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Recent content by Yora

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  2. Yora

    D&D General The core monster lineup across all editions

    With the pre-1979 editions, it's because the monsters had not been introduced yet. If you start with AD&D 1st edition and compare it to the editions that came after it, the list becomes much longer.
  3. Yora

    D&D 3E/3.5 3rd Edition Revisited - Better play with the power of hindsight?

    Given that sorcerers do get access to fewer spells and one level later, letting them use metamagic feats without the casting time increase sounds like an attractive house rule. And it would make metamagic feats for sorcerers feel considerably more attractive. (No clue how much of a difference...
  4. Yora

    D&D 3E/3.5 3rd Edition Revisited - Better play with the power of hindsight?

    I'm doing some actual campaign prep now, and it's been an interesting experience going through the book catalog deciding which books I want to use as my GM toolbox to create the world for the campaign. It currently consists of the PHB and MM, Monsters of Faerûn, Manual of the Planes, Frostburn...
  5. Yora

    Amazon has been sued due to introducing Ads

    I don't know about the US, and I know that in comparison I am living in a socialist utopia. But in Germany, fine print in pre-made contracts that are take it or leave it, won't get you anywhere as a company. If obvious trickery is involved, then the paragraph in question is void and the rest of...
  6. Yora

    For those of you with ADHD, how do you organize your campaigns?

    I guess the answer is: I don't. I do have maps and NPC stat blocks ready on paper, but they only have any kind of context in my head. No idea how that has worked as well as it did so far.
  7. Yora

    What mechanics or subsystems do you use regardless of the game you are running/playing?

    Or a sequence of self-contained scenes that exist in isolation and can be engaged at a leisurely pace where the party is always at peak strength.
  8. Yora

    On Kickstarter There Are More Successful Projects But Creators Earning 30% Less

    There's earning on Kickstarter? I thought it was about funding?
  9. Yora

    What mechanics or subsystems do you use regardless of the game you are running/playing?

    The B/X wandering monsters check and reaction roll. And the morale check, if the respective game doesn't have one. How can you even have dungeon and wilderness exploration without these?!
  10. Yora

    So, what is your Favorite "Villain" race these days?

    My setting has serpentmen and dark fey as the two big bad forces in the world. I also like gnolls as inhabitants of the wilderness whose encounters generally go poorly and often violently, but I try to give them some depth and diversity.
  11. Yora

    D&D General Mike Schley, WotC Cartographer, discovers a treasure trove of official 3.5 and 4e maps!

    In that case, WotC might be paying for many more maps than they actually use. I can see a company making a contract that they only buy the works that they will commercially use. It's when they get the right but only have to pay the contractor if they put the work into a product that you have a...
  12. Yora

    Do TTRPGs Need to "Modernize?"

    RPGs have been modernizing for 50 years.
  13. Yora

    D&D General 50th Anniversary- Are You Not Entertained?

    Nearly all the D&D material I'm getting a lot of fun out is already over 20 years old. The few exceptions are all no later than 2007.