• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. MNblockhead

    D&D 5E New Monster Manual Cover

    I find the same social dynamics over the actual content and even specific content. You can't talk about anything D&D with a certain number of people taking drive-by shots.
  2. MNblockhead

    SmiteWorks Hires D&D Beyond Founder as Chief Development Officer of Fantasy Grounds

    Even in 2D the tokens not fitting through certain areas can be an issue. Someone needs to develop a "squeeze" token mod.
  3. MNblockhead

    Pineapple Express: Someone Is Wrong on the Internet?

    I live in the city. Walking here aggravates me on a daily basis and starting up arguments over pineapple pizza with randos on the street never ends up being nearly as entertaining as it is here. "HEY! I'm WALKING here! What's wrong with you!? Put some pineapple on your pizza!"
  4. MNblockhead

    Pineapple Express: Someone Is Wrong on the Internet?

    And all the more crunch-cereal hot dogs for me!
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  7. MNblockhead

    Pineapple Express: Someone Is Wrong on the Internet?

    Mmmm... https://www.food.com/recipe/baked-pineapple-151559
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  9. MNblockhead

    Pineapple Express: Someone Is Wrong on the Internet?

    I personally enjoy humoring myself by making incongruous posts, completely ignorant of the subtext. What I love about this channel is it's the outside smoking area, or that couch off to the side, where you take a break from a party to talk nonsense with other irony obsessed misfits.
  10. MNblockhead

    Pineapple Express: Someone Is Wrong on the Internet?

    Preposterous! Even the sound of it!
  11. MNblockhead

    Pineapple Express: Someone Is Wrong on the Internet?

    Just embrace the frabjous experience of encountering nounce words. Callooh! Callay!
  12. MNblockhead

    Pineapple Express: Someone Is Wrong on the Internet?

    The best foods are those you and others have strong, opposed opinions on. There is nothing like arguing over unimportant preferences to kickstart one's digestion.
  13. MNblockhead

    Roll20 Purchases Demiplane

    Foundry (and IIRC Fantasy Grounds) have similar mods/features for synchronizing DDB content. For me, what VTT I use if/when I run D&D again will be mostly based on how well the software supports the rule mechanics.
  14. MNblockhead

    Roll20 Purchases Demiplane

    No. And that was a plus in my decision making. I had been running D&D in Foundry for about 5 years. I was originally planning on running DCC Dying Earth, but there are no VTTs that have a DCC system with the new Dying Earth rules and tables. I hate having to look up roll-tables on paper...
  15. MNblockhead

    D&D 5E New Monster Manual Cover

    I kinda like with the characters facing away from the monsters we see. Give the sense of a wider scene than what we are seeing with the way we as the audience of facing. Something even crazier is off screen and it is up to our imagination on what that might be.* * Its dragons. ;-)
  16. MNblockhead

    D&D 5E New Monster Manual Cover

    It has been said before, both in this and other threads about the new art, but I think a lot of us are just not used to looking at this style of painted art. I kinda like the the deviation from crisp computer generated art or ultra realistic painting.
  17. MNblockhead

    D&D 5E New Monster Manual Cover

    I think part of how one reacts is based on how you see the game. Is each monster a set piece in a more horror/suspense style of play, or are you hacking through one monster after another. I think D&D has always leaned more into the later. At least since AD&D. I mean, look at the AD&D MM cover...
  18. MNblockhead

    D&D 5E New Monster Manual Cover

    So folks, which do you like better the beholder on the 2014 MM or the beholder on this one? I'm surprised how many people don't like the 2014 MM cover. I loved it. I really like the beholder on this cover. But the 2014 cover is my favorite MM cover of any edition and my second favorite beholder...
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