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  1. F

    D&D General Time to divide loot, treasure, items….

    So in every adventuring party there is that moment when tangible rewards of encounters get divided out. What are methods your party is using currently? Do you keep a separate share for group funds or everyone pays their own and loot divided out equally without a separate party fund? Suppose...
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    D&D General Need conceptual abilities/spells/powers that reflect balance

    While important questions, don’t worry about level or edition etc. I know my players well enough to work out scaling. that said, narratively I’ve written myself in to a corner: 12 villains, pseudo representing the 12 western zodiac (Aries, cancer, Gemini, etc.) each each expressing a trait...
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    D&D General Suggestions for Rooms in an Adventurers Guild HQ

    In my game the PCs are about to come in to the inheritance of a Adventurer's Guild Headquarters. Because the location will feature prominently through the campaign going forward, I wanted give it some thought..... What types of rooms should be in this headquarters? my brainstormed list so far...
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    Dungeons and dragons cartoon from 80s

    People may already know this but didn’t notice it posted on a quick glance so figured I’d mention it apparently WotC at twitch.tv/dnd has been playing the d&d cartoon , all episodes in one long stream since yesterday And repeating play (but also now it’s in the past play video section if you...
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    D&D 5E Brainstorming voltron-like concept

    I’m just kicking around an idea for something... And I’m fishing around for ideas or obstacles that I might not be considering. for the purpose of explaining I’m going to use a close approximation of the situation for the sake of simplifying (imagine voltron or power rangers or such) The...
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    The Invincible (amazon prime series)

    The invincible, first three episodes dropped on Amazon prime Brief series concept: superhero themed. One of the world hero’s has a son who is just learning to use his powers as he wants to be a defender of the planet, like his dad... I’m unfamiliar with the original source material so don’t...
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    Resident Alien ( Alan Tudyk, syfy channel)

    Hadnt seen any discussion on the new show but figure it doesn’t have a lot of buzz in general so thought I’d toss this out there in case others are watching it. (premise for those not familiar, Alan tudyk (best known as Wash from Firefly) plays an alien that crash landed near a small town in...
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    Baldur’s Gate 3 (early access, aka beta testing)

    BG3 released today for early access (aka beta testing) for just the first chapter of the game. anyone decided to buy? If so, what’s the experience been like? I’ve never bought a game at early access before, and frankly, I don’t like the idea of paying now for a testing product for however...
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    D&D 4E 4e need ideas for in-game luck mechanics

    My players stay out. Trying to keep background minimal, but the short version is: the PCs (epic level) are about to venture in an area that is a manifestation of energy created by luck. While _players_ deal with luck in terms of die rolls, I am trying to think of a good 'environmental...
  10. F

    House ruling-giving feats an organization prereq

    I'm toying with an idea, just tossing it out there in case there is some factor I'm overlooking.... What if I allowed feats but I gave each feat the requirement of being a member of an in world organization as well as a certain renown level within the organization? This assumes of course...
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    Ideas for a corrupt but liked ruler

    I'm brainstorming a plot idea but I'm running in to a small but crucial snag so thought I'd tap the hivemind here. the pcs are going to be at their hometown and are basically starting the underground revolution to bring down the ruler. The ruler however, has a great public face and is liked by...
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    D&D 5E 101 campaign premises

    In a couple sentences what is the basic premise of your current campaign or campaign that you fondly remember... It's a chance to brag and offer inspiration to other DMs! 1. Ten dangerous criminals have escaped from prison. The PCs each have a personal connection to one of the escapees and...
  13. F

    ideas for infiltrating or getting info on a crime syndicate?

    My players stay out. You hear me? My players stay out. So... the PCs are on the verge of needing to infiltrate a crime syndicate and need to find and confront its leader. So far all I have in mind is a very difficult skills challenge as a way to narrate/abstractly go through the...
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    Dragon age inquisition (no spoilers)

    So, what race and class and gender and difficulty level? Anything fun that you found that you want to share but put it in spoiler tags.... For me, playing human, Mage, male, on normal difficulty. As for amusing bits for me, I'm finding iron Bulls personality more smudging than I thought I...
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    D&D 5E What classes getting used at your table?

    Just curious, what classes have you seen played at your table with the intent of it being a regular campaign ( rather than a one shot or play test) .... Not counting any pregens, wondering what was purely player driven creation. I've been seeing certain trends in the groups I play with and was...
  16. F

    What Fall TV Premiers are you excited for?

    So, what NEW fall TV shows are people excited for? I don't follow the entertainment news so I am trying to see what I should check out and set my DVR for ...
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    D&D 5E Building a character for Adventure League - questions

    I'm making a character to try an Adventure League game (D&D Expeditions). Could questions .... 1) Is "Customizing your Background" in the PHB considered a "variant" (and therefore not allowed since it isn't mentioned in the Adventure League Guide) or is it core/allowed in the Adventure League...
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    Legend of korra book 3

    I didn't see a thread for this apologies if it is a duplicate.. But anyone catch the korra book 3 premier last week ( I just saw it in my Dvr), it had the first 3 episodes. For some reason I'm enjoying it more than book 2 so far.
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    Northern Virginia (Arlington) 4e group seeks players for new campaign

    Our group is seeking new players to join us as we start a new campaign in the New Year. We will be using the Dungeons and Dragons Fourth Edition rules set tailored to a home-spun setting. As it will be the start of a new campaign, now is a great time to jump in. Expert knowledge of the rules...
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    firefox help

    Not a ENWorld problem exactly, but it only happens on ENWorld, so I thought I would ask if anyone had some ideas that might help point me in the right direction. I normally/always use Firefox (7.0.1 is what i'm using now). But for approx the past 2 weeks, when using Enworld firefox chokes...