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  1. Olaf the Stout

    Doppel Is A Physical Digital Miniature!

    Good on them for finding enough of a market to fund. I watched the Kickstarter video and thought the large electronic box with a 2d image looked out of place next to the other D&D minis. It doesn’t look anything like a mini to me. It’s more like someone put a mini-TV on the battle mat. If...
  2. Olaf the Stout

    Running Mongoose Publishing: An Interview with Matthew Sprange

    I’ve been a Paranoia fan since Mongoose started publishing it again. I wasn’t aware of the good things Matt had been doing for his employees though. That sounds really positive. It makes me feel like giving Traveller a go.
  3. Olaf the Stout

    D&D (2024) D&D 2024 Core Rulebooks: 'We'll Still Be Working On Them In May'

    Oh, I’m sure there are various reasons for it. It still doesn’t make it any less annoying from a consumer perspective.
  4. Olaf the Stout

    D&D (2024) D&D 2024 Core Rulebooks: 'We'll Still Be Working On Them In May'

    That makes sense from a business perspective, but is annoying from a consumer perspective.
  5. Olaf the Stout

    D&D General WizKids Announced Details for 50th Anniversary Icons of the Realms Miniature Set

    That red dragon reminds me of the dragon from Shrek.
  6. Olaf the Stout

    Press Vale and farewell, Jennell Jaquays (1956 - 2024)

    Oh wow, I didn’t realise she also sculpted miniatures. That is an amazing talent.
  7. Olaf the Stout

    D&D General Industry Veteran Jennell Jaquays Passes

    It’s amazing when a company hits rock bottom, but instead of stopping, they get out a pick and keep on digging.
  8. Olaf the Stout

    D&D General Industry Veteran Jennell Jaquays Passes

    Jennell was truly a giant of the early RPG genre. Their contributions across writing, game development and art were huge.
  9. Olaf the Stout

    It's 2023. Smartphones Exist. Horror Gaming Still Does, Too.

    Yep, if the pandemic and other events in the US has taught me anything, it’s that people will happily maintain their beliefs, even when shown a mountain of evidence that disproves those beliefs.
  10. Olaf the Stout

    Paranoia: Happiness is Mandatory Video Game Released on Steam

    Ah, so Cyanide is a subsidiary of Nacon. That makes sense as Cyanide made various video game versions of Blood Bowl and all have been full of bugs.
  11. Olaf the Stout

    Paranoia: Happiness is Mandatory Video Game Released on Steam

    Nacon sound like a publisher best avoided based on this article. Too bad they’re dragging Paranoia through the mud with them.
  12. Olaf the Stout

    RPG Crowdfunding News – TMNT, Grimtooth, Eclipsed Phase, and more

    I love TMNT and so does my son, but I’m not touching that Kickstarter with a 10ft pole given Palladium‘s previous Kickstarter performances, not to mention the links with people I’d not want to associate with or support in any way.
  13. Olaf the Stout

    Paizo and Natural Pengu Partner Up

    Yeah, that was the only Pengu I knew of!
  14. Olaf the Stout

    Paizo and Natural Pengu Partner Up

    Are Natural Pengu well known, as I’ve never heard of them before (but also don’t watch a lot of live play).
  15. Olaf the Stout

    Palladium Announces New TMNT Kickstarter

    I don’t even know how they’re allowed to run a Kickstarter for this after the Robotech Kickstarter from many, many years ago that still has backers without pledges.
  16. Olaf the Stout

    RPG Crowdfunding News – The Magnus Archives, HârnWorld, Larry Elmore, and more

    The Elmore art book looks gorgeous. Sadly shipping to Australia is $88. Given that the book is already expensive (and fair enough for a full colour hardcover like that), it makes it just too pricey for me.
  17. Olaf the Stout

    RPG Crowdfunding News – Dolmen, Shadow of the Weird Wizard, Shadowdark, and more

    Yeah, I was actually referring to The Magnus Archives in my original post. I didn’t realise The Old Gods of Appalachia was based on a podcast as well.
  18. Olaf the Stout

    RPG Crowdfunding News – Dolmen, Shadow of the Weird Wizard, Shadowdark, and more

    What other podcast TTRPGs has he done? Or is this his first?
  19. Olaf the Stout

    RPG Crowdfunding News – Dolmen, Shadow of the Weird Wizard, Shadowdark, and more

    It's not on this list due to its end date, but Monte Cook's The Magnus Archives Kickstarter has joined the $1m club and is now Monte's second biggest Kickstarter (behind the Old Gods of Appalachia RPG, which topped $2m). Quite surprising considering this is a Backerkit campaign, but I guess The...
  20. Olaf the Stout

    RPG Print News – Legendary Games and More

    Ah, ok. I read it as a 6d16 system. Not a d616 system. Using d6’s is much less convoluted, even with one being a special die.