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  1. Lanefan

    WotC WotC can, and probably should support multiple editions of D&D.

    Perhaps. But perhaps consider this: many of those who were in college during the 1e boom are now at or approaching retirement age, and thus can soon-ish expect to have a lot more time on their hands for hobby-recreation activities. Is there enough potential market there to be worth chasing...
  2. Lanefan

    WotC WotC can, and probably should support multiple editions of D&D.

    Well, unless they go the 4e route by a) making everything core and b) splitting the game across several iterations of the same books e.g. DMG I,II etc.
  3. Lanefan

    WotC WotC can, and probably should support multiple editions of D&D.

    Given how much magazine material went on to become part of the game (most of Unearthed Arcana, for example, first appeared in Dragon), I'm not sure this claim holds water. For Dungeon magazine, you have more of a point; but then the early-era printed modules weren't all written by TSR staff either.
  4. Lanefan

    D&D 1E Favorite Obscure Rules from TSR-era D&D

    We've always played it that if it hits you twice (or more!) it does full damage each time, saving for half each time. Which meant if you could somehow get a long thin one* rattling around in a confined space (e.g. start it just inside the open door of a small room on an angle such that it...
  5. Lanefan

    D&D 1E Favorite Obscure Rules from TSR-era D&D

    Yes, but for geometry purposes the line the bolt was on still originated from the caster even though the bolt itself might start some tens of feet away.
  6. Lanefan

    D&D 1E Favorite Obscure Rules from TSR-era D&D

    In that case I'd rule you use the outdoor range.
  7. Lanefan

    D&D 1E Favorite Obscure Rules from TSR-era D&D

    That hits on another obscure (quasi-)rule that I'm not sure everyone always adhered to: that dungeons were supposed to have clearly distinct and increasing difficulty levels within them corresponding to how many floors underground you were. Sticking to this idea rather narrows one's options...
  8. Lanefan

    WotC WotC can, and probably should support multiple editions of D&D.

    It can have 'em, too - but you won't see them on roll20 as I'll only DM in person at a real table. :) And the only cost there is what you choose to spend, if anything, on snacks-books-supplies-etc.
  9. Lanefan

    D&D General What do you like to do in playing D&D

    One thing rather glaringly missing from the poll options is any version of "Interact with other PCs", though the "Romance" option might vaguely touch one element of such. Things like "In-character discussions-debates-chat between PCs", "Deceiving other PCs", and similar would have got votes...
  10. Lanefan

    D&D General What do you like to do in playing D&D

    Man oh man - your list of 6 things you didn't vote for hits 4 things I did, and I only voted for about ten! :)
  11. Lanefan

    D&D General What do you like to do in playing D&D

    Huh. I voted for two of those, out of the maybe ten things I selected. In-character romance-marriage-rivalry-jealousy-etc. can be lots of fun; and shopping is often the only way to get useful gear if-when the adventures aren't that forthcoming.
  12. Lanefan

    WotC WotC can, and probably should support multiple editions of D&D.

    Some of those BX-1e-era modules are getting well up there in price, though; says he who is pretty much only missing those "hard targets" in his collection. To the bolded, while re-doing a supplement or setting might not suit the tastes of those who might have wanted it, I've seen enough people...
  13. Lanefan

    D&D 1E Favorite Obscure Rules from TSR-era D&D

    Only if Aragorn is the only Ranger in the setting. We don't get to see many (or any?) other examples of Rangers in Tolkein's works, to see how they might have varied from the one example we do get. As do I, though I don't necessarily agree with it. :)
  14. Lanefan

    D&D 1E Favorite Obscure Rules from TSR-era D&D

    This is the way I've always seen it and still see it today: the party is the thing, while individual characters come and go.
  15. Lanefan

    D&D 1E Favorite Obscure Rules from TSR-era D&D

    A principle that has sadly been almost completely discarded over the editions since. If it wasn't a game of luck, it wouldn't use dice. Yep, and that's just how I like it! :)
  16. Lanefan

    D&D 1E Favorite Obscure Rules from TSR-era D&D

    The alignment restrictions on Rangers make no in-setting sense. A criminal banished from town who has had to make his way in the woods half his life should be able to become a Ranger simply through living that lifestyle, while still being an evil cuss at the same time. If one looks at Druids...
  17. Lanefan

    D&D 1E Favorite Obscure Rules from TSR-era D&D

    One long-serving PC of mine has, during his career, entered 4th level five times: twice from below and three times from above. Level-drainers found him to be a very tasty treat, for some reason. And those Restorations get expensive!
  18. Lanefan

    D&D 1E Favorite Obscure Rules from TSR-era D&D

    This has come up in my non-Spelljammer games now and then, when Clerics are so far removed from their deity's plane (e.g. they're on an opposing deity's plane) as to be inaccessible by the minions trying to bring them their higher-level spells.
  19. Lanefan

    D&D 1E Favorite Obscure Rules from TSR-era D&D

    During an old campaign I played in, at one point we did a mass battle and kinda made up the rules for it as we went along. Ended up being among the best two or three sessions ever. A few years later, I made up my own system. That was 25+ years ago. Still waiting for a chance to use it in...
  20. Lanefan

    WotC WotC can, and probably should support multiple editions of D&D.

    If WotC were to do a second side-along edition (which I've been saying they should for ages) I'd like to see it be a hybrid of BX and 1e, arrived at by stripping out the bits of 1e that very few tables ever used and simplifying some other bits a little, while keeping the idea of discrete...