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  1. _Michael_

    WotC WotC President Cynthia Williams Resigns

    Lmao You're going to straight-face tell us all that the loss of Kobold Press and Paizo wasn't damaging? Okay, sure. And by that logic, I suppose that Paizo's putting out their ORC was just a way to help boost WotC's bottom line.
  2. _Michael_

    WotC WotC President Cynthia Williams Resigns

    Doesn't wash. She is the company, and the face of it. If she says something, it's the same as the company saying it. If the BoE didn't want her to lead, then they shouldn't have installed her as President. And the CC mess is just more proof of WotC's monopolistic intent.
  3. _Michael_

    WotC WotC President Cynthia Williams Resigns

    It's not damage to WotC. It's damage to the trademark. Making a trademark toxic is a breach of fiduciary duty. Yes, WotC might survive, but it's not clear that Dungeons & Dragons as we know it will. There's no putting the genie back in the bottle. WotC has shown that they will resort to shady...
  4. _Michael_

    WotC WotC President Cynthia Williams Resigns

    Then WotC deserves to go belly-up. Period. If you aren't willing to learn and adapt, then you deserve to go bankrupt. Get out of the way of other companies in the market trying to actually put out quality, not quantity. Selling sideline junk (like endless trinkets and other memorabilia like key...
  5. _Michael_

    WotC WotC President Cynthia Williams Resigns

    Her lack of a stance is a stance in itself. She should have, at the bare minimum, addressed it publicly, and stated her stance on it. On the other hand, doing so would have likely pissed off Hasbro (despite WotC still being its own company regardless of the partnership with Hasbro). Not true at...
  6. _Michael_

    WotC WotC President Cynthia Williams Resigns

    Yeah, I'm not sure there's any coming back from that. I'm not even sure the industry can ever return to that.
  7. _Michael_

    WotC WotC President Cynthia Williams Resigns

    This: That they even thought about implementing it was a betrayal. They also didn't just back off, they tried to soft-pedal it, and then clung to certain parts when it was clear it wasn't a winning idea. All of this lead to their biggest competitor (Paizo) coming in and mopping up, not to...
  8. _Michael_

    WotC WotC President Cynthia Williams Resigns

    This is someone who engaged in quasi-fraudulent activity by trying to retcon the OGL to make it something it was not in order to broaden revenue streams and push out competitors and partners. This was purely a decision to monopolize the market by causing corporate attrition so that other...
  9. _Michael_

    WotC WotC President Cynthia Williams Resigns

    Yeah, trying to retroactively change the OGL wasn't the brightest idea, was it? Good riddance.
  10. dfwd1e2-6675312b-f5d4-4b63-ab34-6a128397786b.jpg


  11. _Michael_

    Fantasy Setting Design: ISO Critiques and Collaborators (+)

    So, I'm designing a fantasy campaign setting called Atlán: Realm of the Gods set on the world of Erdeyn, a low-magic, high-damage world (think Tolkien-esque) with elements of ancient technologies and a war of machines in the Age of Dreams. There's a hollow-world within it called Orphalis, and...
  12. _Michael_

    Combining 3.5e with Friday Night Firefight/Interlok?

    Exactly as the title implies. Was trying to scratch build a system taking the best from both while making everything a skill check and still using a d20 mechanic. I'm one of those players that loves granularity, and there were a few features in FNFF/Interlok I loved, like the Attempt Points for...
  13. _Michael_

    Looking for tips on FLGS & Gaming in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA

    For sure! I'm putting together a campaign setting myself based on a fantasy world I'm designing (low-magic with a small bit of added technology, sort of like Shannara), and my buddy Gnome in Madison is talking about running a 3.5e campaign (picture Ulfberth War-Bear in Skyrim...lmao), and I'm...
  14. _Michael_

    Looking for tips on FLGS & Gaming in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA

    No idea what FLGS is--I just saw someone whose actually close to me (I live in Kenosha, an hour to the south) and got so excited I had to sign up with this forum to reply. lol Tbh, I wasn't really impressed with RPG dot net as it seems to be sort of dead. Welcome to the area. Don't discount us...