormonu

    D&D General The thread where I review a ton of Ravenloft modules

    I don't remember why, but I had always associated Meredoth with an unrepentant Prospero from the Tempest (With the Lady of Ravens in the Flint tower being his daughter, Miranda, who had left his isle and Kalibos as Caliban).
  15. Stormonu

    D&D 5E Video: The Lost City: Quests From The Infinite Staircase

    Yep, pretty much. In Mystara, the Lost City can be found within the deserts of the Emirates of Ylaruam. I believe the adventure was based on a Conan story, though I forget its name.
  16. Stormonu

    D&D 5E New Monster Manual Cover

    They got proposed to and got married.
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  18. Stormonu

    D&D General Boomer/GenX 5e? (+)

    I suspect you're looking for a Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty sort of setup?
  19. Stormonu

    D&D General The thread where I review a ton of Ravenloft modules

    Speaking of various Domain world sources - are there any Ravenloft Domains from Mystara?
  20. Stormonu

    D&D General What do you like to do in playing D&D

    Being a badass - more than just fighting monsters, but those moments where you character really gets to show off how they're really extraordinary - whether its taking down 12 giants in a single blow or talking the evil annis into leaving town without having to draw a weapon to casting a spell...