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Dragon Reflections #63

Dragon Publishing released Dragon issue 63 in July 1982. It is 84 pages long and has a cover price of $3.00. In this issue, we have bandits, barbarians, and an adventure by Larry DiTillio!

Dragon Publishing released Dragon issue 63 in July 1982. It is 84 pages long and has a cover price of $3.00. In this issue, we have bandits, barbarians, and an adventure by Larry DiTillio!


This month's special attraction is "Chagmat," an AD&D adventure by Larry DiTillio. Spider creatures called the chagmat have kidnapped several women from the village, and the characters must invade an ancient temple to retrieve them. The setup may sound conventional, but the execution is excellent. The temple is well-realized, with many intriguing ideas and fun tricks. My only significant complaint is verbosity. You would have a peerless one-shot adventure if the text were more concise.

Let's have a look at the other features! First is "Where the bandits are," a 1-page overview of the Bandit Kingdoms in the World of Greyhawk. Unfortunately, there is no byline, but it is likely by Gary Gygax or Rob Kuntz.

"A shifty character for your campaign" by Tom Armstrong and Roger Moore introduces the Bandit NPC class. The result is like a fighter/thief with a few of the ranger's outdoor skills thrown in. However, it's not very interesting compared to some of the NPC classes in previous issues.

"Point of View: the humanoids" by Roger Moore describes the "goals and gods" of the kobolds, goblins, hobgoblins, & gnolls. It introduces the deity Kurtulmak and supplies new information about the gods Maglubiyet and Yeenoghu. This article is the last of the "Point of View" series and is slightly more abbreviated than previous entries. Even so, it was still highly influential.

In "Plan before you play," Ed Greenwood encourages DMs to create their own campaign worlds and take the trouble to define things such as politics, trade routes, and social customs. He gives an extended example of world-building with lots of advice. It's all solid, though my preference for world design is a "bottom-up" approach where you start small and grow as needed.

"Jolly good gaming journals" by Gary Gygax is a brief review of two amateur British gaming journals. Dragon Lords is "a well done amateur effort which seems bent on improving itself and the hobby," while Thunderstruck is "solidly aimed at providing material to aid in running campaigns."

Gygax also reviews two movies in "A couple of fantastic flops." Conan the barbarian was "a great disappointment," while The Sword & The Sorcerer "wasn't all that much better." He takes the opportunity to hype the planned Dungeons & Dragons movie, due "sometime in late 1984 or 1985."

In "Computer games have a way to go," Michael B. Bentley reflects on the state of computer game development using what is presumably an alter-ego, Fibber McGee. It is an idiosyncratic piece that ends with the specification for a generic "Game Master's Helper" - a goal essentially realized with modern online campaign organizers.

Following this piece is "The Electric Eye" by Mark Herro, which contains a listing for a Top Secret character generator. This article is the last one in the series and appears to be Herro's final published contribution to the hobby.

"For the sake of change" by David Nallo provides a concise history of coinage in the western world. It's a little dry but is valuable grist for the world-building mill.

On to the regular offerings! "Featured Creatures" by Gary Gygax makes its debut in this issue and will include new monsters from the upcoming Monster Manual II. This time around, Gygax presents the Movanic, Monadic, and Astral Devas.

Also by Gygax is "The big, bad barbarian," which introduces the eponymous class to the game. The barbarian later appeared in Imagine magazine and was published in Unearthed Arcana.

"Greyhawk's World" by Rob Kuntz describes recent events in the eastern and southern Flanaess. It's unclear whether these reflected the ongoing Lake Geneva campaign or were manufactured by Kuntz.

"Leomund's Tiny Hut" is back, with Len Lakofka discussing Charisma. He presents tables that derive characteristics such as facial appearance and vocal quality from a PC's Charisma score and also suggests how it might interact with spells and psionics.

"Dragon's Augury" contains a single review by Tony Watson. Simba Safari, a Traveller adventure from Judges Guild, is "one of the better Judges Guild projects of recent vintage, despite some weaknesses in characterization and animal descriptions."

