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Recent content by zakael19

  1. Z

    From free-range to back on the railroad--how to adjust?

    Echo chamber here, establish a social contract in session 0 about pursuing the adventure. Bury the rails a bit if you feel the need too, my favorite way of doing that is to try and work appropriate triggers into PC's motivations by discussing character concepts and shaping them a bit (eg: if a...
  2. Z

    D&D General New Interview with Rob Heinsoo About 4E

    I would love to see WOTC design a tutorial the way FU has done, where you match piecemeal mechanics into game action scene by scene. I think you could do that, but I also think you'd start to ask some questions about certain design decisions. I just took a look at the PF2 Beginner's Box, which...
  3. Z

    D&D General New Interview with Rob Heinsoo About 4E

    Almost none of these games have a genuine tutorial either, the way pretty much every video game does when systems are this complex (not that there's uniform quality there). I just ran the Fabula Ultima "Press Start" tutorial mission for one of my usual groups of fairly new players, and the way...
  4. Z

    D&D 5E Help me understand & find the fun in OC/neo-trad play...

    I think you can have the style of play with or without whatever we choose to define in our heads as full “OC” engagement. Concede the potential for tragic / bad outcome arcs being a goal of play, just not what comes to mind or what I’ve seen in my play so I didn’t think of it!
  5. Z

    D&D 5E Help me understand & find the fun in OC/neo-trad play...

    Failure, setback, or betrayal - things that went wrong that establish why you're out striving with awesome hooks.
  6. Z

    D&D 5E Help me understand & find the fun in OC/neo-trad play...

    I think there’s something to be said for having characters have a reason to a) bite the premise together and b) knit into a party to the get the ball rolling. FU does this explicitly during party creation - you establish bonds and reasons to be an adventuring party as part of premise (and bonds...
  7. Z

    D&D 5E Help me understand & find the fun in OC/neo-trad play...

    It has a very different model of conflict and motivations that may be better suited for what i think characterizes this style of play then core AW. DW/Fellowship or other PBTA drifts may be better suited still.
  8. Z

    D&D 5E Help me understand & find the fun in OC/neo-trad play...

    Idk if this really is in response to your post, but just kinda sharing why what I think the play and GM style that aligns with whatever the heck neotrad is just works for me: So I have nowhere the gaming history most posters here do. Played a tiny bit of 3.5 as a teen ages ago, and then nothing...
  9. Z

    Are TTRPGs Even a "Good" Hobby?

    My prep for my 3 hour 5e game last night was 15 minutes of sketching out a notional floorplan for a townhouse and a couple notable things in rooms, a quick list of significant NPCs at the party with a couple quirks; and probably another 15-20 minutes of finding some damn maps for my VTT in case...
  10. Z

    D&D 5E Help me understand & find the fun in OC/neo-trad play...

    Why the hostility? Good god. “Story now” narrativism is maybe not one the styles of play in the blog post, but it’s the entire style of play the Forge games (AW) were created to promote. It resists the concept of a character arc / actualized backstory beyond how any of those things apply to the...
  11. Z

    D&D General New Interview with Rob Heinsoo About 4E

    It’s static though - you can’t have double advantage or double disadvantage. So there’s a finite limit to teamwork. It’s simple to comprehend and elegant but doesn’t have complexity. Eg: a rogue can now grant themselves advantage at will as long as they don’t move. What purpose teamwork and...
  12. Z

    D&D General New Interview with Rob Heinsoo About 4E

    Paladins have a fighting style they can take, as does anybody else who can take fighting styles that lets them intercept damage in that way given certain riders. Flanking is absolutely optional, and most guides will tell you "don't, or make it a +2 unless you want things to get stupid in a...
  13. Z

    D&D 5E Help me understand & find the fun in OC/neo-trad play...

    Did you read my post there or any others ive made in this thread? I'm a huge neotrad proponent, proposed a couple definitions I think fit better and are positivist - and simply made the comment that I dont think most of the core FITD/PBTAs fit it well from a system design perspective due to how...
  14. Z

    D&D 5E Help me understand & find the fun in OC/neo-trad play...

    Oh man 100% this in my groups that BG3 finally pushed from being a CR fan into wanting to actually play. We just got done with a session that was a masquerade / art gallery reception where I a) dropped the last of the 3 folks who betrayed my fighter on him in a situation where he felt he...
  15. Z

    D&D General New Interview with Rob Heinsoo About 4E

    Add me on to the list of "martials generally do more damage, especially optimized fighters (Echo Knight has just so many nova attacks)" but a caster can with a save vs suck sometimes just end the encounter threat entirely. You can't really account for that in parsing stats! Like when the bard...