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Search results

  1. Lord Mhoram

    D&D (2024) Do you plan to adopt D&D5.5One2024Redux?

    Staying with Level Up.
  2. Lord Mhoram

    Final Fantasy XIV Getting an Official TTRPG

    I met my wife in '85 because I joined her RPG group, she was the DM. Final Fantasy XIV is her favorite video game by far. This news made her grin very widely.
  3. Lord Mhoram

    Paizo Announces Starfinder 2nd Edition

    I am looking forward to the change. I haven't really got into PF2E - I haven't found a lot of time to game overall, much less a new system. I always loved the idea of Startfinder but some of the details just didn't gel for me. This allows me to do both at once so to speak. Then I was watching...
  4. Lord Mhoram

    Paizo Announces Starfinder 2nd Edition

    On facebook he commented that it made sense for them to do that, but SF1 was his baby, and he would continue to write SF1 material. So I think not.
  5. Lord Mhoram

    Long campaigns, Besides D&D and Pathfinder

    HERO/Champions for me. I've played or GMed in 3 different campaigns which ran right around a decade. One superhero started as a lower powered a la New Mutants/Original comic Teen Titans, and ended up as one of the more powerful member of the equivalent of the JLA/Avengers.
  6. Lord Mhoram

    When the New Edition Doesn't Cut It

    I still play Hero 5th and Pathfinder 1st as two of my 3 main games (the third is Cypher)
  7. Lord Mhoram

    Pathfinder Abomination Vaults Hack & Slash Game Coming To Kickstarter

    I'm in assuming it comes out on a platform I have (not a PC gamer by any means).
  8. Lord Mhoram

    D&D General How much control do DMs need?

    In the past when I was in that position I would talk to the GM out of session, and give my ideas and ask if they could work it in. In a superhero game I had my martial artist (with darkforce) have a storyline that was awesome, and I had no idea what was going to happen in detail. I just told the...
  9. Lord Mhoram

    TSR The Full & Glorious History of NuTSR

    Yeah, no Red Special in the Mad Max stuff, so I always figured it was a guy with the same name. :D
  10. Lord Mhoram

    D&D General How much control do DMs need?

    It can work depending on player preference. I try to go full immersion and become my character, so me as a playing having any impact on the world, outside of the actions of my character, pull me out of that. So I personally would find that approach frustrating, as it would keep me from enjoying...
  11. Lord Mhoram

    Ever wanted to play as an Insectoid explorer in a wild and mutated setting?

    This adcopy With it's formal 1-6 players, made me think this was a RPG influenced board game (like Shadows of Brimstone or Sword and Sorcery) rather than an RPG itself. Reading further cleared that up, but if I saw this out on it's own, and read what I just posted above, I probably would have...
  12. Lord Mhoram

    Who Actually Has Time for Bloated Adventures?

    I guess the answer would be me. I've run 5 and 10 year campaigns before. Personally any game that lasts less than a year, I consider a failure. Yes our group plays for the long haul.
  13. Lord Mhoram

    D&D General Everyday Arcana: An Interview with Dave Scott

    I know it is going to have it's product line, I just want it 100% compatible with the core rules.
  14. Lord Mhoram

    Gate Pass Gazette What Would You Like to See Going Forward?

    Overall the things I would like to see in the future are things that are more specific to Level Up than base 5E. We have scads of monsters books, subclasses, feats, spells and the like. Even if we need to adapt a bit. So I want more Exploration tricks and Combat maneuvers, exploration encounters...
  15. Lord Mhoram

    D&D General Best fantasy alcohol names

    Fleshing out my world, and looking for good names for different cultural alcoholic drinks. Some of the ones I've thought of or stole outright from other games: Dwarven Beard Beer - strongest commonly available ale Black Blood of the Earth* - strongest dark ale around, not generally sold, used...
  16. Lord Mhoram

    Diablo IV

    Just hit level 15. Opinion is still very high. I am really enjoying my time.
  17. Lord Mhoram

    Non-gaming hobbies

    Most of my hobbies are game related. RPGs, Board games, Video games. I am really into music (not performing) but constantly searching new bands, sub-genres and such. I love a lot of movies and TV - most are either Geek genres or action/Procedurals. Books are similar, mostly SF /Fan - but have a...
  18. Lord Mhoram

    Diablo IV

    I'm at level 7 in the time I got to play today. Shooting for 20 for the wolf pup. Personally I am really enjoying it. It feels very Diablo, and with the open shared world; it has some of those things that feel a little bit MMOish, but not, in my opinion, intrusively. That means there are some...
  19. Lord Mhoram

    Which board game would you buy, and why?

    Alien and Princess Bride. Simple reason - the wife an I only play co-op games (better for family harmony) - and we like both of the games' source material.