This month's cover was by James Warhola. Interior artists include Phil Foglio, Paul Sonju, Roger Raupp, Darlene Pekul, David Trampier, Steve Peregrine, Bruce Whitefield, Jim Holloway, Don Polcino, David Larson, and Ataniel A. Noel.

And that's a wrap! Another substantial issue, with my favorite article being the new barbarian class. Next month, we have new weapons, the assassin's run, and a game by Tom Wham!

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M.T. Black

M.T. Black

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Because they didn't do anything to get permission to reprint all the material that TSR didn't own. Self-inflicted trouble.
And obtaining that permission would not be simple, now. Steve Jackson Games is in the same position when it comes to reprinting material from Pyramid's iteration as a webzine -- it is not easy to contact everyone who submitted stuff.

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
Complicating things further, there are plenty of Dragon contributors who are dead and others who, for various reasons, want to have nothing to do with their D&D past. Hold onto your Dragon Magazine CDs, because there will almost certainly not be a similar archive again in our lifetimes.


Complicating things further, there are plenty of Dragon contributors who are dead and others who, for various reasons, want to have nothing to do with their D&D past. Hold onto your Dragon Magazine CDs, because there will almost certainly not be a similar archive again in our lifetimes.
Oh yeah. While I have all the PDFs on my hard drive, there's no way I'm letting those CDs go. That and my 1st printing of Deities & Demigods. There's probably some other old collectible goods I have, but those two stand out in my memory.

Genghis Don

"A shifty character for your campaign" by Tom Armstrong and Roger Moore introduces the Bandit NPC class. The result is like a fighter/thief with a few of the ranger's outdoor skills thrown in. However, it's not very interesting compared to some of the NPC classes in previous issues."

many classes really do not suit AD&D at all, unlike the bandit, which is actually a fantastic fit for the PH era of classes such as fighters, rangers, paladins, thieves & assassins. It's strength is NOT having a host of abilities & skills that do not fit in the game, utterly unlike Gary's outright awful barbarian class later in the same issue. I say awful, but it's awful for the AD&D (1e) game, not necessarily for some edition to come (that never did). 1.5e, AKA Unearthed Arcana, Oriental Adventures, Dungeoneers & Wilderness Survival Guides & Dragonlance adventures are basically all work for this never made game, and all need a fair bit of cutting to actually suit the AD&D game.

The Bandit slides right on into play with no issues. I've ran them too, play-tested well. Not too good, not too bad, which is what one ought want. Mechanically, it's a fighter subclass, and sure fighters can steal, but it will play like a light or medium weight/outdoorsy warrior much more than a fighter/thief (which plays like a thief that can fight...the bandit isn't picking pockets or locks). One cannot but help call it a fighter/thief of sorts, hell, Armstrong/Moore (the authors) themselves do.

Something very strange, perhaps even an editorial error, I always thought, was on level limits (which I do not use anymore, but many do, so:)
"Humans, naturally, are unlimited in level advancement. Half-orcs may advance to 8th level (Brigand). Half-elves may achieve 10th level (Bandit) if they have a strength of 18 or higher, 9th level (Robber) with a strength of 17, and 8th level with a strength of 16 or less."...in the PH half orcs can be L10 fighters, and half elven fighters are limited to 8/7/6 with the same str scores above. A strange inversion, but perhaps/probably intentional?

The bandit appears on the weak side, but that's a mirage, the xp tables ensure they advance in level faster than the fighter, let alone other warrior classes, which compensates very well.
Man, I would kill for a compilation (it'd have to be an adaptation, due to rights issues) of all the 1E Dragon NPC classes.

click master index, click C, scroll to character classes. Ah, you mean to make your own PDF. well, use the index to find the parts. you might well wish to add White Dwarf & polygon, wtc, too, as there are lots of duds & lots of winners in regards new classes

Dragon 63 was a solid issue, representative of the good points of it's era. adventure module(Chagmat), multiple classes, discussions on campaigns settings, and as noted: "Point of View: the humanoids" by Roger Moore was also gold. I've gone back & dug up the Shoosuva time & again across editions.
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