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Recent content by robowieland

  1. robowieland

    Build Better Worlds To Die Upon

    When Free League Publishing announced the Alien Role Playing Game, they said the line would be built upon three broad pillars. The game would support campaigns that focused on space marines, space truckers and colonists. With the space marine chapter filled out over the past few years it’s time...
  2. robowieland

    Witness The Fall Of Dune’s Imperium First Hand

    I call out when I move into spoiler territory. Those who don't care get a deeper look into the campaign Those who care can stop at the bold text.
  3. robowieland

    Witness The Fall Of Dune’s Imperium First Hand

    The best licensed role playing games have settings where there’s room to run. Luke might be blowing up the Death Star and Frodo might be dropping off The One Ring but there’s still plenty of opportunities for characters to have some adventures and take out some bad guys. Dune is also a great...
  4. robowieland

    The Monster Overhaul Is More Than A Mere Manual

    Every monster tells a story. That’s the underlying truth of every bestiary released for a role playing game. Whenever the Dungeon Master pulls a monster book off of the shelf, they’re looking for something to help tell their story. It could be an obstacle, an adversary or even the antagonist at...
  5. robowieland

    Eat The Reich Is Here For A Bloody Good Time, Not For A Long Time

    In the short section of further adventures, the authors suggest going after other heads of state like Mussolini and Churchill.
  6. robowieland

    Eat The Reich Is Here For A Bloody Good Time, Not For A Long Time

    I don't know that I would call this advanced, really, in the way I'd call Shadowrun or Pathfinder that, but definitely something where I would be careful to chose a group who can handle the adult content and the narrative control. A bit like Wraith.
  7. robowieland

    Eat The Reich Is Here For A Bloody Good Time, Not For A Long Time

    Most people think of RPG stories in one of two sizes. There’s the campaign which goes on for years, allows for deep character development and the build up of character power and skill. The other option is the one shot made for convention play or trying out new games with a single session...
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  10. robowieland

    Play To Lose Yourself In The Zone

    Stalker and Roadside Picnic are both mentioned as inspirations by the creator. I didn't mention them because I am not familiar.
  11. robowieland

    Play To Lose Yourself In The Zone

    One of the long standing pearls of wisdom about role-playing games is that there is not a winner. It’s not the destination, it’s the journey in these games we love. The point is to tell memorable stories of heroes, villains, triumphs and tragedies. Designer Raph D’Amico’s The Zone focuses on a...
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  13. robowieland

    Parsely Turns Classic Adventure Games Into Fun For Everyone

    It’s wild to see how far computer games have come in my lifetime. Modern RPGs can be like a Hollywood blockbuster full of realistic graphics, branching storylines and romanceable characters. When I was a kid, most of these games were text adventures where half the challenge was figuring out the...
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  15. robowieland

    What To Expect In Star Trek Adventures 2nd Edition

    If they work like they do in more recent 2d20 releases, traits can raise or lower difficulty by one if they affect the die roll. So if the scene has the darkness trait and you're trying to shoot someone, it's going to be a higher difficulty. But if you're trying to hide from someone it will be...