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  1. Ancalagon

    D&D 5E Hasbro CEO Chris Cocks Would Like To Explore Kara-Tur

    I hear Hiroyuki Sanada is pretty good
  2. Ancalagon

    D&D General How Do You Handle Falling Damage?

    I use the regular rules, but I very frequently adjust on the fly. Very large creatures use a bigger dice (a giant falling is bad). Flying tripped creatures take less (1d6/20 feet, as I rule they can slow down their fall somewhat). Landing on snow, granite? that will influence damage too.
  3. Ancalagon

    D&D General Reasons a haunted fallen technomage tower is still intact?

    there was a sideways tower in the kingmaker adventure...
  4. Ancalagon

    D&D General Getting The Gold Out of the Dungeon

    correct! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxhide_ingot
  5. Ancalagon

    D&D 5E The Dungeon Dudes Notch Up Another Million Dollar Kickstarter

    I've sung high praise of the Dungeon of Drakkenheim adventure , but I should note that elements of the 2nd books are also remarkable. They created a new class (the apothecary) which is sort of their take on an artificer. It's a short-rest int based "warlock style" spell caster, with a few...
  6. Ancalagon

    D&D General Getting The Gold Out of the Dungeon

    In another adventure, the party found tons of copper in oxide ingots. It worked out for the party as said party was looting the tomb of a city founder - on the city's behalf and the city minted all that copper into fat copper coins... (the recap, if anyone cares: "4: Grave Hunt: The scribe...
  7. Ancalagon

    D&D General Getting The Gold Out of the Dungeon

    I had an adventure hook where someone would trade their life for a valuable secret - the location of a large chunk (I mean : boulder) of purple jade. Bringing this boulder back to the metropolis would be a significant undertaking.
  8. Ancalagon

    D&D General Monastaries in dungeons and dragons

    Well... I did write an adventure that featured a monastery that was going to be robbed... https://slugsandsilver.blogspot.com/2022/05/the-defence-of-san-floria-short-glog.html
  9. Ancalagon

    D&D 5E Thoughts On The Meh 5E Adventures.

    The campaign is currently on pause due to the DM having health issues, but we were trying to infiltrate an important Obscurati meeting via soul swapping, I hope that helps? We were playing a PF1e game, and I had a level 11 elven Magus - expert at stealth, intimidation and doing tons of damage...
  10. Ancalagon

    D&D 5E Thoughts On The Meh 5E Adventures.

    I haven't praised Zeitgeist as much because I'm just a player in that game and it's hard for me to tell if it's the GM or the adventure that is stitching things together so well, but I've been pretty impressed by the experience!
  11. Ancalagon

    D&D 5E The Magical Martial

    Absolutely, a bunch of first level PCs could absolutely do this, OSR style (never, ever fight fair!) What I meant is one guy doing it by his lonesome with next to no prep.
  12. Ancalagon

    D&D 5E The Magical Martial

    A very good argument. It might be a way to balance it. A martial can do X "great deed" per level. The great hit (doing a ridiculous amount of damage in one blow). The taming of the monster. The impossible jump. The great run (think of Legolas, Gimli and Aragorn covering 135 miles in 72...
  13. Ancalagon

    D&D 5E The Magical Martial

    There is a possibility that I'm being misquoted/misremembered/misunderstood. I've been trying to point out that full casters' real power is not the damage they can do or the foes they can trap with a well place control spells. It's the impact they can have on the story, the plot, the world...
  14. Ancalagon

    D&D 5E The Magical Martial

    I like this. The mutagenist subclass has, on top of strong offence/defence, a high mobility. You get a +5 feet/spell slot level (and remember, warlock-style casting). So at level 9, my speed is 55 in hulk form. and my jump distances are doubled. It is such a good feeling being powerful...
  15. Ancalagon

    D&D 5E The Magical Martial

    I've been thinking about a way to quantify this. Ok, my PC can beat up a giant. So what, what's a giant anyway? We don't know. Ok, so how about this? How many town gards can my PC beat up before being killed? A melee fight, there is an infinite number of town guards surrounding me, and I'm...
  16. Ancalagon

    D&D 5E The Magical Martial

    This is not a post about gishes The other day in a game I play, my PC was forced in a duel vs a powerful NPC warrior. I won't bore you with the details, but I won - but I felt that perhaps I shouldn't have.1 This made me wonder "is my PC too powerful?". I have some power gamer tendencies...
  17. Ancalagon

    D&D 5E Thoughts On The Meh 5E Adventures.

    awesome! I don't want to derail this thread, but I hope we get to talk about it one day!
  18. Ancalagon

    D&D 5E Thoughts On The Meh 5E Adventures.

    I've been playing more attention to the "connective tissue" of adventures - and by adventures, I mean the campaigns that WotC have been releasing. A good story, fascinating setting and plot, great encounters - all important, all good. But a number of adventures are ... badly assembled...
  19. Ancalagon

    D&D General D&D AI Fail

    AI trained on AI data tends to do much worse - it increases hallucination and inaccuracies.
  20. Ancalagon

    TSR The Full & Glorious History of NuTSR

    as much as I think that Lanasa's judgement is ... poor... let's be fair here, it's very probable he was joking.