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Recent content by Michael Morris

  1. Michael Morris

    D&D 5E Fallout Conversion - Wasteland Survival Guide

    Added a few more perks above. Dumb luck feels fun, but it worries me a little. Am I talking to myself?
  2. Michael Morris

    D&D 5E Fallout Conversion - Wasteland Survival Guide

    So I've been playing all weekend and up to level 61 on my minuteman playthrough and I'm thinking on how armor is going to work. I want something basically compatible with D&D so that you can take D&D armors and put them on. System 1 - Heavy This uses a simple rule - heavy weapons have...
  3. Michael Morris

    D&D 5E Fallout Conversion - Wasteland Survival Guide

    By the way, question - how many hit points? Melee weapons will be unchanged from 5e, so a combat knife is d4 damage. I'm guessing the crappiest pipe pistol will also be d4, so on a crit 2d4. The damage scale is the same there. A 1st level D&D character has between 6-17 hp (not counting...
  4. Michael Morris

    D&D 5E Fallout Conversion - Wasteland Survival Guide

    Ok, we'll see how this wiki business goes. There's a lot up there, but a lot left to do. Still, I think there's enough that the structure of the beast should be a little clearer. Things are very raw at this point and I'm sure there's some absurdly stupid broken crap in there. So go ahead and...
  5. Michael Morris

    D&D 5E Fallout Conversion - Wasteland Survival Guide

    I've been meaning to try out this Wiki Thread feature - I think it's perfect for what I'm working on. This document is a draft, the final version will be the "Wasteland Survival Guide," a Player's Guide for Fallout using the d20 5e ruleset. Fallout 4 is the principle point of inspiration...
  6. Michael Morris

    D&D 5E [Homebrew] Fallout d20

    So I've been doing some further work with this. First, unlike the game which is inconsistent about the minimum levels for perks, I figure it's easier to be consistent and to use the same level turn overs that 5e uses, so Beginner +2 bonus Advanced +3 bonus, 5th level Journeyman +4 bonus, 9th...
  7. Michael Morris

    D&D 5E [Homebrew] Fallout d20

    Then it wouldn't be SPECIAL. More importantly, if I'm not trying to preserve the acronym from the game why change the ability scores up so much at all. Luck will be tricky to work in, but I think it's possible. Because d100 systems suck. Too much math for too little gain. Since most of those...
  8. Michael Morris

    D&D 5E [Homebrew] Fallout d20

    I've been playing a lot of Fallout 4 recently and have become a little enamored of its character generation and advancement system and I've started wondering about translating it into a tabletop system. There's also a minis combat game coming out soon so there will be minis available to use...
  9. Michael Morris

    D&D 5E Cantor (Bard Variant - Draft) PEACH

    Stuff worth chewing on at least. Trying to keep the writeup somewhat simple. Then again, I have a warlock writeup that's getting biggish.
  10. Michael Morris

    D&D 5E Cantor (Bard Variant - Draft) PEACH

    I'm writing again (yay) Trying to keep this writeup small - it's a variant, not a whole new class. Outside of my own setting (where magic is color based) a cantor continues to use the bard spell list - so just ignore the mention of colors and invocations. Cantor (class variant)A cantor is...
  11. Michael Morris

    Rules workshop: Fire!! Fire! Fire!!!!

    Are you seriously comparing the heat of a cigarette to a fireball spell, which would be roughly analogous to a hand grenade (although a grenade deals most of its damage from concussion, not heat)?
  12. Michael Morris

    Rules workshop: Fire!! Fire! Fire!!!!

    Throwing a fire spell into a room full of kindling has the potential to start small blazes, but the core game does expand on this much. This is a rule needing testing to formalize the consequences of pyromania. When a fire spell with an area of effect is cast there is a chance of starting...
  13. Michael Morris

    Return of Skill ranks - sort of - maybe...

    The comment about DC's being locked is a reference to having too many knobs syndrome as it where. The game just returned to a simplified state I rather like - I don't want to ramp up the complexity again. Conceptually this approach is a way of governing when skill checks get made and sets up...
  14. Michael Morris

    Return of Skill ranks - sort of - maybe...

    Writing this completely off the cuff - it's based off an idea Mearls kicked around shortly before the D&D Next playtest was announced. What I'm thinking on is a way to make diversify skills without sending ranks off to the moon. This is a set of thoughts in progress. Here goes. There are...
  15. Michael Morris

    A 9th school of magic - Invocation

    The spell reorganization divides the spells cleanly into the 5 colors - each color having the same number of spells. New spells are introduced to ensure all colors have the same number of spells. Each major spell casting class has access to at least two colors as follows. Bard: Green & Blue...