• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. D

    D&D General Does Earth (or at least a fantasy version of it) have a crystal sphere and exist in the D&D Cosmology?

    In the D&D Cosmology, countless worlds, along with their solar systems, are encased in crystal spheres that bob in the Astral Sea. You can travel between the worlds in a spelljammer ship. All the worlds share the same Prime Material Plane. I was wondering if our Earth, or at least a fantasy...
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    Pathfinder 1E Are there compelling reasons to upgrade to PF1 from 3.0?

    I’m still running a 3.0 game. I never updated to 3.5. I didn’t see the point. 3.5 seemed too similar to buy the core books all over again - plus it seemed like they were trying to be more tactical and less theatre of the mind in 3.5. But if PF1 is less complex that 3.0, I’d certainly be open to...
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    Can a paladin be affected by a Spawn of Kyuss worm?

    I was just wondering if a paladin with Divine Health - giving him immunity to disease, including supernatural and magical - can be affected by a Spawn of Kyuss worm? I only ask as one of the ways to destroy the worm once it starts borrowing into your flesh is to cast remove disease (or remove...
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    Looking for an old Raise Dead thread

    I don't know if anyone can help me. I remember reading an old Raise Dead thread this year with alternate takes on how to treat Raise Dead, Resurrection and True Resurrection. Anyway, there was one post in it that re-named these 3 spells (well, at least the first 2) and altered them so that you...
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    Epic of Aerth d20

    I was thinking of running an Epic of Aerth campaign using D&D 3E rules. I've come to realise, however, that such a campaign is quite daunting, though, as Epic of Aerth is fairly closely based on Earth's history/myths. This means a lot of research to get the game up and running. This is...
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    Pathfinder 1E Dungeonaday... will we ever see a Pathfinder edition hard cover tome?

    Is there any chance Dragon's Delve could be released as a massive tome (akin to Ptolus: City by the Spire) and converted to Pathfinder rules? I think Monte said he wouldn't do this. Perhaps he was worried all the subscribers would cry foul because of all the money they've invested in it online...
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    Looking for an adventure involving the Resurection of a God

    In a Greyhawk game I'm running, Heironeous was slain in an epic conflict with an avatar of Tharizdun. Anyway, I regret this happening as Heironeous is such an iconic god to the setting. So... I'd like to bring him back from the dead! So I was wondering if there are any published adventures out...
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    Looking for a good fantasy city (d20)

    I'm running 3E era Forgotten Realms and made up a fictional city inbetween Waterdeep and Neverwinter. It's called Stormport. At the moment, I've kept the details fairly vague for the players but wanted to flesh it out more. Anyway, I was wondering if there are any cool city supplements out there...
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    Could Scarred Lands be used for Abeir?

    I've been looking for a published setting I could alter to use for Abeir. There's been some discussion online that 4E Darksun could be a good fit as it is a world ruled by primordials and the gods have been banished/slain. Abeir, as described in the FRCG, doesn't seem to be a desert world...
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    Pathfinder 1E Why is the out-of-print Pathfinder Campaign Setting so expensive?

    I had a search on eBay and Amazon to see if I could pick up the Pathfinder Campaign setting - thinking I could buy it cheap due to the revision coming out soon - only to find it for sale between $130 - $500 USD! I understand the book is out-of-print, but the revision isn't too far away. About 4...
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    How do I legally obtain LFR adventures for home play outside the USA?

    It looks like you can sign up for the Wizard's Play Network for home (private) events. I don't know if this gives you access to the LFR adventures but it looks like you need a DCI/RPGA number to sign up. This number can only be provided from a WPN location. These all seem to be in North America...
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    Vote for your Forgotten Realms!

    The new edition of D&D has been released. It combines all the best aspects of previous editions and is an instant success. The gaming community is united and the edition wars are over! You are the Brand Manager of the Forgotten Realms setting for the new edition. Your design team has come back...
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    Vote for your Forgotten Realms!

    The new edition of D&D has been released. It combines all the best aspects of previous editions and is an instant success. The gaming community is united and the edition wars are over! You are the Brand Manager of the Forgotten Realms setting for the new edition. Your design team has come back...
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    Any news from Gygax Games yet?

    It's been a while and I was wondering if anyone's heard anything? I'd love to see Castle Zagyg finished.
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    Looking for a good 4E campaign setting. Help, please.

    I've finally decided to give 4E a whirl. I'll still keep my 3E Greyhawk game active though. I can't decide on a published campaign setting though. - Greyhawk is out as I'm running that with 3E. - Forgotten Realms and Dragonlance are out because I use the Great Wheel cosmology and they are...
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    Wrath of the Immortals: what happens and why is it controversial?

    I own most BECMI adventures and was thinking of hunting down the Wrath of the Immortals boxed set. Can someone please tell me the basic events that happen in it? Also, why has it divided the Mystara community? All I know is that it has something to do with Blackmoor (as presented in modules...
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    Do Demon Lords/Dukes of Hell grant spells to worshippers as gods do?

    Do Demon Lords and the Dukes of Hell grant spells to worshippers in the same way gods do? And if so, why aren't they divine? I understand that in default D&D you can just worship "Goodness" or "Evil". Would worshipping a Demon Lord/Duke of Hell be a similar thing - with the demon/devil being a...
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    Does a map of Neverwinter appear in any FR product?

    I'm looking for a map of Neverwinter - a Forgotten Realm's city on the Sword Coast. Is there any FR book that has a map of the city? Thank you
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    In which D&D product did Orcus die?

    All I know about Orcus's death is that he was slain by Kiaransalee, the drow goddess of undead. But in which D&D product is this event first outlined? Was there a novel line that told this story or series of modules detailing the event? I know the Planescape adventure Dead Gods involves the...
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    4E Tear of Ioun adventures part 2 & 3. Has anyone converted them to 3.5?

    I'm still playing 3E and I was thinking of running the free downloadable Dungeon adventure "Touch of Madness" on WotC's website. This is part 1 in the Tear of Ioun trilogy. Unfortunately, the follow-up adventures, "Depths of Madness" (part 2) and "Brink of Madness" (part 3) were only released as...