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  1. R

    ZEITGEIST Zeitgeist Newspapers

    That's a shame, hope you'll find a new group to DM the adventure for. It's hard to keep a group with each other for such a monstrous adventure path. I'll show my newspaper when it's written. Maybe you could give some tips, what you would add to preview encounters in the coming adventure?
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    ZEITGEIST Zeitgeist Newspapers

    @Meigeall , is your campaign still running? Have you made a newspaper for the 4th adventure? Your newspapers are a great inspiration for mine, so would love to read yours.
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    ZEITGEIST Converting Zeitgeist 5th edition to the Eberron world

    Hadn't thought about that, but this is certainly an option. Thanks for pointing it out.
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    ZEITGEIST [Eberron] The Mark of Revolution, or: Not Quite Disco Heaven

    I want to use Erandis Vol and the Emerald Claw as the terrorists of Grandis Komanov. Them being the eschatologist extremists. Haven't thought about using Kaius in the campaign, could be interesting. According to the Eberron lore Atur has a large degree of independence, due to them keeping the...
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    ZEITGEIST Converting Zeitgeist 5th edition to the Eberron world

    So my campaign is still going strong. At the moment converting the 4th adventure, Allways on Time. Exchanged ideas at the campaign threat of TFL, but didn't want to highjack his campaign recap threat by spamming the ideas for my campaign. The route will be: Korranberg -> Zolanport -> Sterngate...
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    ZEITGEIST [Eberron] The Mark of Revolution, or: Not Quite Disco Heaven

    I agree with your assessment. I'm taking a comparable route, only starting in Korranberg. The Zil gnomes paid House Orien handsomely for starting this first lightning rail through the mournlands out of Zilargo. Because the Trust is the organisation behind the Family, I want my players to visit...
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    ZEITGEIST [Eberron] The Mark of Revolution, or: Not Quite Disco Heaven

    Nice to see your campaign is still running. I'm curious how you incorporated Gale. As she is aware of part of the history of the Eladrin, is she also an eladrin in your campaign, I made her a half-elf of house Lyrandar. What's her backstory? At the moment I'm concluding Digging for Lies for my...
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    ZEITGEIST Converting Zeitgeist 5th edition to the Eberron world

    I've written most of my conversion notes down for the 3rd adventure. It's become an extensive document. It needs to cover both the planar conversion, but also the travel to the different ziggurats. I've covered most things allthough I need to write down some details, including the background of...
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    ZEITGEIST Empty Rooms outside Saxby's office

    I could see one or two rooms with some bunk beds. Agents tend to work long days. I know my players always want their characters to sleep at the HQ, because it became late and they want to start early in the morning. Some having two hour travel times from home to HQ does make a difference.
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    ZEITGEIST Converting Zeitgeist 5th edition to the Eberron world

    @TFL I didn't want to put my notes into your recap. So I thought I would add them here. The conversion is written as my personal notes, so not everything is spelled out or in perfect English. Some parts are just copies from text in the adventure to make them easy to reference for myself during...
  11. R

    ZEITGEIST [Eberron] The Mark of Revolution, or: Not Quite Disco Heaven

    I'm also running the campaign in Eberron in the city of Passage. I'm curious about some of your choices for conversion. Are your player's going to read this thread, I don't want to give any spoilers to them. Otherwise I could send you my conversion notes of this adventure or we could discuss...
  12. R

    ZEITGEIST Zeitgeist Newspapers

    Sorry to hear your campaign hasn't continued. I did make another newspaper. I even convinced some of my players to write articles based on their adventures. Because my campaign is set in Aundair in the Eberron world I did change some names to make them more Aundairian. Nina Simone, Oxton...
  13. R

    D&D (2024) Looking for VTT (Foundry or Roll20) campaigns for my next (5e) campaign

    I really like the Zeitgeist campaign by ENPublishing. All 13 episodes have been converted to 5th edition and part 1 through 6 are available for roll20 in the roll20 marketplace. Part 7 should be available in januari, usually a new conversion to Roll20 is added every 3 months. It's a campaign...
  14. R

    ZEITGEIST Zeitgeist Newspapers

    I've finished the second adventure and I'm going to write my 3rd newspaper. Did you already make a third paper and are you willing to share it if you did? I'll share mine when I finish my first draft. I did tell my player's doom and gloom sells, but I would like to add some positive notes in...
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    ZEITGEIST Worldres' Zeitgeist Campaign

    Definitely going to use the speech in my campaign, it is amazing.
  16. R

    ZEITGEIST Zeitgeist Newspapers

    I took your 2nd newspaper and edited it for my campaign. First reactions of the players, the world is definitely doomed. Everything goes downhill. I think I will need to add some positive notes in the next edition. @Meigeall did you make a newspaper for the 3rd adventure allready? As English is...
  17. R

    ZEITGEIST Converting Zeitgeist 5th edition to the Eberron world

    I also didn't want to have multiple House Cannith members being part of this Obs cell. I wanted to change Alexander Grappa to be Aaren d'Cannith, father of Merrix d'Cannith from Cannith South. According to Eberron lore Aaren was the one advancing the warforged creation of his father by giving...
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    ZEITGEIST Converting Zeitgeist 5th edition to the Eberron world

    Well I hadn't read about Duke Jalnar ir'Edar and so he's not in my player's guide. Now I just need to find a way to introduce him in my campaign, because it's an interesting canon story in Passage. Thanks for pointing him out to me. My first inclination was to make Leone Quital into Leone...
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    ZEITGEIST Converting Zeitgeist 5th edition to the Eberron world

    I've posted my newspaper for the first adventure in the newspaper thread so you could use that one for inspiration. I've made the duchess a cousin of Queen Aurala, so the family bond is still conform the original AP, although not as close. She's invited to the "inauguration" of the Coaltongue...
  20. R

    ZEITGEIST Zeitgeist Newspapers

    So I took your newspaper and edited it, to fit my Zeitgeist campaign set in the Eberron world. Thank you again for the inspiration and work. I send the newspaper to my players, and they all loved the newspaper. I received quite a few questions for the other pages, because they wanted to read...