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Recent content by Tizbiz

  1. T

    ZEITGEIST Tizbiz Zeitgeist Campaign

    The gamble i took paid out big time. As Lylandra said Auryn's past was fitting incredibly well to the dragon i had in mind. Educated, sophisticated with a sharp mind and ruthless yet not inherently evil. Looking at Pemberton who is just one of Fordrens many disguises I saw an old dragon that has...
  2. T

    ZEITGEIST Tizbiz Zeitgeist Campaign

    I was very lucky that Mr. Carlyle decided to try to teleport away. Only because of that i had enough time to actually kill Bruse Shantus. Concerning Lya's not cooperating with the RHC i reasoned, that she was under orders to get exclusive access to Oddcogg and was waiting for a better chance to...
  3. T

    ZEITGEIST Deities, or the lack of

    In my campaign there was the question about the clergy's Gods from my players quite early. Yet as i had not yet read all adventures in detail, i could not answer them at that time. As none of my players wanted to play a cleric, it did not bother them too much. Later i found out from adventure...
  4. T

    ZEITGEIST Elfaivar , the Colonies and Royal rule(No Spoilers revealed)

    I have a Deva and an Eladrin als Players. Both have deep ties with the fall of the eladrin empire and have been spending a lot more time in Elfaivar than the average party. I looked up the rules and found no reason why any of my players could not be queen or king. Essentially king Aodhan lays...
  5. T

    ZEITGEIST Tizbiz Zeitgeist Campaign

    As to Lya Jierre: My players had a very good relationship with her. I think that she had to have worked very hard on the peace between risur and danor. And at this point of the adventure she is still torn between her own goals and the Ob's . I thought that she would be pissed by the bruse's...
  6. T

    ZEITGEIST Tizbiz Zeitgeist Campaign

    Having a good relationship with the Griento's, i expected the constables to request his half of the railway to complete. Clever players .... took me totally by surprise to use him as the inside source to sabotage his own railway. :) I had much fun to puzzle the players with the Pemberton/Forden...
  7. T

    WotBS Lylandra's War of the Burning Sky continued

    Once upon a time we were playing a rather serious campaign where one female player insisted on playing a druid with a baby tiger as an animal companion just because baby tigers are so adorable. *shudders and faints* For some reasons players tend to befriend cute or strange npc. in my first epic...
  8. T

    ZEITGEIST Livia Hatsfield and her powers [minor spoilers]

    thank you both. I will take that as a guideline for the future and though i would love to have the OBs leech power en masse, i always thought of the power as too special to be exploited too easily. There must be some conditions met at least.
  9. T

    WotBS Lylandra's War of the Burning Sky continued

    That was a scary moment. Syana fighting with Tinuviel's extended family and he had to decide to fight with them or to end the fight by risking all. He asked Empathy to suppress all his emotions because he was afraid he would turn back to fight alongside his friends. (Fortunately 41 died by...
  10. T

    ZEITGEIST Tizbiz Zeitgeist Campaign

    I wonder what the agents are going to do, if they ever confront an awakened Borne. Auryn would probably like to adopt him or something like that. I am looking forward to what the other nations think about their security, if Risur has a 104 meter colossus at their disposal ......
  11. T

    ZEITGEIST Tizbiz Zeitgeist Campaign

    I was trying to add some sense of danger. Auryn was handling the colossus like you would a handle naughty toddler or a playful puppy and some scenes got to serene. I believe i said Borne destroyed the mayor's residence and somehow the players believed the mayor was killed and as it suited the...
  12. T

    WotBS Lylandra's War of the Burning Sky continued

    Poor Tinuviel. I wonder why Don Juan, Zorro and Casanova never seem to have had such problems. Maybe Tinuviel should have studied the mysteries of the black arts of seduction more carefully. Well, that got all solved, when we came to the end of the temple dungeon. *tried hard not to spoiler...
  13. T

    WotBS Lylandra's War of the Burning Sky continued

    As far as i remember Tinuviel had asked Shalosha to join them and "fight back to back" with him when he contacted her with a sending spell before the party left for the temple. He used the same words again when he met with her in the temple and at the same time tried to get Kathrina not to fry...
  14. T

    ZEITGEIST Reoccuring Vilians ?

    My players also parted on friendly terms with Ottavia. They even managed to show her some of the negative sides of the Ob's. I might use her as an additional information source .... Maybe she got some insight about someone gathering wonderous artefacts that could aid resurrection. Thank you for...