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Recent content by toucanbuzz

  1. toucanbuzz

    D&D 5E Continuous Initiative in 5E

    This blog is a bit dated (2015), but it analyzes a single Hackmaster combat session and concludes that fears almost kept them away from a system that made combat dynamic and exciting. It's worth a read, albeit a small sample size that isn't analyzed at higher levels where players generally have...
  2. toucanbuzz

    D&D General From Another Edition

    Hardness/weapon/spell immunity. I like the idea you need a +3 weapon or adamantine to effectively do anything to an iron golem or a demon lord. Makes monsters more like a puzzle rather than big bags of hit points to be whittled down, encouraging creativity imo. E.g., prior edition, player used...
  3. toucanbuzz

    D&D General Dwarven adventures recommendations

    Thanks all! Some good stuff to begin looking into!
  4. toucanbuzz

    D&D General Dwarven adventures recommendations

    Looking to craft a network of lost dwarven towns, forts and crossroads during a portion of our campaign wherein the party is tracking clues to follow someone through a vast network of a dwarven empire long ago overrun, connected once by a massive underground road system. If familiar with Dragon...
  5. toucanbuzz

    D&D General Mundane animals - do you use them in game?

    If a player specifically has abilities to talk to animals, etc., then we're going to have a lot more animals in my flavor descriptions. Otherwise, I like the "Bits of..." series of flavor text (100 or so for a terrain type) which often incorporate mundane animals (sometimes they're simply...
  6. toucanbuzz

    D&D 5E What should I steal from these 5e adventure books? (+)

    OOTA. Glabbagool. High level of cool traveling with a sentient gelatinous cube.
  7. toucanbuzz

    D&D General What Are Traps For?

    Way back in the original day, traps: (1) Gave the thief (rogue) a chance to have the spotlight. Only thieves could disable traps, which were often deadly enough that not bringing a thief to the dungeon was a risky proposition. Since rogues stunk (mostly) at combat, you'd see many parties with...
  8. toucanbuzz

    D&D General Curious About Looking For Feedback?

    You've got access to a lot of Dungeon Masters, game designers, and hordes of players here. Go for it. Best thing, no downvotes.
  9. toucanbuzz

    D&D General How to move a game forward?

    There might be no secret. They may just get along with your personality, regardless of whether your map is a single trail with impassable sides or your bad guy is a work of art. Personally, I think DMs need to be disabused of the idea there's a "right" way to a good game, or if you want to call...
  10. toucanbuzz

    D&D General Is it cheesy to power down monsters? Also, has anyone done "Them Apples" from Dungeon #48?

    Alternately, don't make the adult giants a foe that can be defeated by conventional means. They might grunt in annoyance at physical attacks, have skulls too thick for mental magic to penetrate, and treat them like noisy children. If the party wants something to play with, maybe they carry some...
  11. toucanbuzz

    D&D 5E Blanking on my finale Dragonlance battle this weekend

    Thanks, got some solid ideas and rolling with 'em. I usually try to be a week ahead of my players, not a day!
  12. toucanbuzz

    D&D 5E Blanking on my finale Dragonlance battle this weekend

    So short notice, as I procrastinated at the end of a year-long Dragonlance campaign (wherein we ran the original modules converted, with Level Up for characters), the players made it to the finale. And, while I have the "as written" part, it's not the climatic ultra-conflict boss battle that I...
  13. toucanbuzz

    D&D 5E House rules based on experience with Bg3

    Made me think of the Knights of the Dinner Table comic, gamer spoof. All potions have expiration dates (often written on the bottle). If an expired potion is used, it triggers a roll similar to the mixing potions table. Poor characters could also buy expired potions. It was meant to be silly at...
  14. toucanbuzz

    D&D General Making magic items have a buff that puts them at risk of destruction

    Brainstorm: On a natural 20 critical hit, roll a d20. If you roll a 1, the sword instead explodes into a 10d6 fireball centered on the wielder. The wielder is immune to this damage, but the sword is destroyed and will reform randomly on some other plane in 1 year. It's 1 in 400, but since...
  15. toucanbuzz

    D&D General Do you incorporate holiday or festive themes into your games?

    In a long-term celtic-themed Kingmaker campaign, I had a calendar with yearly holidays, giving folks notice in advance of the big ones such as Samhain (precursor to Halloween) where druids proclaimed new laws and the ruler of the lands (a gamer) was expected to do some ceremonies. They came to...