• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by Bayushi_seikuro

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    D&D Movie/TV Paramount+ Will Not Proceed with Dungeons & Dragons Live-Action TV Show

    Maybe that's the secret - Make an Eberron/Waterdeep cop show.
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    D&D General Ignoring the rules!

    I don't know if it's 'meta', but since some people like to lay Real World over games sometimes, there are sometimes as people where we might feel we've learned enough that we can handle extra work duties, or handle training others. Sometimes it even manifests as a need or calling to just DROP...
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    D&D General Ignoring the rules!

    I like the 1e paladin restrictions on magic items for encumbrance: The character may never retain more than ten magic items: 1 suit of armour; 1 shield; 4 weapons; 4 others.
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    D&D (2024) Understanding "nostalgia"

    "Nostalgia is our most toxic impulse." -- Judge John Hodgman
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    D&D General [+] Tell me about Greyhawk

    To add to the pile of compliments and info about Greyhawk, I'll add my two coppers: What I enjoyed - and found to be 'new tech' when I was starting out late-80s, was the bare bones descriptions of lands, and they boiled down to things like: Who are they warring with? Who are they friends...
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    A question about Highlander

    I've never gotten around to Sandman, but I've seen that clip through Youtube's knowledge of what I like. Dream yelling at him for presuming they could be friends... only to come back one day and the pub is being demolished. ... I need to go watch that again And it's Hob Gadling, which I...
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    D&D 5E Who tried to end the OGL?

    Don't forget the theory that New Coke was introduced so there would be outrage, and when Coke Classic came back, it would have a new, cheaper sweetener and people would have forgotten the taste of OG Coke. They expected a loss, but would make it back up by the savings. It was then Pepsi...
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    WotC Vecna: Eve of Ruin Player Advice from WotC

    ... which made me think of the videos on Youtube with Thomas the Tank Engine combined with DMX. I'd add a link, but the vocabulary is... growed-up.
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    D&D General Matt Colville on adventure length

    Who knows about inflation, but with the ways people have to play with Amazon's algorithm.... Who knows. http://www.cnn.com/2011/TECH/web/04/25/amazon.price.algorithm/index.html
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    Describe your last rpg session in 5 words

    Guns clear out the security.
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    Use This Ghost To Show Off The World Of Old Gods

    Glad to see this. I just got back from a road trip to Harlan, KY to lay flowers at my boys' grandmother's grave, and ever since the Old Gods stories started coming out, every time I've been back there, I definitely feel how a place like that could be ripe for all that stuff.
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    Spoilers Civil War Movie

    I'm glad to hear it's more about the journalists trying to survive and document the story, and agree that's not the vibe the trailers give it. They could've shot the trailers to feel more like what you'd expect a war journalist movie to be, where it's unnamed so you assume Africa or...
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    Arc Dream Announces Black Company RPG

    What's interesting is I'd have sworn I'd read somewhere Glen had said Green Ronin's version during 3.x was going to be the 'only' one he'd do. Now, it's possible he changed his mind, or the money's too good to not be directly involved. I thought maybe it was in the foreword but either way...
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    RPG Evolution: The AI DM in Action

    I'm old, but I'd have classified usenet groups as social media, given the sheer amount of users that have used them over the decades.
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    RPG Evolution: The AI DM in Action

    I feel, from where I stand now, AI will be a huge asset as a DM ASSISTANT. It's ability to free-think like a human, I have doubts about. We've all had sessions where the DM has to pull random stuff out of his/her/their butt and make it cohesive and 'true' to their world. I can't see AI being...