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Search results

  1. GreyLord

    Paizo Pathfinder Quest

    Perhaps the thing I'm most excited about from the news coming out from Paizocon. The implication with it's name seems to indicate that it may be stylized after Warhammer Quest (but Pathfinder instead of Warhammer). I was a BIG WQ fan in the past. If it is anything like WQ...I'm all in on...
  2. GreyLord

    Somewhat related to D&D, Vanguard to institute new fees

    Thought about putting it in the D&D forum (and if it fits, a mod could move it there), but as it's only Tangentially related, didn't quite know where else to put it. Vanguard has more money than Elon Musk, more money than many small nations, and those running it probably have more money at...
  3. GreyLord

    Starfinder Tell me about the Drift Crisis

    So, seeing the APs Drift Crashers and Drift Hackers I was trying to get a fuller picture of what exactly was the Drift Crisis, what happened in the Drift Crisis, what caused the Drift Crisis and ultimately how it was resolved. I have heard that it changed how space travel and space combat work...
  4. GreyLord

    Celebrities that Play Dungeons and Dragons

    There are well known celebrities that play D&D that we've heard of (Joe Manganiello, Vin Diesel, Deborah Ann Woll), but who are some of the other celebrities that you didn't know but recently found out played D&D? I just found out that Ta-Nehisi Coates played D&D when they were younger. This...
  5. GreyLord

    4:45 AM in the morning...GOOD MORNING FLORIDA!!!

    No, not posting this at 4:45 AM...quite the opposite. Hilarious...or horrific...that's the question that should be asked. An emergency alert system test was done at 4:45 AM in the morning. I guess they REALLY wanted to have Florida woken up early today!!! The entire state is in a zombified...
  6. GreyLord

    Read the actual OGL document and take the survey when it comes out

    I said this in another thread, but I wanted to emphasis this. The world is not ending yet. The OGL is not set in stone at this time. YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE in what it says. It could be everything is up in the air. They are going to have a survey. Items which you feel are important...
  7. GreyLord

    1.0 vs. 1.0a, any legal wizards can answer this?

    So, this may have been asked before, but perhaps some of you legal wizards might be able to answer this yourselves. My memory is not as great as it used to be. I seem to recall that there was a 1.0 OGL that came out with 3e or around the time for 3e? Isn't that the original OGL, even if it...
  8. GreyLord

    Dragonlance Adept of the Red Robes...is it overpowered?

    So, going over the Dragonlance Book I saw this feat. If taken by a Fighter or a Rogue with Finesse weapons, in theory, once they get a 20 in their primary stat they could be guaranteed a minimum of 16 anytime they attack or do a skill test with that ability score. It gives a minimum of 10 as a...
  9. GreyLord

    What IS this? I think it may actually be RPG related (thus could be in TTRPG general forum) but unsure.

    Was looking for TLD (Top Level Domain...such as .com or .uk or others like that) and looked up .wk to see if that was one. It turned something up. wk is domain for willink I was like...I've never heard of this place called willink, so I followed the link... Wiilink But wait, what is this...
  10. GreyLord

    D&D 5E How Many PHB's have you bought?

    As the title asks...how many PHB's have you bought. I feel part of the estimates of how many D&D players there are is dependant on how many core rulebooks have sold (but I think the PHB sales are more indicative than entire D&D core rule sets, or DMG's or MMs or even starter sets...I decided to...
  11. GreyLord

    D&D 5E Why AD&D Rocks and 3e - 5e Mocks all over AC...

    This is actually somewhat tongue in cheek...so don't take the title all THAT seriously. This isn't REALLY an AD&D vs. other editions thing...it's more of a discussion on the why's and what's of AC in 3e and 5e. AD&D allows the full DEX modifier. I found it ridiculous how 3e decided that...
  12. GreyLord

    comic pdfs---this may or may not be possible...

    So, I am looking to try to read comicbooks via tablet these days. I was hoping to get some of the older comic book collections in a form which I could tote around with me. I do NOT want the comixology or subscription, it is more something that is compatible with what I already have on my...
  13. GreyLord

    Turning Red

    This is a difficult one to write about. I've made it no secret that I have a number of Asian-American Friends as well as friends from various parts of East Asia. Two of them warned me about this movie as they found it extremely racist in some ways and offensive in others. That went counter to...
  14. GreyLord

    Critical Role To Critical Role or not...That is the question

    So there have been quite a number of highly posted threads in other locations this week on other sites where conversations about Critical Role have popped up (actually, more like the past three days, it's like a LOT of people are talking about it). The primary point seems to be whether people...
  15. GreyLord

    D&D 5E +4 magic items - page 285 - Creating a New Magic Item

    On this page in the DMG it appears that you can make +4 magic items. These would be excessively rare. I have not used one of these in a game, but if I read it correctly, this means that +3 is NOT the maximum bonus you can have for a magic item. Has anyone made a +4 magic item, and what...
  16. GreyLord

    D&D 5E Well, it looks like I've bought the gift set

    I was thinking of getting another set of D&D books for a while now, but with the new Gift set that was coming out (Tasha's, Xanathar's and Mordekainen's) I decided to hold off until they were available. Just ordered them and they should be coming in later this week. Anyone else bought them...
  17. GreyLord

    Starfinder Low level Adventures for Starfinder

    So, I recently was disappointed because I did not do enough research on an AP. I thought Signal of Screams was the Low level 3 book AP in variance against the High Level 3 book AP they released. It is a lower level...but not the low level I was thinking about. It's starts at 7th level and...
  18. GreyLord

    D&D (2024) An idea on ASI's and varied Ancestries/Heritages

    I've read the most recent thread on the idea of no more subraces, and various discussions about Racial ASI's and whether they should or should not be done away with. I can see both sides of the debate, but someone mentioned that a +2 or +1 isn't really that massive of a difference between...
  19. GreyLord

    D&D 5E Why do your sidekicks hit better than the PC's??

    So, thinking about the sidekick rules in Tasha's.... You can choose a Warrior as a Sidekick and it can get a +2 to hit. This is not limited to simply when you do a ranged attack (as the fighting style) or limited to a certain amount of times with a random roll (archetype ability), but that...