• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. Lauguz

    Anyone interested in free Foundry hosting?

    Hello EN World! My friends and I are gamers who have created a platform to host Foundry VTT games, which includes paid subscriptions with cool benefits like unlimited games and audio conferencing. We also have a free subscription for people who are curious about Foundry and want to check it...
  2. Lauguz

    Sqyre Offers Free Foundry Hosting

    Thanks for your interest! Currently we have basic audio and messaging through the game detail page, but it sounds like you're in the same boat with us with so many different tools to support our sessions. Our near-term roadmap includes replacing many of the tools like Discord and Slack with...
  3. Lauguz

    Sqyre Offers Free Foundry Hosting

    Apologies is this is against forum etiquette since its sort of promotional. My friends I are are all gamers and techies and we've create a new platform that offers free Foundry VTT hosting. Though very much still in beta, we have started to expand our offering and are now able to deliver on an...
  4. Lauguz

    [2300AD] Project Bayern Box Set now on Pre-Order & PDF

    This looks super cool. $50 for the pdf? Hard pass.
  5. Lauguz

    D&D 5E Dragons of Stormwreck Isle: New D&D Starter Set Is Coming This Year

    No new info about this today? Anyone have any idea when we can expect more details? An island sandbox starter set would be awesome.
  6. Lauguz

    D&D 5E Neverland: It's Peter Pan for D&D!

    I was confused to find out on the purchase sites that this is a pre-order available 10/6/20. The beginning of the article incorrectly says this has been released and doesnt mention the pre-release status. Maybe edit the article for clarity?
  7. Lauguz

    D&D 5E Gale Force 9 Shows Off D&D 'Of Ships & The Sea' DM Screen

    Forgive me if this is obvious, but what information is on the DM side?
  8. Lauguz

    RPG Crowdfunding News - Kingmaker, A Town Called Malice, Fantasy Grounds Unity, Tunnels & Trolls Gra

    I really like the idea of the Kingmaker campaign revisions but pre-paying for an rpg book that won’t come out for about a year and a half is madness.
  9. Lauguz

    Who Wants A Labyrinth RPG?

    I think my daughter and I are going to like this very much.
  10. Lauguz

    D&D 4E Awesome D&D 4e Adventures that can be used in D&D 5e

    I like Madness so much I ran it in two editions and settings: 3.5/Forgotten Relams and 5E/Golarion. I started playing with 1E so I particularly love the use of a classic artifact and the smorgasbord of classic D&D monsters. Highly recommended. I've also heard Harkenwold is an excellent...
  11. Lauguz

    D&D 5E Princes of the Apocalypse rebuilt as a megadungeon?

    I backed both Barrowmaze 1 and 2 and have considered running it. Worried that it gets very repetitive. Do you have any experience running or playing it?
  12. Lauguz

    D&D 5E Princes of the Apocalypse rebuilt as a megadungeon?

    Hello Gamer Nation! My Roll20 group is looking for a new campaign and we want to play a megadungeon that is heavy on action archeology (combat + exploration) and low on politics, overland movement and investigation. I was flipping through PotA and thought it might remix into a megadungeon...
  13. Lauguz

    Rodney Thompson's DUSK CITY OUTLAWS Kickstarter Is Now Live!

    Looks interesting. Can someone summarize the similarities and differences with Blades in the Dark?
  14. Lauguz

    D&D 5E CoS/Ravenloft Replacement Characters

    Hello Gamer Nation, I'm considering running Curse of Strahd, however I'm concerned about character death and about how to replace dead PCs. I've never run Ravenloft so I'm hoping some vets can chime in. I absolutely want character death to be a possibility but I can only imagine using "another...
  15. Lauguz

    Pirates of Drinax for Star Wars

    Greetings, Gamer Nation! I also posted this on the FFG forums. I've convinced my D&D 3.5 game to start a FFG Star Wars game and the campaign I've pitched is the Pirates of Drinax campaign for the Traveller RPG. Now I need some help for you deciding where to place it in the Star Wars galaxy. If...
  16. Lauguz

    D&D 5E Rise of Tiamat | Raiding older adventures to spice it up

    Hello Gamer Nation! With the release of Rise of Tiamat we now have THREE Tiamat-themed campaigns from WOTC in the past decade: - Hoard of the Dragon Queen/Rise of Tiamat - Scales of War - Red Hand of Doom I like the story arc in RoT and what it does with factions, but I'm wondering if there...
  17. Lauguz

    Barrowmaze Complete on Indiegogo

    I'm a backer of both Barrowmaze I & II, and I came back to back Barrowmaze Complete on Indiegogo. Check out the campaign page which is worth checking out just for the video: http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/barrowmaze-complete-official-miniatures-by-otherworld/x/647229 Barrowmaze is a well...
  18. Lauguz

    The One Ring - Greater Boston?

    Hi, I'm interested in a D&D game in metrowest. Shoot me an email: stormyknight at gmail dot com. -Nathaniel
  19. Lauguz

    Massachusettes, Metrowest Boston Pathfinder/D&D v3.5

    Hi, Are you still looking for a GM or player? I just moved to Framingham and am looking for a group. -NB
  20. Lauguz

    Rope bridge mechanics?

    Hi, has anyone done anything interesting mechanically with rope bridges? Having it simply be difficult terrain due to swaying, with hp to be destroyed doesnt seem like I'd be taking advantage of the system.