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  1. Starfox

    AI in Gaming (a Poll) [+]

    A problem with using only files so old they are in the public domain to train AIs is that the AIs will then absorb the prejudices of that era.
  2. Starfox

    Pineapple Express: Someone Is Wrong on the Internet?

    This is the first time I've seen the word "cromulent". It seems to be close to the Swedish word "lagom". This is what Chat GPT had to say on the subject: While "lagom" and "cromulent" may seem similar in suggesting adequacy or appropriateness, "lagom" is a real word deeply rooted in Swedish...
  3. Starfox

    Revisiting AI as a GM Support Tool

    A recent use I have put Chat GPT to, not only when writing for RPGs, is as a dictionary. I have a tendency to not remember a certain word when I need it, particularly in English. My native language is Swedish. It can answer questions like "What was the name of the monster in Mary Shelley's...
  4. Starfox

    D&D General Druids and Path Dependency: Why the Scimitar Helps Illuminate D&D

    if you don't want druids to wield scimitars in your world, its very easy to change. What weapons druids use is a setting detail. The standard druid using them is implied setting - like the best armor being plate or wizards using spellbooks. Implied setting should stand down to actual setting.
  5. Starfox

    D&D General Druids and Path Dependency: Why the Scimitar Helps Illuminate D&D

    The problem is not hat a few spells can have economic impact. The problem is the lack of spells with an economic impact - and that the few ones that do have an impact become weird when not accompanied by many more that are made for the economy. Then again, when you look at the literature, it is...
  6. Starfox

    D&D General Druids and Path Dependency: Why the Scimitar Helps Illuminate D&D

    I'm extremely careful about the effect of spells and effects on the economy. D&D is written as a game for adventures, often in dungeons, and everything in the game is described from this point of view. Spells and effect that affect the economy are simply outside the scope of the game. A few...
  7. Starfox

    D&D 5E Introducing the Magical Farmer The Agriculturlaist

    I'm going to put on my editor cap and be pretty brutal here, but its all intended to help. These are pointers that accord with my sensibilities, not points of debate, take them or leave them as you like. Conceptually, I think this could be a ranger subclass. Its already quite similar...
  8. Starfox

    Grade the Forged in the Dark System

    Thanks! I really think this is genuine abandonware, in that the bunch of files is pretty chaotic - not organized for resale. :)
  9. Starfox

    Grade the Forged in the Dark System

    Looking for Wicked Ones to download, but my Google-Fu is not enough at this hour. Any tips?
  10. Starfox

    Grade the Forged in the Dark System

    Thanks! Does indeed sound cool. I agree BitD needs localization, and doing that right is quite tricky but can be really nice!
  11. Starfox

    D&D 5E Enhancing Vecna: Eve of Ruin *SPOILERS*

    "You heroes handle this yourselves despite us having mighty resources" is a common problem in adventurers, no gods required. I particularly remember a Cyberpunk adventure set in Japan that involved some large-scale weapons smuggling and a planned attack on the diet (parliament). Japan is...
  12. Starfox

    Grade the Forged in the Dark System

    This sound interesting. Can you give a short description? This is what I found googling: https://moth-lands.itch.io/moth-light
  13. Starfox

    Revisiting AI as a GM Support Tool

    I use AI in three ways. As a suggestions box. "Give me ten random encounters in situation X" As a secretary "Rewrite this text in the voice of X" or "Rewrite this at a lower reading level" As an image generator. This is fun, but the results are bad. It takes hundreds of generated images to...
  14. Starfox

    D&D 5E Enhancing Vecna: Eve of Ruin *SPOILERS*

    Oh, I'd ignore the reference to FR and place it entirely in Greyhawk. If the adventure makes this difficult, that is a point against it for me.
  15. Starfox

    D&D General How often do you complete a campaign as a player?

    As I GM I really aim for this and mostly succeed. As a player... well other GMs' ambitions are not the same.
  16. Starfox

    D&D General If you could be any D&D species in real life…

    When we suffered a TPK back in the early eighties, our DM let us reincarnate our characters as basically any creature we want. The other players chose Titan and Kirin, I choose Doppelganger (and got to keep my class features). The combination of reading minds and taking any humanoid form is...
  17. Starfox

    D&D 5E Enhancing Vecna: Eve of Ruin *SPOILERS*

    What I wonder about most is the mood and themes of the adventure. Is Vecna as a lord of secrets well represented? Does Vecna try to find the secret that will bend each of his opponent's to his will? I am also considering using the adventure as a continuation for my Kingmaker adventure path set...
  18. Starfox

    D&D General Diabetes in dnd

    I'll come with one of those depressing "this is a bad idea" posts. I'll just make my case, no need to discuss it unless you really want to. I have Type 2 diabetes IRL - tough it is not in an acute stage yet. The last thing I want is to play a diabetic in DnD or any other RPG. Then again, I did...
  19. Starfox

    D&D General Less is More: Why You Can't Get What You Want in D&D

    I feel that classes and subclasses don't really weigh the system down, as they only get into play if someone selects them. All classes and subclasses not chosen are effectively out of the game table. Yes, a DM may occasionally pick a class or subclass ability and add it to an NPC, but barely...
  20. Starfox

    D&D General Less is More: Why You Can't Get What You Want in D&D

    This is admirable. I find I rarely buy new products, it always takes time to learn which products I'm likely to like, and I don't read as fast or easy as I used to. So less shelfware than many here speak of, but it feels sad to walk trough the game stores at a game convention and finding nothing...