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Search results

  1. Voadam

    Undead Origins

    Hell Unleashed Pathfinder 1e Undead: ? Zombie: ? Zombie, Zombie Soldier: ? Lady Elarine, Bhuta, Undead Bhuta, Remains of Count Nys's Granddaughter, Unlikely Ally, Formiddable Foe: After the druid Tharl Grimull’s violet musk creeper annihilated the town, Lady Elarine arose as a bhuta, propelled...
  2. Voadam

    From free-range to back on the railroad--how to adjust?

    My experience in running adventure paths is to telegraph a little about the intended theme of the campaign and give characters an initial hook to build characters off of that ties into the adventure so they are consciously coming up with reasons to engage in the plot. When I ran the Freeport...
  3. Voadam

    D&D General Which Edition Had The Best Dragons?

    Also here is the original Dragonlance novel cover with the same Highlord Kitiara and the same blue dragon, Sky, with the same back pointing horns and no rhino horn. This one is an Elmore cover, the module was a Parkinson one.
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  5. Voadam

    Describe your last rpg session in 5 words

    Return of the Technomage Ghost
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  7. Voadam

    D&D 3E/3.5 3rd Edition Revisited - Better play with the power of hindsight?

    For the latter there were a few products designed to help with this. Foe Factory is one designed for the fairly compatible d20 Modern designed to quickly create NPC stat blocks that can be scaled up or down to provide challenges by including average party level as part of the stat block and...
  8. Voadam

    D&D 3E/3.5 3rd Edition Revisited - Better play with the power of hindsight?

    I played and DM'd 1e for a long time. I preferred the design in Pathfinder Beta more though where instead of 1e's fiddly tracking of minor things like a sorcerer's 1st level bloodline power being able to be used 3+ charisma modifier times per day for its little effect, you could just do them...
  9. Voadam

    D&D General Which Edition Had The Best Dragons?

    The core D&D monster book dragons were distinct and consistent in AD&D, but there was a lot of variation outside of them. For example here is the Black Dragon with its forward facing horns and prominent sail crest in the 1e MM, the 2e Monstrous Compendium I, and the 2e Monstrous Manual...
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  16. Voadam

    D&D General Which Edition Had The Best Dragons?

    It is from the cover of a 1e AD&D Dragonlance module. In 3.5 you can see this horn display for blue D&D dragons continue in Dragonlance with the cover for Knightly Orders of Ansalon and the art for the discussion on blues in Dragons of Krynn as well as in Takhisis's blue head.
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  18. Voadam

    D&D General Druids and Path Dependency: Why the Scimitar Helps Illuminate D&D

    I still do not know the narrative reason the nature domain provides a bonus proficiency in heavy armor as one of its specific nature powers for clerics. To emphasize more that they are not druids?
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  20. Voadam

    Undead Origins

    Heaven Unleashed Pathfinder 1e Undead: ? Twisted Undead Shade: The Kellid druids of that nation held off the demons until Shaorhaz, a vrolikai inquisitor of Cyth-V’sug, stepped forward to crush the druidic resistance. The last surviving druids retreated to Spiral Hill and unleashed a flood of...