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D&D 2E CHANGE.ORG PETITION: Release the lost AD&D 2e Mystara worldbook by Jeff Grubb!

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Von Ether

In reading the original post from Jeff, I am so there. A sales guy wanting to design a logo that pretty much is just throwing everything up on the wall and see what sticks?


I feel that frustration to my bones.

Travis Henry

First Post
Update from the Change.org petition.

JUN 12, 2019 — Today we received a kind note from the fellow whom Jeff entrusted with the manuscript:

That's a great offer from Jeff.
Apologies that I never got back to you to update you on my attempts to get back in touch with Wizards - however the main reason for that is because it went frustratingly nowhere. There had been no response, not even an acknowledgment of receipt of email. I was frustrated but I still didn't see it as a reason to "just release it".
I appreciate that your petition is towards Wizards to release the manuscript and I look forward to a positive response from them in that regard.
Yes, the rather large manuscript, is only in hard copy - but I don't see that as a hindrance to moving forward in the case of a positive response from Wizards.

--Shawn Stanley
(webmaster with the Vaults of Pandius - The Official Mystara Fan-Site)
Other updates:

The petition has sparked a conversation on fb between Jeff Grubb and Lawrence Schick (the co-author of the original Known World setting):

Jeff Grubb: "Well, this is interesting - a petition to release the unpublished (and unfinished (and if I remember unedited)) version of Mystara that I wrote 25 years ago. [...] My, that [petition] escalated quickly."
Lawrence Schick then asked Jeff: "So, do you think this petition has any chance of making anything happen? What's the most useful thing the last living originator of the Known World could do to help out (beyond, you know, signing a petition)?"

Jeff responded: "An article about your original [Known World] place names would be great. Most of them have a vibe that said they had some grounding in read places, but Ylaruam looked like an acronym (Mary Alu?)"

Lawrence: "A place-name article is kind of a fun idea I might be able to get to later in the summer. Who would want to web-publish such an article other than the Vaults of Pandius and me? I haven't kept up with the OSR scene."
Jolly Blackburn (author of Knights of the Dinner Table comic and HackMaster RPG) has shared the petition via social media.
Lastly, please remember to share the petition with any D&D friends or forums.
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Travis Henry

First Post

Over on Change.Org we hit the 200 mark!
On this occasion, Grand Duke Stefan Karameikos requests: "Thankest thou, dearest compatriots of our Known World. Wouldst thou now consider sharing and tweeting yon petition?"
Onward to 250!

Voidrunner's Codex

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