• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. DarkCrisis

    OSR Introducing: The Mighty TBDs. A B/X adventure log.

    I've been wanting to run BX/Basic for a long time but I figured that wouldn't float to well with the group well meh its my time and I mentioned it and they mostly seemed fine with it. We are using Labyrinth Lord ATM. Anywho. 8 Players/characters. Most of us are 40+ with three 3 20 something...
  2. DarkCrisis

    D&D General Are you aware that the New Edition (5.5 whatever) is a part of the 50th Anniversary of D&D?

    Over in the new cover for the DMG thread a lot of people are dismayed the the revealed covers for the new Core 3 seem to lean into nostalgia. Having new art of the famous iconic of 1st ed. Strongheart, Venger, etc. The interior art going all in as well. Not to mention those darn meddling...
  3. DarkCrisis

    D&D General How would you design the new 5.5 (whatever) ed PHB cover? Art!

    @dave2008 had the great of idea of making our own covers! So, I drew this while I was covering the receptionist desk while he was off to the restroom. TMI? Don't worry about talent or skill! What have you got! Be it on a piece of printer paper, a sticky note, your tablets art software, AI...
  4. DarkCrisis

    TSR Having multiple dungeons available to the players

    I'm always thinking of future games I hope to run someday and my current dream of the future is playing some Basic (or OSR version) and doing a classic dungeon dive. Then I recalled I read a write up an old grognard did from back in the OD&D days and their group had 2-3 dungeons to pick and...
  5. DarkCrisis

    D&D General Why does WotC/Wizkids wait 6 months for tie in minis?

    For example, the Planescape tie in minis are just now coming out and the adventure came out like 6 months ago. Talk about striking while the iron is cold. Wouldn’t it be better to have the minis ready at about the same time so if you need a modron or some other special monster mini you could...
  6. DarkCrisis

    D&D General How do you think each alignment would handle this?

    Basic Human Fighter (or whatever) is in a local store sees an obviously poor man steal something. How would each of the alignment's react in your opinion? LG NG CG LN TN CN LE NE CE Addendum: Don’t over think this
  7. DarkCrisis

    D&D General 5E is the best version of D&D.

    Edit: I was trying to joke about people having stupid opinions, but I can see how this looks like an editions war thing. My bad. I've been tinkering with house rules lately and while it's made 5E it more palatable, I've realized I've been thinking about it all wrong. I loved AD&D. It adds...
  8. DarkCrisis

    D&D General Are the 5.5 (or whatever) classes/races/monsters/etc better than 5.0?

    I haven't kept up with all the released info. I have seen endless discussions about it, though. The reason I ask is I see a lot of people say they won't switch or whatever which tells me that at some point they may be playing "lesser" characters in a 5.5 powered game. Sure it's compatible so...
  9. DarkCrisis

    D&D General Is WotC's 5E D&D easy? Trust me this isn't what you think... maybe

    Spawning off another thread (and from countless others) Yes, you can toss more monsters in and change monsters and make the most devious traps etc etc etc. The DM can "work" to make the adventure/dungeon actually dangerous. OR You can buy a ready made official published adventure and run it...
  10. DarkCrisis

    D&D General The D&D Cartoon is set in Faerun since when?

    I picked up the new D&D cartoon comic collection and the back says they went to Faerun. The first few pages make sure to back this up. Venger and all those adventures are in Faerun. Not that they were in "The Realm" (this is not the Forgotten Realms) and then took a portal out to Faerun (they...
  11. DarkCrisis

    D&D General EverQuest's Norrath via D&D. Any good conversions?

    While the spirit of Classic EQ is more AD&D than 5E and current EQ leans more to 5E (yes I know a 3rd ed official version came out, I own the core) would anyone know of a good 5E or OSR/AD&D conversion? I found some notes a fan made like 5-6 years ago, but perhaps someone might know of...
  12. DarkCrisis

    D&D General I miss Cadderly and his family. What happened to Danica & Spirit Soaring?

    For those who don't know, Drizzt creator RA Salvatore created some fun characters who popped up in his Drizzt books and eventually got their own 5 book series called The Cleric Quintet. Cadderly the Cleric of Deneir Danica the Monk his wife their kids Ivan the Dwarf Fighter Pikel the Dwarf...
  13. DarkCrisis

    OSR Castles & Crusades White Box - Where is the XP?

    I've had the C&C White Box for a while and was going to compare xp totals to another OSR system and absolutely cannot find monster xp. It's not in the listings per monster. Maybe it's chart that shows xp per Hit Die, but nope! I cant believe they would straight up forget to include XP in the...
  14. DarkCrisis

    D&D 5E Somehow Vecna returned....

    If it's one thing you want to associate your product with, it's definitely Rise of Skywalker.
  15. DarkCrisis

    D&D General Who else owned the Official D&D Soundtrack from Midnight Syndicate?

    Yup. Bought it new back in the long long ago. I still have it. Listened to it a few times but I think only used it once during a D&D session. I also bought some of their horror albums for use with VtM etc.
  16. DarkCrisis

    D&D General Barrowmaze, Stonehell, Arden Vul, Rappan Athuk and other Megadungeons

    I'm always thinking of games I'd like to run before I die and I hope to convince my group to, at some point, try a Megadungeon. The 4 in the title that caught my eye as I was surfing the web (to us an outdated term) What's been mostly on my mind is "What system do I want to run it in?" I...
  17. DarkCrisis

    D&D General "I'm glad to be back playing D&D."

    With my group I try to show off other games and they are thankfully accommodating. I try to play some form D&D and then after that something different like Cyberpunk or Vampire or Paranoia etc. About the time Dragonlance 5E came out I swore off DMing 5E until 5.5E came out and hopefully fixed...
  18. DarkCrisis

    D&D 5E Would you require a roll for this?

    There is a chest and the Rogue rolls and detects a trap. A needle trap that would eject into the thief's hand and poison them. The Rogue's player says that he borrows the Fighters metal gauntlet (which the needle couldn't penetrate) and safely sets off the trap. Roll for disarm or not?
  19. DarkCrisis

    What is a supported OSR game?

    By this I mean, has adventures/modules. Like i love Shadowdark but it's "adventures" are small 5 room dungeons. Kelsey has teased a big adventure might be coming down the pike but that's later. Does Castles and Crusades have any? I know they are doing to old Gygax stuff that's "coming". I...
  20. DarkCrisis

    D&D General Top selling 5E official non-core 3 books? / Why aren't adventure books catching fire?

    Reading the new Dragonlance thread and seeing that "The DL adventure book didn't sale enough" and me thinking "No kidding, could it be because it was subpar?" It's not like it really gave enough info to spawn further homemade adventures. It gives just enough fluff to get the premade...