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Search results

  1. michaeljpastor

    Dragonriders of Pern "society"- anyone recall?

    Many many moons ago (1987 -1988 to be more exact) while at college I was introduced to a group in the small town where my college was (Wooster, OH to be exact). It wasn't an RPG based on Dragonriders of Pern, but more of shared universe of fanfic, with shared continuities amongst the chapters...
  2. michaeljpastor

    D&D General Cosmological constants

    I've not seen on the interwebs any comparitive descriptions for various basic cosmological/fundamental terms/concepts found in the D&D omniverse. So I'm actually confused as to how these ideas relate. Astral vs Ethereal is easy to me since I've always known them, but how do the following...
  3. michaeljpastor

    Mutations Tables (Gamma World)

    Hi All, Many years ago I had an extensive mutations table system, which has been lost to the ages. I've since curated hundreds of traits across the InterWebs, and my initial plan was to create all of it in a wiki., But I find it too difficult to adapt in that format. I've since shared a...
  4. michaeljpastor

    D&D 5E classic mythology campaign settings?

    I'm looking for a campaign setting that is based on the classic mythological Pantheons. Really my Touchstone is of course the original deities and demigods. I'm open to many of the other world mythologies that do not appear in that book. I would like to include lemuria and Atlantis. I would...
  5. michaeljpastor

    D&D 5E aasimar all humans?

    are all aasimar humans at " base?" i was interested in creating a drow based aasimar in appearance but im not looking to add thr racial bonuses or anything
  6. michaeljpastor

    D&D 5E Dual wielder singing/dancing

    I'm looking to create a dual wielding character who uses singing and dancing to cast magic. As a dual wielde r, i won't have a free hand for somatic spells, but I'd like to sub it with motions of my blade, or dance moves. in 3.5 i was close to designing the perfect character for this, but there...
  7. michaeljpastor

    D&D 5E 5E, Acrobatics, and Parkour

    Note: havent played 5e yet, and dont know a lot about parkour, but based on observations of discussion, here's my take. I think the length of the 'course' / number of obstacles is a key factor (in 3e terms # of obstacles increases DC or decreases bonuses from dex/str checks) Also, is evasion/...
  8. michaeljpastor

    Half-orc Paladin MC

    I'm a blue book veteran of D&D new to 5e, doing research for a new character, and feeling nooby all over again. Ive never played any type of fighter - always a caster, rogue or bow wielder. So i can't get away from some sort of magic wielder completely. After some thought i went with half-orc...