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  1. michaeljpastor

    D&D General D&D Red Box: Who Is The Warrior?

    No. Artistic interpretation and accusations of maliciousness are not the same thing. And the last I'm saying on the topic.
  2. michaeljpastor

    D&D General D&D Red Box: Who Is The Warrior?

    delete this please. hit backspace too far.
  3. michaeljpastor

    D&D General D&D Red Box: Who Is The Warrior?

    Comic books take the opportunity reinterpret artistic (both writing and illustration) intent (or lack thereof) all the time. This is no different. Entire swaths of continuity have been built over a single (ambiguous/incorrect) panel (why was Shadow Woman white instead of blue in the Hall of...
  4. michaeljpastor

    D&D General D&D Red Box: Who Is The Warrior?

    No I wasn't. Please stop telling me what I meant.
  5. michaeljpastor

    D&D General D&D Red Box: Who Is The Warrior?

    No argument there. I have never responded well to false accusations though.
  6. michaeljpastor

    D&D General D&D Red Box: Who Is The Warrior?

    Only one person asked for a clarification and identified themselves as a non-primary English speaker. The rest were attacks, and none asked for a clarification. The rest has been arguing about grammar.
  7. michaeljpastor

    D&D General D&D Red Box: Who Is The Warrior?

    It's also okay not to jump to conclusions. So we should eliminate all non-literal speech? Which has nothing to do with what I said.
  8. michaeljpastor

    D&D General D&D Red Box: Who Is The Warrior?

    "Don't have a coronary" means calm down, it doesn't mean "Don't die." All of which is completely irrelevant. I hope every bigoted sexist in the RPG world is furious right now. That was what I intended. You all can argue parts of speech all you want. It wasn't literal - pick your favorite...
  9. michaeljpastor

    D&D General D&D Red Box: Who Is The Warrior?

    who cares? it wasn't literal. idiom, metaphor, hyperbole, it's not literal.
  10. michaeljpastor

    D&D General D&D Red Box: Who Is The Warrior?

    No, I believe metaphor is correct. Hyperbole too. So it's a hyperbolic metaphor. When I say "my head exploded" when I realized the twist at the end of Sixth Sense, I neither mean that literally nor to that degree. Did everyone think that "clutching pearls" as it was said earlier was someone...
  11. michaeljpastor

    D&D General D&D Red Box: Who Is The Warrior?

    So is over interpreting an obvious metaphor as a literal wish.
  12. michaeljpastor

    D&D General D&D Red Box: Who Is The Warrior?

    I didn't wish death on anyone.
  13. michaeljpastor

    D&D General D&D Red Box: Who Is The Warrior?

    I hope every incel in the RPG world just had a coronary.
  14. michaeljpastor

    WotC WotC President Cynthia Williams Resigns

    Sounds like someone is deflecting
  15. michaeljpastor

    WotC WotC President Cynthia Williams Resigns

    Two years seems short for full vestments, but I only have a handful of personal experience to go by for that impression.
  16. michaeljpastor

    WotC WotC President Cynthia Williams Resigns

    My speculation, based on timing: Chris Cocks/Hasbro/somebody-higher-than will be announcing a direction for Hasbro/WOTC. Ms. Williams was informed of said direction, say three-to-four weeks before the announcement, did not agree with the direction, and in good conscience decided to jump ship...
  17. michaeljpastor

    WotC WotC President Cynthia Williams Resigns

    Actually the only reason I read the article was because it "came to me" through my google newsfeed, so I kinda didn't. ;-)
  18. michaeljpastor

    Steve Jackson Games Releases Stakeholder Report for 2023

    Not having a real clue about printing and distribution on the publisher level, but between covid snags, blocked canals and regional conflicts and the high costs and lags incurred with international shipping even without all that, I'm wondering if the RPG industry could investigate adopting a "go...
  19. michaeljpastor

    Steve Jackson Games Releases Stakeholder Report for 2023

    This, along with Mongoose's "State of.." reports are great to have. It really helps those who are looking at the state of the industry. Do any other companies do this, even if they don't have to?