• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. D

    D&D 5E Quest From The Infinite Staircase Adventures Revealed

    My memory of the original Barrier Peaks is foggy. Were there fail-safes in place to stop the PCs taking the advanced tech away and abusing its power or giving it to inventors to reverse engineer?
  2. D

    Did the Ads Recently Change on this Site (New Pop Ups)

    I'm on Safari and the pop ups have been with me since they started. The news page is now 2 column. Not sure if that is to fit larger ads left and right or unrelated.
  3. D

    Paizo Spicy hot take: Golarion isn't a setting...

    Just on the idea that Golarion has some insular regions... how does the setting stop firearms from Alkenstar and advanced tech from Numeria from spreading throughout the realm? Has any country thought to invade Alkenstar/Numeria to acquire its tech? Or they wouldn't dare as they'd be shot to...
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    D&D 5E Is the Forgotten Realms experiencing a new Golden Age now that its NOT the default 5e setting anymore?

    I liked the 3E era with Greyhawk as the default. I thought it was very subtle and could be ignored. They didn't even place many of the adventures in the world, they were just in a generic location. As to Eve of Ruin, if I were organising that on my bookshelf, it would go in the Forgotten Realms...
  5. D

    D&D (2024) Do you plan to adopt D&D5.5One2024Redux?

    I didn't buy 3.5 I didn't buy Essentials (4.5) So I won't buy 2024 (5.5) I'll buy 6E when it comes out though.
  6. D

    Which Greyhawk in D&D 2024

    I would either reset it to 576 CY or advance it to catch up with the Forgotten Realms. This would put Greyhawk at around 700 CY.
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    D&D (2024) New D&D Edition's Player’s Handbook Cover Reveal

    Drow have white/silver hair.
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    D&D (2024) How Does Greyhawk Fit In To The New Edition?

    I’m glad Greyhawk is back as the default setting, it is synonymous with D&D. I suspect they won’t mention a setting date but it will be quietly assumed to be rolled back to 576CY. I’m OK with this - the small metaplot Greyhawk had in its product history wasn’t that great. And, even if you want...
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    D&D (2024) New D&D Edition's Player’s Handbook Cover Reveal

    Where is the drow mage? Isn't it an elf?
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    General DCC RPG thread

    OK, thanks. Also, how far off is Dungeon Denizens (I missed out on the Kickstarter)? And what have folks been using since 2012 for monsters? Are the base monsters in the core book plenty to get you by on?
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    General DCC RPG thread

    Is DCC a game that would get a 2nd edition one day or have they sworn off edition updates?
  12. D

    D&D 5E Vecna: Eve of Ruin's Table of Contents Leaked (Spoilers!)

    I think they’re up to something. Folks have said Greyhawk will be a default setting in the core books. This might be reset to 576CY. So in Eve of Ruin, where a lovers' tiff brings the multiverse to its knees, they have fertile ground to make some retcons with the revised books. The PCs will...
  13. D

    D&D 5E Vecna: Eve of Ruin's Table of Contents Leaked (Spoilers!)

    The big reveal in Chapter 9 is the biggest spoiler. If that gets out of the bag you couldn't run it. It's quite a cliche actually. I hope there's some details on how it was pulled off.
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    Kickstarter Deal-Breakers (Poll)

    I might not back a kickstarter because they’ve already achieved their funding and it would be cheaper for me to wait for the printed product to hit the retail store rather than buy it on the kickstarter. You pay full retail price for the product on the kickstarter (unless you got in at some...
  15. D

    D&D General Which was your favourite Forgotten Realms Cosmology?

    I use the original Great Wheel as that's what the Realms used at the start and I haven't changed it since. Generally I think the best cosmology for a setting is the one custom made for it, like Eberron's original cosmology before it was later incorporated into the 5E cosmology. Which cosmology...
  16. D

    Paizo Announces Pathfinder War of Immortals Meta Event

    I know, but I thought this might be tying up loose ends and bringing the lore in line with the rules update.
  17. D

    Paizo Announces Pathfinder War of Immortals Meta Event

    Is the War of the Immortals world-shaking event also serving to usher in the new Remastered rules update? Or it has nothing to do with that? I'm not playing Pathfinder, but I always enjoy following the Paizo meta-events. They remind me of the old days. But I know metaplots are generally reviled...
  18. D

    Did the Ads Recently Change on this Site (New Pop Ups)

    Are the ads here to stay?
  19. D

    D&D General Does Earth (or at least a fantasy version of it) have a crystal sphere and exist in the D&D Cosmology?

    Did any real-world pantheons - Egyptian pantheon, Greek pantheon, Norse pantheon, etc. - feature in 5E’s Planescape: Adventures in the Multiverse?
  20. D

    D&D General Which type of True Neutral are you?

    I wasn't being tongue-in-cheek. I was just suggesting some new ways of thinking to stimulate thought. Mordenkainen's agenda seems to be to preserve a "status quo" on Oerth (and the planes) in a way he believes will ensure Oerth's survival and continued prosperity. Good doesn't believe this...