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Search results

  1. Tabletop Adventures

    Release Explore the Endless Sands!

    Looking forward to endless summer? Try the heat of Endless Sands! Tabletop Adventures is pleased to announce the re-release of Endless Sands: Arabian Adventures, another classic historical fantasy product in the Plain Brown Wrapper line. This book provides a dark Arabian setting to drop in to a...
  2. Endless Sands FRONT cover 232x300.png

    Endless Sands FRONT cover 232x300.png

  3. Tabletop Adventures

    Sale Moms Are Gamers, Too!

    One day left in the Tabletop Adventures "Moms Are Gamers, Too" sale! Pop in now for 20% off all our electronic products.
  4. Tabletop Adventures

    Sale Moms Are Gamers, Too!

    In a weekend to celebrate mothers, Tabletop Adventures announces our twentieth annual "Moms Are Gamers, Too!" sale in honor of Mother's Day. We are offering a 20% discount on all our electronic products at DriveThruRPG through May 16. If you are a mom who is a gamer, have a mom who is a gamer...
  5. Moms Are Gamers graphic 300x250.png

    Moms Are Gamers graphic 300x250.png

  6. Tabletop Adventures

    Sale [Tabletop Adventures] Special Earth Day Bundle

    This has been a busy week, terrain-wise, from Earth Day to yesterday's Arbor Day. Check out the Arbor Day post on the Tabletop Adventures blog, where we share a variety of useful RPG products with a forest theme. Also remember that the Earth Day Bundle on DriveThruRPG will be available through...
  7. Tabletop Adventures

    Sale [Tabletop Adventures] Special Earth Day Bundle

    Tabletop Adventures celebrates Earth Day with a special bundle of our descriptions of five types of natural terrain features: forest, swamp, plains, mountains, and caverns. (Of course, some features may only be ‘natural’ in a fantasy setting!) This Earth Day Bundle puts together all five terrain...
  8. Tabletop Adventures

    Terror Check and Holy Aura

    Terror Checks When rolling a Terror Check, the default is to roll it against Fidelis. However, there many situations where using another attribute instead may be appropriate. A GM may decide that a possible terror situation is more of a mental threat [roll against Mentus], such as a gloomy...