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  1. Jdvn1

    Subscription status

    Hey there! I've been away for a bit. Love the new site! This may have changed a long while ago, but what happened to the lifetime Silver subscriptions from the post-hack Kickstarter rebuilding project? Do I have to head over to Patreon? Thanks!
  2. Jdvn1

    Subscriber Content query

    I must be missing something obvious - sorry! As a subscriber, I want to download WotBS. So I go to (http://www.enworld.org/forum/content.php?123-subscribers-content). However, I only see Chapters 7-12. How do I get at 1-6 and (presumably) the rest of the Subscriber Content?
  3. Jdvn1

    Going to London in 2 weeks - what should I do?

    It'll be my first time across the Atlantic! I'll be there for about a week. What should I do while there that I probably haven't heard of? And, what UK-specific travel tips might you have?
  4. Jdvn1

    WotBS WotBS - Adventure 5, Taranesti

    Where are the Taranesti discussed? I don't remember them anywhere (and they're not mentioned in Adventure 3, when the heroes first encounter Taranesti ruins, according to the Adventure 5 text). Is an explanation of who they are not germane to Adventure 5?
  5. Jdvn1

    WotBS WotBS - Adventure 3, dragon egg

    Are there details anywhere about where Naizelaza's dragon egg is? The adventure goes from convincing the dragon that the party will find her egg to awarding experience for finding the egg.
  6. Jdvn1

    Paragon Paths

    I'm just getting into WotBS (my party starts it in three or four weeks), and I'm having a pretty good time just preparing for it so far. I've finished the Player's Guide (I want to know what my players will have available to them) and I've started the Campaign Guide. The Player's Guide says...
  7. Jdvn1

    Keeping Track of Rules Updates

    With almost 90 pages of Rules Updates/Errata, how do you keep track of it all? Do you have a binder of rules updates with page numbers? Do you fill your books with post-it notes? Do you scribble in your books? Do you throw your hands up in the air and ignore it all? Tell me how you handle it!
  8. Jdvn1

    A couple of recent issues

    1. When I've gone to the New Posts page (for the last couple of days), it's populated entirely from posts dated in January 2038. Future EN World is taking over, and I hope the admins have sufficient defensive (or counteroffensive) plans. 2. Forum Jump > Forums (above General RPG Forums) links...
  9. Jdvn1

    Extended Absence

    I don't really have time for PbP games anymore. At least, until mid-August, when school starts up again. At that point, I'm not sure if I'll have time for PbP games again, but my schedule will certainly change enough that I can't be sure one way or another. It's unlikely I'll have end up having...
  10. Jdvn1


    The phoenix. Where can I find this critter? Seems like it'd be a staple of the fantasy genre. I've looked in the MM1, MM3, MM4, and FF. I didn't have my MM2 around at the time. I have a player who really likes phoenixes, and if there are thematically related PrCs or deities, that'd be useful...
  11. Jdvn1


    Bold added for emphasis. It looks like that player has a point. Now, I'm pretty sure that Chris Lindsay didn't write that feat, so I'm not sure how he can claim intent, but it's a pretty reasonable ruling anyway. ... Although the Dodge feat is pretty underpowered. So would you rule: Intent...
  12. Jdvn1

    E.N. Arsenal - Flails, Maces, and Morningstars

    Fails, Maces, and Morningstars is EN Publishing's sixth 'complete arsenal sourcebook,' and a lot of their work is top-notch. When I got my reviewer's copy of this, I was optimistic (I always like to try out new stuff!). The zip file for this product contains only the pdf, nothing more. No...
  13. Jdvn1

    17 Magic Weapons

    Really neat magic items can set the tone for a D&D game--after all, a cool character has a cool weapon. What is Indiana Jones without his whip or Zorro without his sword? In a D&D game, weapons are all about the weapon abilities. A cool weapon ability can define your character. The Le games...
  14. Jdvn1

    Living Forums

    It occured to me that there's variety of Living... games now, and that the current forum hierarchy doesn't seem to quite apply in that bit of the board. Seems like the forum should be called "Living Games" or somesuch and "Living EN World" would become a subforum.
  15. Jdvn1

    Dancing Around the World

    Very cool video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oId3bZR3WTQ&search=dancing%20around%20the%20world
  16. Jdvn1

    What are you reading? [July]

    Another month, another thread. I just finished reading (not ten minutes ago) White, the third book of the Circle Trilogy by Ted Dekker. Though that's not my normal genre, it's a really good trilogy (or as I heard someone say recently, "triology.") Next is an attempt at the first non-fiction...
  17. Jdvn1

    Previews for June and Beyond

    Guess what's on time this month? No, I'm talking about the WotC site. http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/iw/20060601a ;) Looks pretty cool.
  18. Jdvn1

    Where to post play-by-post?

    http://www.enworld.org/showthread.php?p=2858969 That's a sticky in the Gamers Seeking Gamers forum saying that Play By Post games shouldn't be advertised in that forum. I think non-ENWorld PbP games should be advertised in that forum, but I also recognize I'm not the one with the authority to...
  19. Jdvn1

    YS's Red Hand of Doom (OOC--Recruiting Cleric)

    IC Thread RG Thread Introductory Stuff The dry hilltops danced with fire. Throughout the heart of the wild badlands the humans called the Wyrmsmokes, great bonfires had been kindled atop the ridges overlooking Elsir Vale. There thousands of warriors had gathered -- hobgoblins in armor dyed...
  20. Jdvn1

    EN World New GMs, players, read the first post in this thread! (updated 5/21)

    GMs, players, recruit and find games here! This is the recruitment thread. If you're looking for a game to join, these are the games that are accepting new players. GMs GMs, if you're accepting new players, please post to this thread. If possible, include your game in this format: System...