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D&D 3E/3.5 How a lord can be assassinated in DnD 3e?


Mustrum_Ridcully said:
The only problem is, that the victim must be willing to return. If you try to raise him, he knows your alignment (and some other things, I am not sure what exactly), and if he does not trust you, you can`t do it.

Well, you could Feeblemind him first. (I don't think death cures the Feeblemind condition.) So either he decides to come back when anybody calls (how does he know the difference between people?), or he never does.

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First Post
This will probably end up costing as much as a Wish or similar magic, but my suggestion is bribe ... er, pray to whatever god of Death there is.

It depends highly on the religion in the setting, but I imagine there is some Death god who allows souls to return or not. He's the go-to guy.

Additionally, such a god may be willing to give appropriate folks weapons of true death (as mentioned earlier).

My favorite idea so far is the character assassination/suicide idea. Hee.


First Post

Kidnap him. Put him in a big lead box, give him an item that he can use to create food and water, and a dagger, then drop him in the ocean.

He'll eventually kill himself. If he doesn't drown in his own excriment first. I guess you'll have to come up with a way for him to get rid of that too. Heh, a BUNCH of bags of holding.

Oh, I guess you would have to do something to keep scrying and/or commune from working. Dead magic zone?

--Twisted Spikey
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Mod Squad
Staff member
Raises require the target be willing - so, you make him unwilling.

Suggestions - Before you kill him the first time, you make it clear, in no uncertain terms, that you will make life a living hell for all this friends and loved ones if he comes back.

Drive him to suicide - if he killed himself willingly, he's not likely to tkae the o[ption of raising. Similarly, certain forms of insanity or depression would make successful rasings difficult.


First Post
Having an evil or neutral cleric cast Create Undead on the dead ruler would throw a wrench in the works. Create Greater Undead is even better -- it's kinda hard to True Res someone if they're a vampire at the moment.

The Flesh to Stone stuff sounds good, too.


Ah Epametheus suggested it well :) good. Here's another approach to it depending on how you interpret animate dead, this also gives the added benefit of being 1) Lower Level and 2) Grantign you 'control' over the reanimated putz (thus preventing him from trying to kill himself or some other silliness).

Assassinate the guy through conventional means (Knife in the back, yada yada) and just cast Animate Dead on his corpse.

He's now considered undead and rather unable to be Resurrected at all, even by the mighty True Res (without first destroying the undead


First Post
I've seen a lot of complicated suggestions on how to convince the dead lord not to allow himself to be raised. Here's a simpler one:

Send him to Heaven.

Only the extremely rare individual (mad or highly ambitious) will wish to return from Paradise and their Heavenly Reward.

Consider how many religions preach the ultimate goal of life is to die and join God in Heaven. Why leave once you've reached the end?

I would add that for most campaigns, the priests of most religions would not be interested in taking someone back from God's loving embrace. It would be the rare priest interested in raising the even rarer individual to see this work. Besides, how many times do you have to waste a raise dead before you get the hint that the dead prefer their new state.
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If I were the DM, I wouldn't bring him back too many times. Too much like Seymour...

Anyway, whenever he comes back, he's weaker. Unless someone can find a 5k diamond, so you'd better find it first. And if you can, use it for Trap the Soul.


First Post
When it comes to political assassination, the person most likely to inherit the wealth necessary to resurrect the leader is going to be the person least likely to want to do it.

The new leader can also claim that the resurrected returnee is a simulacrum or clone.


First Post
An added thought to add to my earlier suggestion of flesh to stone then disintegrate, if your feeling particularly thorough. Instead of gentle sweeping up the remaining dust and feeding it to Farmer Browns pigs dump it in Leomunds's Secret Chest then disintegrate the little chest. Now they only way they can retrieve the scant remains to attempt to return the lord to life they have to mount an extraplanar expidition to find the chest as it cannot be brought back, not even with a Wish spell.

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