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  1. steeldragons

    D&D General Class shtick

    Just putting this in general because, why not? What is your "defining" shtick, feature (or features), of each class in your D&D (or fantasy RPG of choice)? We're not going to change what is coming out in a month. Debating what was in 5e or any other edition isn't going to change any of it, so...
  2. steeldragons

    D&D General Appearance Matters: What defined your visions/imaginations of classes?

    Whether it was from a D&D book, a movie, a comic book, novel cover, someone's drawing/painting, wherever...what's the image that said to you "This is a cleric?...a Ranger? ...a Mage/WIzard/Sorcerer?..." etc... "Iconic characters" have become the norm for more recent iterations of D&D...
  3. steeldragons

    D&D General The River Six

    So, jumping off of a tangent of a tangent from the "make a list of only 6 Classes" challenge thread, which recently started talking species, as well... I was 6reminded of an ollllld thread wherein we were kinda building a whole system of a D&D game around the number 4. And here we are. So I...
  4. steeldragons

    D&D General Masters of their Domain: PC Goals

    The thread about making your non-magical PCs into capable rulers/"kings" got me to thinking about a few things. 1. How many people, anymore, in the game world are looking to create their own fiefdom -or kingdom or nation or entire empire!- the "dominions" we used to call 'em in the BECM-times...
  5. steeldragons

    D&D General Signaling Spell Signatures

    So, I'm wondering what people think about defining different classes/casters by their spells moreso than, or I suppose "within/in addition to," individual spell lists. What am I talking about, you say? You all recall (or know about) "spell spheres" for clerics in 2e...became "domains" in 3x...
  6. steeldragons

    Free-ish-form Char Generation System

    So, this idea began percolating around my third sip of coffee this morning. I'm not sure where it came from or why I'm having it...being so close to a completion of my own setting and corresponding rpg manual... But I need to get this down before I lose it, so here goes. Discuss, point out the...
  7. steeldragons

    Thoughts on Mind Stuff: Who's your Psychic?

    Still on hiatus from my usual in person group (thanks COVID). So, I've been working on, picking at, revising and revising, and revising my homebrew world and accompanying game: world specific classes, species (nee "races"), diving deeper into some legends, cultures, and societies I hadn't...
  8. steeldragons

    Dipping my "Feats" in the PF pool...

    Hello there and WELCOME to Steeldragons' first ever non-D&D/non-5e thread here on ENworld! I've recently had the pleasure of being introduced and joining a TT-in person-group for the first time in a looooong time. They play Pathfinder and, having completely skipped 3.xe D&D and PF entirely, I'm...
  9. steeldragons


    We're giving you everything!! All of it! Throw it at the wall and it's all going to start sticking eventually. This is kinda spawned from such fevered threads as discussions of "missing races/subraces, missing classes/subclasses, class/subclasses/races/subraces we'd like to see -or now we have...
  10. steeldragons

    D&D 5E A Brew Homenew Rules for Undead

    I think, for my homebrew setting, I'm going to rewrite some of the undead abilities and kind of..."structure" of them. What I'm thinking is, going back to old school kind of "if it kills you, you rise as one of its minions" thing...but not, necessarily, of the same type. Basically, I'm...
  11. steeldragons

    Kudos for the Inclusivity clause

    I just wanted to take a quick moment, all too often overlooked and/or ignored, and say THANK YOU to Morrus/EN World for your brilliant and eloquent "Keep it Inclusive" clause, so wonderfully and indisputably spelled out. THANK YOU. I am especially appreciative of the last bit where you point...
  12. steeldragons

    D&D 5E A Class Thread By Any Other Name...

    So, don't ask why the "Are you satisfied with the Fighter" poll/thread set my mind off on this tangent. But I got to thinking why/how things would have gone IF the 5e game had been released in a symmetrical way across class lines. i.e., some classes have 3 options, many 2, and for some reason...
  13. steeldragons

    5e Forum error?

    I'm seeing this every time I try to get to the 5e forum. I could go to a specific thread from my "settings" page. But any attempt to go to the 5e forum thread list gets the above. Anyone else seeing this?
  14. steeldragons

    D&D 5E Conceptually Speaking...

    Spawned from the Bard concept thread...got me to thinking about what the prevailing concepts are about any/all classes. So, I'll list mine out here. Feel free to list your own, add to whatever I've said, or share some concepts of things I don't cover here. S'all good. Naturally, so we're clear...
  15. steeldragons

    D&D 5E Progressive Spell Casting

    Has anyone ever tried a game, or perhaps a system is out there somewhere that's already done this, but has anyone ever thought of having their spellcasting characters simply..."get" spells? But on a very specific and limited scale. D&D has generally done this with clerics (auto-access to spells...
  16. steeldragons

    D&D 5E Theurging up some theurgy with a Theurgist...for the theurst time.

    I am beginning play in a homebrewed 5e campaign on Sunday. Very excited about it. After kicking around character concepts for a week or so, from straight up mage[wizard] to druid to knowledge cleric [as a thaumaturgic sage-like ceremonial magician type caster) to diviner to fae tome warlock...
  17. steeldragons

    Looks like it's time for a Warlord Sub-Forum Again...somehow.

    Seriously. Half the threads in the top ten of the 5e forum are all rehashing Warlords: yay/naye, how, why, what do they get.... Didn't we do all of this already last year?
  18. steeldragons

    RE: Formatting & Organization of a future Monster Manual/Bestiary

    RE: Formatting & Organization of a future Monster Manual/Bestiary How annoying would it be for people -which I realize is not a great premise question and probably answers itself- to receive a monster book with a hypothetical "starter set" style game that was organized by "CR/difficulty"...
  19. steeldragons

    D&D 5E Is a Half-Caster -but still Magical- Cleric too different?

    So, I'm re-re-rewriting my World of Orea RPG for my World of Orea campaign setting. (Yes, I'm the Bob's Burgers of game/setting design) The fighters are the fighters. The mages are the mages [wizards/"magic-users"]. The Thieves are the thieves/rogues, "Supports through Skill." The Clerics...
  20. steeldragons

    Blog Entries Lost?

    Hi y'all. Just went to/through my profile to click on "View Blog Entries" and I was given/taken to this: I'm sure you guys are still piecing together bits n' bobs all over the site. Just wanted to check/see, are the blogs from pre-Crash 2016 gone/lost?