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  1. Cergorach

    Some news posts don't work: Oops! We ran into some problems.

    Regarding: News items on the front page. I've seen this the last couple of days on a few posts, thought it might be a temporary thing, but it doesn't seem to be the case, when I try to open the following link in a new tab, I get and error...
  2. Cergorach

    The overflowing bookcases...

    Maybe this sounds familiar? You've been in RPGs/Wargaming for a LONG time (~35 years in my case) and your collection has been growing over the years, you've moved to a larger place, more space for your hobby, etc. But eventually that abundant space fills up again... You start stacking books in...
  3. Cergorach

    News article images

    Link to Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/montecookgames/numenera-liminal-shores That's useful information to have in a news article (a link to the source)... A side note: The first image is tiny, if you click on it, it wants you to login. When your logged in, the size of the...
  4. Cergorach

    How I wished virtual tabletop programs for D&D/PF would look and work: Card Hunter

    I'm a daily watcher of the YouTube episodes made by Total Biscuit (everything except Terraria that is). And today he showed the footage and comments he took at PAX 2012 for the game called 'Card Hunter': ? WTF Is... - Card Hunter [Direct Feed] (PAX Edition) ? - YouTube And while the game itself...
  5. Cergorach

    [PC] Planetary Annihilation (KS), when being an Evil Overlord just isn't enough

    Planetary Annihilation is an upcoming PC game funded by a Kickstarter campaign. It's the spiritual successor to Total Annihalation and Supreme Commander (and built by many of the folks that worked on those titles. It's a large scale RTS. You play a 'Commander' (think big robot/Mech) who has to...
  6. Cergorach

    Reaper Dark Heaven Bones (cheap unpainted plastics)

    Reaper miniatures have release a new line of miniatures called "Dark Heaven Bones", these are cheap unpainted plastics. These are the unpainted versions of their prepainted plastic series, currently only 12 product codes. These are not your regular GW plastics, but a thougher kind, that doesn't...
  7. Cergorach

    Pathfinder 1E How is Paizo with updating their core pdf rule books?

    Paizo prices their core rulebooks in pdf extremely well ($9.99), but I would like to know, how well do they keep these pdfs updated with errata, do you get an e-mail that a new version of the pdf is available with the errata integrated in the rules? Or do you have to make due with a separate...
  8. Cergorach

    Out of game health related posts in General RPG Discussions

    Dear Enworld, I would like to request that posts that are related to the health of members of the community/business to be restricted to the more appropriate forum of "Off Topic forum currently named 'Embiggen'". Not only is that the most appropriate forum imho, but it also gives us folks that...
  9. Cergorach

    Black Library novels (warhammer fantasy/40k)

    I recently finished reading the Honor Harrington series, before that I read the Vorkosigan saga, before that the first ten books of The Destroyer series (even I can't read all 115 in one go ;-). Thus without something to read, I looked at the Black Library books, mostly because of my renewed...
  10. Cergorach

    4E Battlemaps and semi realistic buildings?

    Hi there, 4E encounters require more room (to stay interesting) then 3.5E encounters did, that's what I read on the web and in the DMG. What I see of the new adventures, this seems quite true. The guidelines I saw in the DMG aren't that great (very generic), does anyone have any guidelines to...
  11. Cergorach

    Pathfinder 1E [Pathfinder] Rise of the Runelords are there images of the coins for the setting?

    I want to use props for my new campaign (4E Rise of the Runelords), one of those props are actual metal coins the players can hold in their hands. I've seen some impresive coins on ebay that aren't as expensive as some of the more common alternatives (100gp + 140sp => €85+ euro inc. shipping and...
  12. Cergorach

    The strange death of WEG

    There were good reasons why Dana was banned from ENworld...
  13. Cergorach

    How profitable is D&D 4E for a retailer?

    I just stumbled onto a thread that talked about the 'uber' cheapness of the new 4E D&D core books and gift set at certain German retailers. I was quite surprised about how cheap the books were and thought that the suggested retail price was far higher, I was quite right. I dug around some more...
  14. Cergorach

    Terry Pratchetts - The Colour of Magic [2008]

    I stumbled upon this by accident, and because I started reading the book (for the second time) last week, I watched it. Actually pretty fun, not 100% true to the book, they cut and modified a lot. Obviously due to time restraints and budgetary considerations. For example the Trolls in the tavern...
  15. Cergorach

    Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles S01E06 - Dungeons & Dragons

    i just had a jaw dropping moment while looking at the episode planning for the Terminator TV series, episode six is called "Dungeons & Dragons", it's planned to air on the 18th of February. http://www.tv.com/terminator-the-sarah-connor-chronicles/show/68708/episode_listings.html?tag=subtabs;list
  16. Cergorach

    Flash Gordon after 19 episodes, Good or Not?

    A lot of folks where sceptical or disappointed after the first few episodes of Flash Gordon. What's your opinion of the series after 19 episodes? A lot of complaints were of Flash jumping between Earth and Mongo a lot, this seems to be a lot less (episode 19 was spent entirely on Mongo by...
  17. Cergorach

    D&D 4E 4E new opportunity resurrect your gaming group?

    If what I've read on these boards and my own experience on the matter is any indication, then there are quite a few folk that have stopped playing 3(.5)E, some have moved on to other systems (such as True20 and C&C), others have stopped all together (I am one of those). Is 4E an...
  18. Cergorach

    White Wolf and CCP merge...

    Whoa! Read this: http://www.white-wolf.com/index.php?line=news&articleid=629 White Wolf: Known from their Vampire RPG (+ whole World of Darkness universe) and a boatload of D20 material. CCP: makers of a semi-popular MMORPG (Multiplayer Massive Online RPG) called Eve-Online. Resulting in: A...
  19. Cergorach

    Accurate and time saving monster/npc tool...

    I'm looking for a monster/npc tool that is (in order of importance): 1. Accurate 2. Time saving 3. Custom output 4. Custom datasets Things that would be nice: - SRD included - Cross platform - Open source What i need it for: Someone like John Cooper shouldn't have to pick out so many number...
  20. Cergorach

    Basic D&D/D20 setting: Single vs. multiple Pantheons

    The basis of every campaign world are the forces that made and shaped it: the gods, their servants, and followers. I feel inspired and am in the creative mood to start writing a 'new' campaign world, nothing new there, but there's a twist... I need it to follow the following guidelines: 1...