• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by Shiv

  1. S

    Kickstarter Hypersleep Terminated Is Live on Kickstarter

    The Kickstarter for Hypersleep Terminated is live! You portray characters in a space disaster movie and some of you are going to die. So make it dramatic. When your character is gone, you become a producer on the movie and continue to influence the story to the very end. Check it out. If you...
  2. S

    Kickstarter The Kickstarter for CAPERS Cyberpunk is live!

    Final day. Stretch goals are adding more adventures to the adventure book!
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    Kickstarter The Kickstarter for CAPERS Cyberpunk is live!

    Funded and just $500 away from another adventure and putting ALL the adventures into a softcover adventure book.
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    Kickstarter The Kickstarter for CAPERS Cyberpunk is live!

    The Kickstarter for CAPERS Cyberpunk is live! In the newest iteration of CAPERS, super-powered cyberpunks battle the megacorps in an alternate present day. Full rules. Full setting. Full GM tools. All in one game book. Check it out. If you dig it, back it and share it around. Thanks.
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    Kickstarter What Is Light Without Dark (Good Strong Hands supplement) is Live!

    The Kickstarter for What Is Light Without Dark is live! WILWD is a supplement for the ENnie-nominated Good Strong Hands, exploring new realms, and the folk who live there and magics they wield as they fight to save Reverie from the Void. Check it out. If you dig it, back it and share it...
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    Kickstarter Die Laughing 2 Is Live on Backerkit Crowdfunding!

    Hello… The Die Laughing 2 crowdfunding campaign is live. Die Laughing 2: Die Laughinger is a short, economical, fun supplement for Die Laughing, the game that puts the laughter in slaughter. Check it out. If you dig it, back it and share it around. Thanks. Craig Campbell Lead Designer...
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    Kickstarter Code Warriors Kickstarter is Live!

    There's now a special backer level for outside-the-US folks who can't afford the high cost to ship from the US. A print-on-demand book printed in the UK with lower shipping. Check it out HERE. Craig Campbell Lead Designer, NerdBurger Games
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    Kickstarter Code Warriors Kickstarter is Live!

    Greetings, programs… The Code Warriors Kickstarter is live! Code Warriors is a tabletop RPG where you portray programs living in your computer world. The computer is crashing. It’s the apocalypse. Will you survive? Check it out. If you dig it, back it and share it around. Thanks. Craig...
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    ENNIE Award Dream Dates: 2022 Guide

    I'm happy to hang out with my winner for a while after the ceremony if they want to pick my brain or listen to stories. Craig Campbell NerdBurger Games
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    Press NerdBurger Games' Good Strong Hands Ennie Nominations - Call to Vote!

    Hey there, I'm thrilled to say NerdBurger Games is nominated for Best Family Game and Best Rules for this year's Ennies. This is a big deal for a little company and the team and I would be over the moon if you'd vote for us. Vote here! Get the Good Strong Hands PDF for $4.99 here! Thanks so...
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    Green Promo.jpg

  12. S

    Kickstarter Secrets of the Vibrant Sea is Live!

    The Secrets of the Vibrant Sea Kickstarter is live! Secrets of the Vibrant Sea is a solo fantasy RPG of ocean exploration and making friends. Think of it as a cross between a rules-light RPG and a Choose Your Own Adventure book. You’ll make choices and roll some dice to determine what happens...
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    Kickstarter Staged Heroism: A Comedic RPG of Failure at its Best (Funded!)

    Getting closer to the third stretch goal! Woooo!
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    Kickstarter Felt, Friendship, and Feelings is on Kickstarter!

    The Felt, Friendship, and Feelings Kickstarter is live! Felt, Friendship, and Feelings is a light, GM-less game where you portray a puppet person or monster or taco or..whatever…and you go on an adventure with all your puppet folks friends. It’s a heartwarming game centered on teamwork...
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    Kickstarter Secrets of the Vibrant Isle is Live on Kickstarter!

    One week to go. Stretch goals are providing additional payment to all contributors.