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  1. R

    Not DnD | Wandering Blades

    One of these days, I have to write a campaign/game setting inspired by South East Asia. Not to knock the setting or anything (I have a tiny bit of Chinese blood in me), but I think China and Japan are already well trodden territory, whether it be Warring States/Wu Xia inspired settings, Sengoku...
  2. R

    Worlds of Design: How Original Is Your Homebrew?

    First off, I will make a distinction in my post, since the question is about adventures. Since adventures take place in a game setting, the two are inextricably bound together and I would argue, the setting being the major factor. Even if we're talking 5e D&D, which world are you talking about...
  3. R

    Single System Monogamy

    Sorry :) I saw this after my last post. Believe it or not, I'm not offended. You have a right to defend your point of view.
  4. R

    Single System Monogamy

    Despite my previous post, I will respond to these because I believe they have become somewhat personal attacks (at least one in particular). I probably didn't do a good job of explaining that my higher goal here is about diversity. If we restrict ourselves to a single point of view, there is a...
  5. R

    Single System Monogamy

    Oh no, I'm not saying if you only play one game you're wrong/bad/mentally unstable etc. Nevertheless, I realize that what I am saying here is tantamount to suggesting there is a one true way....so I will stop. Nevertheless, I hope I at least got some people to think. Especially with regards...
  6. R

    Single System Monogamy

    I agree, it's a very difficult balancing act and difficult to get right. So you are suggesting that the minority has no say whatsoever. That is called tyranny of the majority. Democracies aren't perfect. If one party never wins, it will start to realize it has no voice and will become...
  7. R

    Single System Monogamy

    Should we not inform people that there are benefits to new things and expand our horizons? Should we not challenge others to try something new because the argument is that only one way is good enough? Is it now considered condescending to point out that there are other ideas in games (and...
  8. R

    Single System Monogamy

    Ok, just thought of another. Most writers only write for a single genre like mystery, sci-fi, fantasy, etc. Of course, I'm thinking of professional writers, so perhaps hobbyist/amateur writers are different. A professional writer has to sell their work, so it might behoove them to get really...
  9. R

    Single System Monogamy

    I would say good for them :) I am not saying everyone must play a variety of TTRPGs. But TTRPGs, are a combination of many things. They are part art, part entertainment, part hobby, and part education. EDIT: The emphases should be must play. You can always choose not to play at all. It's a...
  10. R

    Single System Monogamy

    As I said, I can't force someone to do more diverse things, but I believe I should point out that it's really not in their own best interests. Also, "lecture" can have two connotations. One as in scolding, or somehow making the person feel like they are a disappointment. The second, as in...
  11. R

    Single System Monogamy

    Perhaps I was lucky that I was in a gaming group with more than a single GM, so the responsibility of learning a system and teaching others could be distributed. I can also be sympathetic with people who just don't have time to learn, as that's definitely a real thing especially as you get...
  12. R

    Single System Monogamy

    To each their own, but I personally don't think it's healthy, and would border on an obsession possibly. So I would lecture them. My grandfather told me a long time ago, "don't be nice, be kind". It took me a long time to understand what he meant by that. But being nice, means you want...
  13. R

    Single System Monogamy

    True, which is why I even prefaced it with the "more dangerous question to ask". But, I think the question is sort of buried there. Why would someone only want to play one system, or even just one setting? But you said something that only just now clicked. You said, "friendly to other...
  14. R

    Single System Monogamy

    I never tried to assert that entertainment is the same as a social service. The analogy of a food is meant to show that it's not good to not have diversity in your "education" so to speak. If someone told me they only ever read one genre of books, watched one genre of TV's more movies, or one...
  15. R

    Single System Monogamy

    Never been monogamous never will be :) Now here's the more dangerous question to ask...is being a mono-game-system-only player healthy? I'm always amazed at the parallels between the TTRPG hobby and software engineering. Someone mentioned that being both a player and a GM makes you better at...
  16. R

    Ars Magica To Get A New Edition

    This is something I will definitely back. I enjoyed the troupe style play, though ironically I didn't learn it from Ars Magic since I didn't play AM until 1990. I learned it from an obscure game which also came out in 1987 called Living Steel. Though it did not specifically have a name for it...
  17. R

    AI Art Removed From Upcoming Terminator RPG Book

    At this point, I don't know what's more dangerous: AI changing itself and society faster than we can handle, or humans using AI dishonestly to further their own selfish agendas.
  18. R

    WotC Updates D&D's AI Policy After YouTuber's False Accusations

    The sad thing is that he shouldn't have to be exonerated at all: innocent until proven guilty. The onus was on the accuser to show guilt, not that Ossandon should have to show proof or evidence of his innocence. As Morrus pointed out, this is all rage bait, and people want to declare guilt...
  19. R

    Worlds of Design: There is No Spoon

    I believe that certain game settings and systems were designed to be played in a certain way. I also have never been too thrilled with the notion that games should be fun. Fun is not, or at least doesn't have to be, the be all and end all of any endeavor worth pursuing. So I would argue that...
  20. R

    What dead game would you resurrect?

    More like mid to late 80s. Twilight 2000 first came out in 1984. 2nd Edition came out 1990 IIRC. I think by 1990 it lost its steam. Germany had reunited, the coup in Russia to overthrow Yeltsin failed the next year, so I think the Cold War felt like it was over. But Top 20 for somewhere...